Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 7 responses by nyame

uberwaltz 3/10/17

"What I think happened and is also happening on the fuse front is that there will be some components and combinations that benefit from these tweaks and some that just do not "

Well said uberwaltz. Not all systems have reached the high level of sophistication required to easily demonstrate the benefits of the SR black fuses. In my experience systems which are highly dimensional, and with
accurate and musical bass response, obtain the maximum benefits. 

I have the greatest respect for people like Mapman who tried a red fuse and decided it did not help his system. But he never ridiculed those who were able to enjoy the benefits of the fuses. 

I do have a problem with Wolf Garcia, who has an unhealthy relationship with this fuse thread. He claims to have tried the black fuses and  said it did not help his system.  But he refuses to accept the testimony of the many hundreds of audiophiles who reaped the benefits of these fuses. His
position is that fuses are incapable of improving the fidelity of any high fidelity system. The stated reasons for his opinions are all without foundation and are so weak that I now forced to wonder what motivates his continuous and unwelcome appearances on this thread. 


Your posts suggest you have a personal preoccupation with Oregonpapa. 
I think you are envious of him. He has everything you wish you had. he had a lucrative career and can afford to buy three power cords for $9000. How this must have hurt. Unlike you he has earned the love and respect of  99.99% of Audiogoners. 

You have lost the war. Synergistic Research has sold thousands of fuses to their happy customers. The game is over. I suspect your morbid ambition is to see the closure of this thread so that you can boast that you are the one who closed it down. Most happy customers no longer post on this thread. They see no further need to. Audiophile fuse are now one of the options that must now be taken into account by anyone building a system.

Are you suggesting that Oregonpapa  and this thread are part of a fraudulent conspiracy?  
shadorne   3/13/17

"  If a mere fuse makes a huge difference in sound then that should tell you the condition of your equipment is piss poor. 

The power supply is supposed to be designed to entirely isolate the interference of slight differences in power input from the audio signal. If a mere fuse makes a difference then pretty much anything will make your setup sound different. A system that can't handle such minute differences will never sound the same from minute to minute, day to day. Power is varying ALL the time - a fact of life given that stuff in your house and street go on and off all day long.

I would immediately get rid of any equipment that was so unstable and inaccurate that minute differences in power input have large effects on what I hear.

Surely it is self evident that we are trying to listen to the source music with the least interference or coloration from extraneous factors and it makes sense to buy equipment that achieves this"

It is very disturbing to observe that is guy has made more than 5000 posts on Audiogon. VERY SAD.
Almarg            03-14-17

You are so reliable. You had to jump in to support your flat earth friends. The problem is that you had nothing of substance to say so drafted this carefully  worded meaningless nonsense designed to show your impartiality,

I am very disappointed that, as a fully trained Lawyer, you remain silent in the presence of Wolf-Garcia untenable sustained attacks on Oregonpapa and this thread. 

One of the bedrocks of Legal jurisprudence for over 2000 years is the 
principle that a person is presumed to be innocent until proven otherwise. 
It is not unreasonable to assume from his posts that Wolf_Garcia would  from, and become a better person, if you explained this  principle to him.

almarg    03-14-17

CORRECTION to the final sentence of my post above.

"It is not unreasonable to assume from his posts that Wolf_Garcia would benefit from, and become a better person, if you explained this principle to him"

mac48025                     03-14-2017

Reading your post is like a breath of fresh air. Thank you.

Al             03-14-17

"  Also, regarding the correction that you subsequently made to your post that I quoted from, FYI you can edit a post during the first 30 minutes after it is submitted. Click on the gear shaped icon at the upper right corner of the post, and click "edit. "

Thanks Al. I do find this information very helpful.