Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

wolf-garcia ...

Pleeeze!!! Don't diminish the size of the fuse I sent mapman. The appendage I sent was 1.25 inches and not the paltry "half-inch" you alluded to. We Italians are sensitive to such things.  :-)

Nice to see your humor in the thread, wolf. 

geoffkait ...

Nope, no instructions, no arrows. You just put it in and let the equipment tell you what's best. 

By the way .... I'm getting sound from records now that I never thought I'd ever hear. If you have a phono stage that takes a fuse, be sure to put a SR Black fuse in there. Here's the deal ... the AT ART-9, for the price of a $120 fuse  has gained at least $1000 in sound quality. No joke. 
David ... ^^^

Nice! I wish I could have been there with you.  I  have a similar experience from time to time.

A local church has a quarterly event featuring our town's symphony orchestra playing concertos with our very best youth musicians. These kids range in age from 12 to 17. They are amazing. My friend and fellow audiophile/record collector, Robert and I, attend these events together. We always sit in the front row right between the piano and string section. Oh, those massed strings!!  And the weight of the piano!!

In several postings in this thread I've alluded to how "relaxed" the system has become due to the SR Black fuses ... much like live music. Well ... its this live orchestra experience that I'm talking about. While everything is more detailed, it is so in a very palatable, organic way. There is no longer a "cringe factor," so to speak.  

On the youth musicians ... Can you imagine a 12-year-old kid who cannot reach the petals on the piano playing Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" so well that your friend leans over to you as says: "I'm going to throw every recording I have of this work away. I've just heard the ultimate version!" Twelve years old ... and a total knock out performance.  

Life is good, David.   :-)

r_f_sayles ...

Nice post.  What's so astounding is how much stock fuses degrade the sound of our equipment. SR has hit on something big with these fuses. Your above post just about says it all.

On the vocals ... I listened to a recording of the Norman Luboff choir's "But Beautiful" last night with the Black fuse in the phono amp.

This is one of my reference records. Its lushness just comes over you in waves. There is a female soloist just to the left and behind the right speaker. As improvements have been made to the system, her voice has incrementally become more and more distinct. Well, last  night she became a featured performer for the very first time. With the placement of the SR Black fuse in the phono amp, I have a brand new record collection. Just uncanny. 

rspyder ...

I've heard the REF-10 on numerous occasions. A fabulous line stage to be sure. 

I have a SR Red fuse in my REF 75 SE. soon to be replaced with a SR Black fuse. 

What I thought to be a grain free amp was brought to a whole new level with the Red fuse. As I said in an earlier post, if you have a REF-75, you haven't heard what the amp is capable of until you change out the fuse for the SR fuse. But why stop with the Red fuse when the Black fuse would take you to a whole different level? 

I don't see why the REF-10 would be any different than the REF-75. The results should be the same if not even better. I suspect that the more revealing your equipment is in the first place, the better the results will be. And ... as you know very well, the REF-10 is REVEALING in a big way. Fantastic piece of gear. 

Take advantage of the 30 day trial period and give it a go. But please report the results here. I'll bet it'll be really, really great. 
holydio ... 

I haven't tried the WA chips on the SR Black fuses. I only tried them on the SR Red fuses. According to SR, the Black fuses have a coating on the exterior of the fuse and if the WA chips are used on them they will degrade the sound of the fuses. 
mapman ...

You can bet that there are those of us who are waiting with baited breath for your assessment of the fuse. I had it in my REF-3 with really good results over the HiFi Tuning fuse that preceded it. Keep in mind that the SR Black fuse blows (no pun intended) what I sent you away.  :-)
mapman ...

Please don't take this the wrong way --- no offense is intended. I just find personality types to be very interesting ...and understanding each personality type and the combination of personality types is crucial to my success in business.  After all, I am in the people business. 

As a person who has earned  his living as a 100% commissioned salesman for over 50 years, I've always found the personality type of the engineer, and others of that mindset, to be interesting to say the least. The analysis paralysis syndrome suffered by most of engineering mentality must be hell.

Not dissing engineers here at all. Those who measure 100 times before cutting once are the folks who keep our water running clean, the electro-power plants running ... and airplanes from crashing. 

Mapman ... Just stick the new fuse into the fuse holder and enjoy the damned thing already.  *lol*

I hope you enjoy it, mapman. 

Take care ...
mapman ...

I love what I do. In order to do it successfully, one needs the personality traits of a salesman. Compared to engineers ... we are totally nutz!!  And you are absolutely correct in that its hell for the wife of an engineer at times .. BUT, every person with an engineering mindset that I've done business with has provided very well for their retirement future and that of their spouses as well through meticulous planning. Salesmen? .... "Hey ... we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."  *lol*

I sincerely hope the new fuse works out for you mapman. 

geoffkait ...

Abated breath?? :-)
^^^ Very interesting mapman.

We both use ARC gear and yet we've gotten two different results. Could it be that the fuse I sent you was out of the system for weeks before I sent it ... and perhaps it needs to "settle in" further??

The difference for me was huge right from the first fuse that went into the REF-3. So much so that it prompted me to start this entire thread.

I ended up re-fusing the entire system with the SR Red fuses and the result was a very significant overall improvement in every way.  Then, as I convert each piece of equipment over to the SR Black fuses, each fuse blew away the previous Red fuse. Go figure. 

Why not leave the fuse in place for awhile. Maybe it needs to be re-broken in???
joncourage ...

I'm happy that you've gotten your problem resolved. With that said, I'd like to address your last post. 

1.  " The odds that a $10,000 amp is flaky (one of your statements) are pretty low but it’s a base I covered."  

If you reread my post, I did not refer to your amp as being "flaky." I used the term "noncompliant." 

2.  I didn't "lecture" you about anything. My response wasn't directed to you at all. It was in response to another poster who accused me of being associated with SR. 

3.  Reread the post you alluded to. You will find that I never called you a troll. 

4.  Its true that I didn't think this was the proper place/thread to file a complaint about a supplier. I felt the proper action was to complain to SR directly. I did that for you via SR's Facebook page. The result was an offer from SR to make your fuse dilemma right for you. I reported that back here so that you could take the proper action. Evidently it worked out for you. Perhaps doing you a favor somehow offended you?? 

5.  Please point out where I have "condemned" and/or "undermined your integrity."  

6. I am 77 years old. I started selling when I was 8 years old. But then I don't doubt for one second that I am "no more experienced in the business world than you"  *lol*

Look, my intent in this post isn't to start a pissing contest with you. This is all about fun for me. I love the audio hobby. I love the end result, and that is to get us closer to the live event. But with that said, you have completely blown what I said way out of proportion and taken offense where none was intended. What do I do now ... just say "I'm sorry" for going to bat for you with SR? You tell me. 

In the meantime .... happy listening.
joncourage ...

No harm, no foul. :-)

Let's just agree to attempt to get the most out of our audio systems by helping each other, along with the other members here, to get closer to that which we love ... music reproduced in our home that is as close to the live performance as we can ... depending upon the depths of our pockets of course, and our willingness to remain open minded to various tweaks, lotions, Voodoo and other weird stuff.

Looking forward to your assessments of the topic at hand ... the SR fuses. 

Take care ...  
audiolover ...

Wow! Your description is dead on as to what my results have been. Isn't it interesting that "bassdude" and I have the same preamp (ARC REF-3), and yet we've gotten completely different results.

The first fuse I tried was an SR Red in the preamp. I was blown away by the results. Then, two days later I had my friend Robert over for a listen, not telling him about the fuse. All he knew was that I had made "some kind of improvement to the system." I left it up to him to guess what the improvement was. He guessed new cables, tube rolling, magic dust. When I told him it was an after market fuse upgrade, he wouldn't believe me until I showed him the box the fuse came in. He's a definite believer in the SR Fuses now ... and he is pretty much anti-tweaks and a real critic. 

I thought geoffkait's Tice Clock story was interesting. I've spent an inordinate amount of time and money eliminating micro vibrations in my system. I'm thinking that that may have something to do with the outstanding results I'm getting from the fuses. The system was already (I thought) a very high resolution system. The upgrade to the SR Black fuses have brought me to the level you are experiencing. 

Perhaps you're right in your assessment of moving the fuses in and out to make a-b comparisons. I'm hoping that mapman will leave the fuse in place for at least 50 hours before he gives up on it. It wouldn't surprise me if his fuse needs to break in all over again as it sat on my shelf for several weeks before I sent it off to him. 

Al ... I have to say, you make this site very interesting indeed. Love reading your technical explanations. I don't understand it all ... but I do pick up some of it. I'm terrible at building stuff ... but I can sell the bejeezus out of it. *lol*

Crazy stuff for sure ...
^^^ Excellent question, sgordon1. 

According to Warren Gehl at ARC, the position of the fuse in rotation does indeed affect the sound. Now that you've reminded me of that little factoid, we all have more work to do. :-)

wolf-garcia ...

Did those shots come from the "grassy knoll?" Was Jack Ruby really a CIA agent?? Is this entire thread is an experiment in cult development???
Mapman ...

I'm convinced that the more highly resolving the system, the more impact these little fuses make. Are you noticing while listening to your Ohm 5 system that instruments have a more tactile organic presentation? Are you finding yourself more immersed into the music than is usually the case? Are you finding yourself listening to entire recordings/CD/vinyl/high-rez downloads, instead of jumping around from recording to recording and/or cut to cut? 
As a person who has been immersed in commissioned sales most of his life, I never rely on logic. Its all seat of the pants for me. With that said, its amazing how one can acquire a sixth sense for reading people.

Mapman ...

If you decide to keep the fuse, you don't owe me anything. I intended it to be a gift ... and that's what I want it to be. If, on the other hand, you don't decide to keep it, just return it and I'll gift it to another friend. BUT ... please, stop moving it in and out of your system. Just keep in in there for at least 50 to 100 hours to re-break it in. I suspect that it laid dormant too long to sound correct right out of the box.

By the way, the Black fuses and the level three SR Atmosphere power cords have finally reached the point of break-in where the tonal balance and organic sense of instruments are really sounding correct now.  My friend Robert came over for dinner and a listening session last night and he raved about both the food and the music. The food? My home made Mexican    albondigas soup. Yum. Keep in mind that Robert is a real cynic and will tell you in a heartbeat if something doesn't sound right in your system. 

Happy listening ... 
Would someone pass the Jalapeno peppers.  I want to put one on my cheese Enchilada.  

In the meantime ... the abundant amounts of  Graphene now living in my audio system is mighty tasty. :-)
David ...

Sorry to hear about your brother. Hope he improves with treatment. 

On the Dowling lute music ... Harmoni Mundi, right? Lovely recordings to be sure.
I was on another audiophile site last night and mentioned that I was getting good results now that my new SR power cords have broken in. As a result, I was subjected to ridicule with the members saying that I bought into snake oil and that there is no difference in cables. I asked the main culprit to list his equipment. He has his speakers up against the wall and driving everything with a Pioneer receiver. Mid-Fi at best. He said that he had visited this SR fuse thread and thought it was all BS too. I asked him if he had come to that assessment after trying the fuses in his system. As yet, he hasn't answered. "Crickets." 
I've come to the realization that the most rewarding aspect to this site is the new friends that one makes ... and especially those who are in it for the love of music. 
Charles ...

Knowing your taste in music, you're going to love that CD. I have in on vinyl, but I have others by O'Dette on CDs. 

After reading David's post re: lute music, I got out a few lute CDs for my listening session last night. All of the ones I have are on the Harmoni Mundi label. What terrific recordings! In the room!

PNW ... Oh, okay I get it. Yep, I lived/worked in Oregon in 1999-2000. I acquired the handle "oregonpapa" while working there ... and communicating with my daughters via Email. Oregon is a very beautiful place; water everywhere ... including a lot falling from the sky. A LOT falling from the sky. I made the discovery while there as to why the Oregonians named the capital of the state "Salem." Its because people don't drive cars there .... they salem.  :-)


1. If the maker of the SR Black fuse makes a 90% profit ... good for him. He is selling the Black fuse for $120.00. I think, based upon the result given, its worth the money in trade. He wants my $120.00 and I want the fuse. Both parties walk away from the table feeling as though they got a fair shake. That's capitalism. 

2.  I have used stock fuses throughout my system. I changed all the fuses for the HiFi Tuning fuses. Result? A total improvement in all areas. Then, I changed the fuses for the SR Red fuses. A huge improvement in all areas. Now, I'm in the process of changing out the Reds for the Blacks. So far, three components have been changed out. The results? Mind boggling. 

3.  If anyone is experiencing leanness, brightness, diffuseness AFTER 100 hours on the Black fuse, check the direction of the fuse. If you have it in the wrong way, the system will sound as though its out of phase. It will still give you certain improvements over the Red fuses, but turn the fuse around for the maximum effect.

Just sayin' ....

wolf-garcia ...

As I've said before, I really enjoy your sense of humor. Once again you had me laughing at the prospect that you consider the SR Black fuses to be "Voodoo" without experiencing them yourself. So ... I call your "Voodoo" nothing but "DooDoo."  :-)

Talking about Ben Webster and Lester Young ... Last night I dug deep into the vinyl vault and came up with an old  mono recording on the "Jazztone" label that I've had in the collection since the 1950's. These were compilation recordings featuring a combo of jazz players. Well ... there they were, Lester Young and Chu Berry.

With the combination of the AT ART-9, the SR Level 3 power cords and the SR Black fuses now resting comfortably in the system, these mono recordings are quite exhilarating and emotionally connecting.

How anyone can deny the positive influence of the Graphene technology and the way SR applies it is beyond me. Look, at my (I hate to admit it) advanced age, and according to a test record I have, I cannot hear above 10,000 cycles. All else in the hearing being okay, even I can hear the improvements these products provide. I'm eternally grateful that 90% of what we get out of our systems comes to us in the form of the mid-range.  

And just to ramble on (advanced age, remember?) ... i'm not sure its important for anyone in our hobby to hear beyond 10,000 cycles anyway. I can still hear quite clearly a softly struck triangle in the back of an orchestra. Is there anything I'm missing? 

Dear wolf-garcia ... take the plunge young man.  Try one of the SR Black fuses. Thirty-day return policy, right? Nothing to lose, right? 

gakman ..

You made my night. Thanks for posting. :-) 

Now back to the vinyl vault ... more Lester Young to come. 


 "Hey, my favorite overposter is back and rested.  You go girl!"

The laugh of the night! :-)

I had the HiFi Tuning fuses in the system prior to changing them out for the SR Reds.

The 60 day trial on the HiFi tuning fuses IS twice a good at the SR trial period ... BUT the SR Red fuses are at least twice as good as the HiFi Tuning fuses. 

The SR Black fuses blow the whole shebang down the tubes. 

Charles ... You're right. I'm done trying to convince the naysayers. It's akin to trying to convince Rappers to listen to Bebop or straight ahead jazz. Or akin to turning a dyed in the wool Justin Beiber  fan on to Sarah Vaughn. 



wolf ... people you don't trust? Like who, for example? The folks at highend-electronics are completely trustworthy. Highly recommended.

The break-in time for me with the Black fuses came at around 70 hours ... not hundreds of hours.

You don't need to re-fuse your entire system to hear what the Black fuse does. Just replace one fuse in one component. You'll hear certain improvements right away ... but the most significant results will be attained after the 70 hours. Do you have a CD player? If so, just put the fuse in there and run it on repeat 24/7 for three days, then take a listen. 

It really doesn't matter HOW SR treats the fuses, its the end results that count. Hey, I don't care if they scoured the Amazonian jungles to find the very Shaman who concocted the jungle juice that coats the fuses, or if they climbed to the higher regions of the Alps to find the fairy that has the magic dust that's sprinkled over the fuses. It doesn't matter. Only the music matters. 

With a 30 day return policy, how can you go wrong???
The key to sucess (and wealth) is to help as many people get what THEY want first. If one does that, then one gets what one wants almost every time in return.  Another old adage ... "Money is nothing more than a scoreboard reflection of one's service to others."  
wolf-garcia ...

You remind me of my son-in-law who wouldn't try smoked oysters because "he just knew they tasted awful." He denied himself of the pleasurable taste of smoked oysters for years. In fact, on one occasion he actually accused me of being on the payroll of an oyster processing plant.

One summer afternoon at a family get-together, and a number of beers later, I finally coaxed him to try "just one little oyster on a cracker."  He's been a believer in smoked oysters ever since.  

Needfreestuff ...

At around 70 hours things will really start to open up and tickle your ear drums. Hang in there ...
R_F_Sayles ...

Like you, I'm astounded at the improvement in my system brought about by the SR fuses and power cords.

 A fellow audiophile friend, whose hearing I really trust, made the comment the other night during a listening session that the tonality of the instruments was "dead nutz on."  That, in my opinion is the ultimate test in an audio system. When the instruments sound "right," then its time to start thinking about sound stage width and depth. And, with that said, the instrument we are most familiar with is the human voice. Get that right ... and all else falls into place. 

I find it very interesting that so many of us are getting astounding results from the SR fuses ... and yet, there are the few who get nothing out of them at all. I understand the skepticism though. Early on in this thread I made the statement that I've been burned before by tweaks that didn't work ... and if it hadn't been for the 30 day return policy, I wouldn't have tried the first SR Red fuse that I bought.  I'm so glad I did. I can't think of any other tweak I've tried in over 40 years in the hobby that has made such an outstanding improvement in the system. I've made similar improvements but its always involved major upgrades in equipment. A case in point was when I replaced my ARC SP-14 with the ARC REF-3. Or the ARC Classic 60 replaced with the REF-75. Those were major improvements, but not more so than upgrading to the SR fuses and power cords.  Why there are those who cannot hear the improvements is beyond me. A mystery to be sure. 

Charles ... 

Did you get the Kapsberger/Dowling lute CD yet?? 
geoffkait ...

  "Well, for one thing that’s not really skepticism ..."

I was referring to those who "know" the fuses don't work without even trying them. 

   "Just curious, which tweaks did you try that didn’t work for you, that you felt burned by?"  

1.  Green paint for CD's.  Black paint for CD's.
2.  Tice Clock.
3.  Don't recall the name, but a black box with a power cord attached that when plugged into any outlet was supposed to lower the noise floor. It did absolutely nothing. 
4.  After market turntable mat that did  nothing except slow the speed of the turntable motor. 
5.  CD mat ... no change.
6. After market jumper cables for the speakers that actually degraded the sound. 
7. ... more and more ... :-)

    " I can certainly understand the melodrama ..."

Melodrama? What melodrama? I'm just chronicling my experiences with the SR fuses. Geeze, Louise ... if you want to see melodrama, read the posts from some of the naysayers who haven't tried the fuses. *lol* 

    " It happens with cables, it happens with power cords, it happens with Mpingo discs, it happens with CD treatments, with demagnetizers, with contact enhancers and it happens with it happens with fuses."
With the exception of Mpingo discs, I have tried everything else above. Some were busts and some were major improvements. Some that worked were the result of trial and error. An example ... I've tried a number of contact enhancers and CD treatments. One contact enhancer gave an improvement initially but then eventually dulled the sound. It was a real bear to get it off of the RCA plugs and tube pins. Now, I just use Caig Red and Gold. Works great. After much trial and error, I've settled on a CD treatment formulated by a friend, the contents of which, he keeps close to the vest. For a solution to clean records on my VPI 16.5, I make my own. Its better than anything I've tried in the commercial products and it costs only pennies to make up a gallon of solution.  Oh, years ago, I bought a VCR tape demagnetizer from Radio Shack. I treat every CD with it after cleaning with my friend's CD cleaning solution. It really takes the digital edge off of the CD's that need it. They sound much more analog like after the treatment. 

And yes ... the direction of the fuse makes all the difference. Like going from a system that's out of phase, to one that brings you to a new level of resolution and musical enjoyment.  With all of that said, the SR fuses are such a revelation in my system, that I find it really hard to imagine that they don't work in every application. I suspect that the user isn't letting the fuse break in ... or that the system has some other problem attached to it.

On the other hand, there are those who find a really great single malt Scotch to be unpalatable, or are completely oblivious to a glorious rainbow or a beautiful sunset. To each his own ...

Take care ...

Years ago, I had an audio salesman try to talk me into a solid state amp and trading in the tube amp I was using at the time. He made the claim that what I was listening to in the tube amp was "distortion." My reply to him was ... "well, if that's distortion, give me more distortion." 

If the SR fuses and power cords are "Voodoo," then PLEASE, give me more Voodoo.  :-)
wolf-garcia ...

Only you would have taken the time to do the math.  More important is how many in the hobby have improved their systems by what we have posted here. SR has linked this thread to their Facebook page and its gone international. If you'll take the time to notice, we are almost at 60,000 views. I don't know the number of course, but I'll bet that SR has sold thousands of their Red and Black fuses as a result of this thread. And I say, based upon the result obtained, MORE POWER TO THEM.  

Now then wolf-garcia ... what say you?????
wolf-garcia ...

Your point is well taken. I've come to the conclusion, based upon your last post, that you've arrived at your opinion based upon your FAITH that you know the SR fuses won't work in your system. Thanks, I get it  now.  :-)

PS: to arrive at the correct percentage figure, just divide my 190 posts and Charles' 173 posts by 60,000.  

r_f_sayles ...

I used a pair of  Atma-Sphere OTL 60 watters for a couple of years in my system. They were way under powered for the application ... driving a pair of Acoustat  IV electrostatic panels.  A mid-range to die for, I must say ... and very tonally correct. Very musical as well. I also had the opportunity to hear Ralph's various pre-amps in the same system. Lovely, to say the least.  I would love to hear Ralph's amps on a pair of Harbeth's. I'll bet that would be a great match. 
Talking about room treatments ... The four Shatki Holograms I have in the room were a major improvement. Without them, the sound stage collapses. I wouldn't want to be without them in the system.
wolf-garcia  ....

All I'm thinking about at this point is your illogical  conclusions in your attempt at being logical and rational. 

If there is a "hyper promotion vibe" in this thread, its there because of the great things these fuses, especially the Black fuses, have done for the vast majority of those posting here.  What you are calling a "hyper promotion vibe," is nothing more than the overwhelming enthusiasm being expressed by appreciative users of these fuses. 

If you're looking for logic and a basis in reality, here's your logic and basis in reality for you .... 99 out of 100 users say that this product has worked for them. Many have said that the results have been outstanding. These are not Johnny-come-lately audiophiles saying this stuff. On the contrary, most of us posting here have been in the hobby for many years. Over 40 years for me. And, if you would take the time to read this thread from the beginning, you'll discover that we know our music and we know our sound systems. 

There is no "club." Just a bunch of happy customers spreading the word. And much to my delight, the thread has turned out to be a bunch of guys engaging enjoying a positive camaraderie with newly found friends, all pursuing a common interest, and that is better reproduced music in our homes.  

Are the fuses expensive? Well that depends upon one's perspective. Personally, for the results obtained in MY system, I'd say they are worth more than the asking price. Now then, they may cost a few pennies to produce ... but that's not the relevant issue here. The issue is, does the end consumer consider the product to be worth the $120.00 shelled out for the fuse ... and is the seller happy to part with the fuse for $120.00. As long as both parties (buyer and seller) feel they got a fair shake, then that's a fair deal. Its the way free markets work. 

On you "parting with money" .... So far you haven't spent a dime, nor would you have to if you're not satisfied with the product. That's what the 30 day trial is all about. 

Okay, at your suggestion I've thought about it ... it is a fuse ... just a fuse. But what if I told you that these fuses have given me more benefit relevant to improving the sound in my system than four Shatki Holograms at  $1,500 a pair? Or a bigger improvement than going from KT-120s to KT-150's in my amp at $100.00 each? Or a bigger improvement than upgrading my amp from a RE-75 to a REF-75-SE? Would you believe me? You should, because its true.

Please don't confuse anything I've written here as an attempt to get you to try the SR Fuses. What you try and what you don't try is of no interest to me at all at this point. Its very evident that when it comes to the fuses, you are in possession of a mind that is slammed shut. What a shame. You could be getting a hell of a benefit for the outlay of $120.00 for a tweak that if spent elsewhere in your system would COST YOU 20 TIMES AS MUCH.  
Take care ... 
David ...

Looking forward to meeting you at Newport. I'm planning on spending considerable time in the SR room. I want to hear all of their new products. Have you had the opportunity to here the effects of the XOT Carbon crossover transducers yet? That's a product I'm really curious about. 

I'm listening to the  David Leisner CD downloaded from Spotify as I write this. Two of my favorite instruments ... guitar & cello. Thanks for the recommendation David. It sounds really good through my Audioengine 2+ powered speakers via my computer.  Now I have to get an Audioengine subwoofer to fill things out a bit. *lol*  Does it ever end?

One of the things I'm really enjoying about this thread is all of the input and suggested material from music lovers posting here. I sincerely believe that love of music is what this hobby is all about. The more we improve our systems, the closer we get to the music. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter ...


mapman ...

You are such a cynic. *lol*

Geoffkait ...

Interesting take on "the last tweak."   I've found myself asking the question many times after installing a tweak that works: is there anymore that can be had from those digits and grooves? When I first installed the Shatki Holograms, the effect was so profound, I thought that it had to be the end. The system went from a flat-screen presentation to one of 3-D. I've demonstrated this to friends many times by taking them out of the system, then putting them back in. Everyone hears the effects ... everyone. 

There have been many more improvements subsequent to placing the Holograms into the system, and many of those came before the first experiment with the very first SR Red fuse. 

As I listen to the system now, it is so good that it suspends disbelief.  And ... there is still a Red fuse lurking in my amp waiting to be replaced with another Black fuse. After that, based upon the success gotten from the fuses, there will be more SR tweaks to come. I'm torn as to what to try next. I'm thinking about the XOT Carbon filters for the speaker crossovers, the ECT's for the interior of the electronics or the PHT's for the phono cartridge and the turntable junction box. Maybe David or Charles can help me out here. 

David ...

I'm looking forward to meeting Ted Denny. I want to know what's on the horizon for his company. I've watched a youtube video about a new room treatment SR has using a material that sticks to the walls. I hope they demonstrate it at Newport. 

Robert and I will be checking in at Newport on Saturday, late morning. I'll give you a call as soon as we're done. Looking forward to meeting you. Anyone else want to meet up? 

mapman ...

What? you don't think this is a viable solution to getting the last bit of the corners of the sound stage:

 "The Frog Jump in Water Sound Room Acoustics Tweak entails the placement of 4 small plastic containers filled with ordinary water in strategic locations. Price includes four 12x8x6 plastic containers + instructions for use."

Wow. Let me pry my tongue loose from my cheek so that I can more fully enjoy the popcorn. :-) 

You guys crack me up. There are some really funny, intelligent people posting in this thread.

I love it when someone takes what is meant as a complete joke literally. How you doin' George?? :-)


"This sort of thing about how a fuse sounds needs to be put in the bin. Cheers George"

Its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever

How about elaborating on that statement, George?? Exactly what is "the bin" and what else have you put into it? 

And actually that wasn't a post on "how a fuse sounds." Its how the total system sounds without the smearing and other degradations caused by being burdened by a stock fuse. 


wolf-garcia ...

My system pre-Black fuses sounded "astonishingly good" too. I've been saying that all along in this entire thread. With the SR Black fuses installed, it has gone from "astonishingly good" to actually suspending disbelief. But hey, don't take that as any evidence.