Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

joncourage ...

I agree with sgordon1 ... call SR in California and see if they can help you out. You are the first one to have reported a problem. I've done business with highend-audio with no problems at all. They happily took my last two SR Red fuses back in exchange for two SR Black fuses with me paying the addition cost of the Black fuses. No questions asked. 

Keep in mind that now that you've reported a problem on this thread, which was the correct thing to do, you are somewhat obligated to follow up with the rest of us as to your results in getting it resolved. Hopefully, you'll have some positive results to report. 

As mapman said though ... there is no obligation for anyone to make a blown fuse good. 

Good luck ...
joncourage ...

Contact SR. They will see that the dealer from whom you bought your fuses will refund your money. You won't be out any cash. But please, once its been resolved to your satisfaction, come back here and post the positive results.

The SR fuses have been a genuine boon for the vast majority of us who have converted over to them. It would be a shame if one experience from a customer with a non compliant amp would dissuade anyone else from trying them. In this entire thread, there have been two who felt they didn't make an improvement in their Maggies ... and one failure in an Ayre AX-5 amp. Everyone else is raving about them. 

And by the way, Diana Krall was sitting in my lap tonight asking me to peel her a grape. :-)
^^^ Affiliated? No. I'm a satisfied customer who has been around the business community longer than most of you have been wiping your noses.

I did what joncourage should have done in the first place and what any astute consumer would have done. Rather than complain here in this forum and disrupt a perfectly positive (with a few exceptions) 15 page thread about a terrific product, what he should have done when the suppler failed to satisfy his complaint, was to simply call, or write, to the manufacturer FIRST in an attempt to get satisfaction to what he considered to be defective fuses. 

Look, if you were to have a gripe with a real estate agent, would you immediately write to the editor of the local newspaper with your complaint? Would you go to the State Real Estate Commissioner and file a complaint?Or would you simply drop by the real estate office and have a chat with the owner/broker FIRST?

 SR has a Facebook page. 

Here ... I got this contact information right off of SR's Facebook page. It took no longer than a few minutes to find it:

Now, how damned hard was that???
^^^ Exactly geoffkait ... even if they are offered a spare Red fuse FOR FREE!!!!  

Isn't it interesting how the naysayers come right back out from the shadows the very moment someone has a problem with his quirky amp that was saved from being blown to smithereens by a fuse that did its job? 

What more can a person do to make a point other than to offer his spare fuse to a member for free, including shipping ... or to resolve joncourage's problem for him, then supply him the contact information for SR?

Personally, I'm sick and tired of trolls who try to tear the seams of everyone's dreams. (Hey, wasn't there a song to that effect?)  :-)

In the meantime, my system is sounding terrific. Its never sounded better. And, I'm looking forward to the next SR Black fuse that will be going into the ARC REF-75se. 

Oh yes, and on the subject of ARC ... we find the same naysayers in every thread started regarding ARC products too. What's up with these guys? Envy? Jealousy? Dark hearts? Someone kicked their cat? What????

Hang in ...
audiolover718 ...

A change from the Reds to the Black in the CD player was huge. Had a hard edge and lost musicality to begin with .. but WOW, when the Black finally broke in, it was simply a revelation. 

I was listening to a jazz CD last night that featured the playing of a Hammond B-3 organ. That was the best reproduced B-3 I've ever heard in my system. Sooo real. 
^^^ Charles...

There is such a sense of realism in my system these days ... the B-3 was in the room last night. I can hardly wait for my next listening session with my friend Robert. He loves the B-3 like you and I do.

On vibes ... my favorite player is Cal Tjader. Saw him live when I was in high school at Zardi's jazz club in Hollywood back in '56. It was a great night of jazz. My girlfriend was gorgeous, the atmosphere was romantic ... and Tjader was the bomb. Its nice that we can relive these moments in our very own listening rooms ... at least in our minds with our eyes closed. :-)

These SR fuses, and the vast improvements they have brought to the system, have really peaked my interest in the hobby again. I've decided to look for more ways to drastically improve the system. I've been thinking hard on the issue, and took a good look around the system to see what could be the next step. I have a mishmash of power cords, good ones to be sure, but I think that's the next step. 

In the meantime, I still have two SR Red fuses to swap out for the Blacks. 

Stay tuned ... :-)

^^^ Thank you for taking the time in listing those improvements, David. Much appreciated. The SR tweaks and upgrades will become a permanent part of my quest for getting as close to live music in my home as possible. I've really been taken by SR's demos on YouTube. After I'm done with the fuses, the next tweak will be the ECT's. I know folks are getting astounding results from them.  I'm using the Oxaide wall outlet now, but its an old one ... older technology. So, I will be changing the Oxaide out for the SR. 

I've got to say, after being in this hobby for somewhere near 40 years, I've tried most things. NOTHING has been as cost effective, brilliant and such an overwhelming improvement as these SR fuses.  I thought I had a musical, resolving system before, but now I realize just how much more there is. Over the years, I've paid particular attention to reducing micro vibrations in the system to the lowest level possible (at least I think so). Perhaps that's one reason why I'm getting such fantastic results from the fuses. They have been absolutely system changing and stunning. 

When a person such as I, and many others posting here, has an investment in an audio system that would buy a new Mercedes Benz or a Porsche 911, the improvements afforded by the folks at SR is very much appreciated. 

In the next few days I'll be evaluating and reporting on SR's new Level 3 Atmosphere Series AC Cords. They will be put throughout the entire system.

As they break in I'll start a new thread so that this fuse thread can carry on as a fuse thread. 

Thanks again, David. You, Richard and so many others here have been a real inspiration for me. And ... at my age, I need all of the inspiration I can muster. :-)

Stay tuned ...

David ...

Thanks for all of your advise. 

I'm looking forward to the SR power cord thread as well. With the same technology as the fuses, I can only imagine what a five-foot long power cable will do. And ... I will reporting on four of the cables as they break in, in the system.  150 to 200 hours, eh? Wow. 


^^^ *LOL* ....

Audiolover ...

 That cracked me up ... and jogged my memory too. I remember waiting six weeks for my Atomic Decoder Ring when I was a kid. I ordered it through a comic book ad. That six weeks seemed like six years. 
Are $150 fuses or 3K power cords too much of an extravagance?

By the way, the last Black fuse is completely broken in now. During last night's listening session I put on Jessica Williams' "Live at Yoshi's" Vol. I. It was just like being there. Highly recommended ... a great recording.

Onward and upward ... 
For those interested, I've started a new thread in the "Cables" form to chronicle my experiences with the new Synergistic Research Atmosphere Power Cords.

Please feel free to comment. No Debbie Downers or Negative Nellie's need to comment though. :-) 

As the great unnamed vaudeville performer said to his audience after the first song ..."you ain't heard nuttin' yet."  :-)
My system is blowing me away. I just can't believe what is coming out of my Legacy Signature III's. Talk about performing WAY beyond their price point! In fact, they are the least expensive components in the entire system. Its magic. ... Black Magic.  :-)
If those last two posts don't convince the remaining members to get the SR Black fuses, then I see no hope for them. 

I keep saying it I know, maybe to the point of being boring, but my system has an eerie quietness to it now. The music just seems to come from nowhere and fills the room. Tonight I was playing Miles Davis' E.S.P. reissue and the sound stage went completely from wall to wall totally outside of the speakers. In fact, the speakers don't even exist anymore. 

Audiolover ...

I'm really looking forward to your assessment as your new fuse breaks in. As the fat lady said after the standing ovation she got with the first song she sang ... "you ain't heard nuttin' yet!"  :-)
For anyone interested, I made a new post on the SR power cords in the cable forum. All I can say at this point is ... WOW!
^^^  What's surprising to me, Charles, is that with all of the terrific results garnered by most of us here with the SR Red and then the Black fuses, that there are the few who hear no positive results at all. I wonder what the cause of that could be? Are they system dependent ... working in most systems but not in all? 
^^^ audiolover ...

 Its odd how during the break in procedure for the fuses the system sounds better overall than before the fuse change ... but its that hard edge on everything that's the frustrating part.  So non involving, and like you said .. "hifi like. Its also odd how the fuses come to life in one big expansion of musicality all of a sudden like at around 70 hours or so. My friends who are familiar with my system have heard this for themselves ... to their amazement. Mine too. 

Something I've been curious about are those few who have gotten no results, or negative results from the SR fuses. I'm kinda thinking perhaps they have underestimated the amount of break-in time they allowed for the fuses. 70 to 100 hours is longer than it seems. I could be wrong here, but there must be a reason the vast majority rave about the improvements and so few do not.

Wow! Now that's what I call a cogent post. Thanks. 

" So, the bass is clearer, but very slightly more lightweight, although I then followed that with the Labelle CD ’Nightbirds’ (you know, the one with Lady Marmalade’s famous ’voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir’ phrase on it). I’d never been impressed with the bass on that CD, yet there was WAY more of it than i was used to..."

I have a recording (Vinyl) on the Pablo label featuring Milt Jackson (vibes), Ray Brown (bass) Monty Alexander (organ) and Mickey Roker drums. Its a live recording of a concert that took place in a London nightclub in 1982.  The recording is a tribute to "Monk." 

On side one, cut three, Ray Brown is playing a solo using his bow on the bass for the entire side. The tune is "Round Midnight." Its a terrific test of the bass response of any system. I played it several times with broken in SR Red fuses and also with the SR Blacks. Its progressively gotten better with each fuse change. Its to the point now that when Ray Brown hits the very lowest notes, the bass reverberates and projects into the room to the extent that it makes my chest vibrate.  Its quite amazing and totally realistic.
Charles ...

This is the one you'd be looking for:

gbmcleod ...

The bowed bass acquired a more guttural, natural sound with the Black fuses over the Red fuses. I'd say the improvement was in both areas you described ... both in weight and quality. And by the way, the audience takes on a more realistic dimension as well. This recording wasn't a slouch by any means even with the old HiFi Tuning fuses I had before I switched to the SR Reds and then to the SR Blacks. With each fuse change there was just more there there. The rest of the album is terrific as well.  

I bought a lot of the Pablo records back in the day. They were a dollar more than most other records, but I thought the sound quality was well worth it. When CDs were first introduced, I cleaned up on Pablo cut-outs too. 

Take care ...

^^^ Charles ...

Have you ever taken an account of how many renditions of "Round Midnight" you have in your collection? Between vocals and instrumentals, I must have a few hundred. I even have a CD by the Turtle Creek string quartet titled "'Round Midnight."  Monk was a genius ... and his music lives on. 
^^^ I agree David. 

I have two more Black fuses to go. One in the phono and one in the amp. Two Red fuses in there now.

The system at this point is FAR in excess of where I thought it could ever be prior to putting in the first SR Red fuse which I chronicled at the beginning of this thread.

I'm so pleased that so many have taken up the challenge and tried the SR fuses. Its fun to share the experience.

After installing the SR power cords, and as they break in, I can really hear what these fuses are capable of. Everything you described above is my experience as well. As far as bass goes, its as though I've added a fine quality sub woofer to the system. 
sayles ...

Just remember to have patients. 79-150 hours for the break in. Until that happens, you'll be looking for more. Then ... Walla!
^^^  Audiolover ...

Isn't it amazing how much information we keep unraveling from our music collection? I made a comment awhile back in this thread about the sound of the piano. After installing the Black fuses, I could actually hear the piano make its presence. Not the notes ... but the wood, the creaking, the movement of the player on the bench, etc.  

On the power cords ... I'm using SR's Atmosphere level 3's in my all ARC system at this point. Simply amazing PC's.  You may be interested in that SR has just released a "Red" PC and a "Black" PC. From what I understand, they offer a LOT of what the level 3 Atmosphere cords do ... for a lot less money. You might want to check them out. Same technology as the Red and Black fuses.  Check out SR's new PCs on their facebook page. 

Mid40sguy ...

Nice!  Now you know what we've been raving about. Welcome home. :-)
Electroslacker ...

I tried flipping the Black fuse in the line stage last  night. I had it right the first time. When it was in the "wrong" way, the system sounded as though it was out of phase. Put back in the opposite way and everything just locked in again and was wonderful. 
Tonight's CD of merit ... Ike Quebec "Ballads."   Big, fat, in the room tenor sax accompanied by a Hammond B-3.  So relaxed. So beautiful.

These SR fuses are allowing the music to flow in a relaxed manner just like the relaxed manner of live music. Its always struck me when listening to live orchestral music that no matter how loud the peaks are, it still remains relaxed sounding. There's no "cringe factor." My system is like that now thanks to the technology in these SR Black fuses. Quite remarkable.  
audiolover ... 

Why not be the first one to audition a new SR  "Black PC?  I have four of SR's level 3 Atmosphere PC's in the system now and can tell you that they are fantastic. The realism in the system at this point is uncanny. The new "Red" and "Black" PCs reportedly do much the same for a LOT less money. I believe the "Red" PCs start at $299. 

This is from SR's facebook page:

" Introducing NEW RED and BLACK UEF AC Power Cords from Synergistic Research. 

UEF RED and BLACK power cords feature the same UEF technology and sonic characteristics as our award winning Red and Black Fuses but on STEROIDS. Think about it. SR fuses are tiny and yet unbelievably powerful given their small size. Now imagine that exact same UEF Technology and materials applied to power cords 5 feet long! These new cords are flexible, affordable, and capable of delivering high current on demand while out performing power cords that cost thousands of dollars.

SR UEF RED Power Cords feature 12 gauge conductors that are treated with a proprietary conditioning process and then Quantum Tunneled with 2,000,000 volts of electricity just like our RED Fuses.

SR UEF BLACK Power Cords feature 12 and 10 gauge conductors that are treated with the same conditioning and Quantum Tunneling process as our RED fuses and feature UEF Sheilding and Graphene, just like our new BLACK Fuses.

If you like the amazing sound staging, low noise floor and musical realism of SR RED and BLACK fuses you will love these new state-of-the-art power cords that offer performance that exceeds reference power cords costing thousands of dollars.

SR RED AC Cords $299 5ft Global MSRP
SR BLACK AC Cords 12 gauge $399 5ft Global MSRP
SR BLACK AC Cords 10 gauge $499 5ft Global MSRP"
What a listening session I had tonight. All fuses are broken in ... and the SR Atmosphere PCs are really getting there as well. I keep saying it ... but here it is again: I never in my wildest imagination could ever imagine that I would have an audio system that portrays such realism. It just keeps getting better with each session. Uncannily lifelike. 

CD of merit from tonight's session:  Kevin Mahogany "My Romance." 

Here is a big, chesty, Black, soulful ballad singer whose voice appeared before me and filled the room like a big, fat, juicy tenor saxophone. Such clarity. Such beauty. So much soul. Such an emotional connection with the performer and his music.  If you haven't heard Kevin Mahogany, you need to get this CD. Its a masterful work of soulful impressions of the Great American Song Book. This is what you'd be looking for:

Hurry! Its only $1.95 plus shipping. 

Take care ...
fourwnds ...

Thanks. Glad you took the plunge on the fuses. The first RED fuse I bought, with much skepticism I might add, was such an astounding upgrade and improvement in my system that I just couldn't keep quiet about them.  I was kinda like a new born again Christian ... I just had to spread the good news.  :-)

And that gets me to aolmrd's post. Its just simple economics where price reflects value. Look how many folks on this one site, and internationally as well, have been willing to part with a certain amount of dollars for the fuses ... and also consider that SR is willing to part with the fuses for X amount of dollars in return. Both parties are walking away from the table feeling as though they got a fair shake. As long as SR is selling the fuses for X price, and as long as the consumer is willing to part with X amount of their dollars to obtain the fuses, why in the world would SR consider selling them for less? Like most businesses I know, SR is in it to make a profit. And in SR's case, we have to admit, they do a wonderful job of churning their profit dollars back into R&D to come up with even more great products ... at affordable prices. A good example is the new Red and Black PC's. Its a happy and profitable collusion ...  we get what we want from SR ... and SR gets what they want from us. 
^^^ Yep, just about right r_f_sayles ...

The Black fuses reveal their promise right from the initial installation. You are most likely noticing a hard edge to peaks, strings and higher pitched instruments like flutes. In addition, the music just doesn't seem that involving at first either. As they burned in in my system, the fuses just seemed to open up from one listening session to another. At that point all settles in and the improvement from just a fuse swap is quite an ear opening. 

Please post your results as your two fuses break in. Thanks ...
Its not exactly "hit or miss."  I one were to read through all 21 pages of this thread, one would find that the vast majority of posters have had a positive experience from these SR fuses. 
Audiolover ...

Excellent choice on the SR Black power cords I have about 100 hours on my level three SR Atmosphere PCs. The 3-D effects I'm getting from the addition of the cords is really, really good. These cords create an uncanny aura of silence from the system ... and that allows one to hear deeper into the sound stage in a very natural way. I know that the SR Black PCs,  according to SR's Facebook page, has the same effect in lowering the noise floor. Your going to be very happy with your purchase. 

By the way, it would be interesting to see your results from the PCs, from initial installation to total break-in posted in the SR PC thread that I started in the "cable" forum.

Happy listening ... 
^^^ You're welcome Charles. I knew you'd like it. That bass solo has become my reference to measure how far into the basement these SR Black fuses have driven my bass to. With the addition of the SR power cords, Ray Brown's bass goes right through my chest and vibrates off of my spinal column. :-)
^^^ jwm ...

Glad you're getting the results from the SR Black fuse. Its a terrific tweak for a very modest outlay in cash. 

I only go to one show a year now ... and that's the Newport show. I used to go to CES in Vegas every year, but I've grown to really detest that place. It takes a week to get the tobacco smoke out of my sinuses after attending the CES.

The listening session last night was the best ever.  I have two more SR Red fuses to swap out for the Blacks. One in the phono and another one in the amp. Look out ... more improvements to come. 
Mapman sez:  

" Al also I am interested in you technical assessment of use of Graphene in a fuse, as claimed. In a powercord? That latter in particular would seem to have a lot of potential upside despite some of the seemingly exaggerated marketing claims I have seen"

How in the world would you know if a claim is "exaggerated" when you've never heard the product in your own system, or anyone else's system for that matter??

I have replaced all of my power cords (four of them) with SR's Level 3 Atmosphere PCs using the Graphene technology. I can say with no doubt, now that these cords are broken in, that these cords are simply amazing. And, the PCs I was using before were no slouches either. And to boot ... SR has just come out with very cost effective RED and BLACK PCs using the Graphene technology that start at $299.

Mapman, if you think the fuses are amazing, these cords are totally the bomb! But then, how would you even know that the fuses are amazing when you wouldn't even take the offer of a free RED fuse to try at no cost in your own system. Even the shipping wouldn't have cost you anything. I say BAH! Damn, I deplore stinkin' thinkin.'
Whew! Now that I have that off of my chest, I'd like to comment on why manufacturers won't recommend after market products. It a matter of liability. We live in a very litigious society. If something goes wrong, and if there is even a chance that it could remotely be blamed on the manufacture recommending an after market product, guess who gets sued??

A good example would be all of the Audio Research owners who kept inquiring of the factory about swapping out their KT-120s for the then new KT-150's. Everyone kept getting the thumbs down by the factory, even though there were those of us who took the plunge anyway and reporting the great results we were getting.  I know for a fact that ARC tested the KT-150's in their factory test amps for over 5000 hours without even one failure before they gave the okay. This is what any company would do that has intelligent employees working for them.  And now look where the ARC REF amps are today ... all being shipped with KT-150's. 

So, bottom line ... just because a builder won't recommend an after market fuse doesn't mean "don't use the fuse." It means ... "don't ask me, I don't want to get sued." 

And by the way guys ... I decided to swap out a fully broken in Black fuse that I had in the CD player for the RED fuse I had in the PH-8 last night. Holy Smokes! Now this was a clear test of exactly what these Black fuses can do.  This is the  most relaxed musical presentation I've ever gotten from my vinyl setup. There is something special in the way these Black fuses cause the system to have a particular sense of "quiet" about it. Its not exactly like "lowering the noise floor." Its more like the natural, non-aggressiveness of live music. Interestingly enough, with the new SR PC's the system is so revealing that I could clearly hear right off the bat that I had put the Black fuse in backward. The sound was diffused. Very similar to the system being out of phase. Turning the fuse around caused everything to instantly snap into focus.  Simply an amazing product.

Happy listening ...  
Mapman ...

If your inquiring mind wants to know if Graphene is 8 million times more conductive than copper, or if that is just a wild marketing claim made by the sales department of SR, why not solicit an answer from SR? Surely they have a white paper they can show you as to how they came up with that claim.  

If you remember, I contacted SR via their Facebook page when one poster had a blown fuse and worked out a solution for him. He came into this thread with what was nothing more than a customer complaint against the dealer who sold him the fuse that failed. My reward? I was accused by another member of having some kind of working relationship with SR. You have to realize that this kind of crappola gets old.

As for me, Mapman, I couldn't care less about such claims. And lest you think I'm being naive, the ONLY reason I tried the first RED fuse that started this entire discussion was because of the 30 day return policy. Same with the BLACK fuses. Had there not been a return policy, I most likely wouldn't have made the purchase. 

Honestly, and I'm not trying to push your buttons here ... how you can muddle through 18 pages of positive results by folks who have had outstanding results from the SR fuses and still be a skeptic is beyond me. Not saying that you're wrong ... just that I don't understand it.

Take care ...
Being technologically still in Kindergarten ... well, maybe in the sixth grade, I couldn't care less HOW something works, only that it does. I don't know graphene from aluminum foil. All I know is what its done for my audio system.

I had what I thought to be a very revealing system prior to trying the first SR Red fuse that began this entire thread. Little did I know where the fuse path was to lead. Eventually, I had placed the Red fuses throughout the system and just figured I'd call it a day and enjoy the major improvement given by these fuses. Then ... the announcement of the SR Black fuses.

With each component sporting a new Black fuse, that component was brought to a new, much higher level of musicality and realism.  This was really brought home during last night's listening session.

I had moved a broken in Black fuse from the CD player into the phono amp, replacing a broken in Red fuse. After re orientating the fuse to the proper direction, the end result was truly amazing. I have NEVER had such realism from spinning vinyl on the turntable. As good as the digital system is now, the analog system is another league better in natural organic sound.  

As many of you know, I'm using an AT ART-9 cartridge. As good as this cartridge is (a real sleeper - and thanks again to Pani),  I was only hearing about  half of what it was capable of with the SR Red fuse.  The sense of realism and a "you are there presence" has been taken to a whole new level. I've heard vinyl rigs costing many times what I have invested in mine and I don't hear from them, what I'm getting now. 

Graphene, aluminum foil, witch doctors, magic spoof dust ... I really don't care. What needs to be said is ... I have upgraded my vinyl rig by many  thousands of dollars for the cost of a $129 fuse. 

Anyone who continues to question these fuses in the face of all of the positive comments in this 18-page-long thread is like Cleopatra .... In De Nile.  :-)

Happy listening, friends ... 
Mapman ...

Never mind telling me what value fuse you need. I missed it in your last post. I have the 3.1 SR Red that I'll be sending you ... all broken in too. :-)
Mapman ....


Send your addy to my Email at

Do you need a 3 amp fuse?? Actually, it'll be a 3.1 amp. Just let me know the value you need. 

Take care ... 
holydio ...

Haven't tried the WA chip. I have one on the fuse that's going to mapman. I'll peel it off and try it on the Black fuse that's in the phono stage.

Thanks for the reminder ... 
Hello guyz ...

Just as a heads up ... I have learned that the WA chips are NOT compatible with the SR Black fuses. Putting a WA chip on the Black fuses will degrade the sound. 

Take care ...
Mapman ...

Your SR Red fuse is on its way via USPS. It even has a WA Quantum fuse chip on it. You can peel it off if you want to make a comparison. Be sure to experiment with the fuse direction. If you have it wrong, the sound stage may sound a bit wider ... but the system will sound out of phase. Get it right and everything locks into place. Please post your impressions here in this thread. Thanks ...

PS: Keep in mind that the SR Black fuses KILL the Red fuses.  :-)

Enjoy ...
David ...

I agree wholeheartedly with you on Alfred and Betty at highend-electronics. Suburb service and rocket ship delivery. 

geoffkait ...

First hand? No .. from the horses mouth.  The Black fuses have a coating on the outside of the fuse. The WA chips interfere with that coating and degrade the sound of the fuse. 

The music is sounding wonderful at my house as well, David. :-)

ustubes2 ...

I didn't try them on the Black fuses. I had them on three of the Red fuses. I suggest that you ... and anyone else interested in the SR products visit their Facebook page. Also, check out their demos on Youtube. Some very interesting stuff happening there. 

First hand ... second hand ... from the horse's mouth. No matter, geoffkait ... the info I have came from SR' s Facebook page. If you want to try a WA fuse chip on your Black fuses ... go for it. As for me ... I'll take SR's word for it. 

Take care ...
^^^ ... Hmmm ... I don't recall anything about SR saying their fuses weren't directional. I may have missed it though. 

Mapman ...

I'm looking forward to your assessment on the fuse. If it works for you ... don't tell the "world class engineers."  I seem to remember an audio magazine where the "world class engineer" constantly made the claim that "all amplifiers sound the same," and "if it  measures the same, it sounds the same." :-)