Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by nyame

mapman   7.28.16

"There is much to be learned from the many opinions expressed in this thread despite there being still virtually no concrete information about the products in question."

Concrete information can be gained by experienced audiophiles who have over many years perfected the art of listening.

Please make reference to opinions you have expressed on this thread that are of substance or insightful. I have not paid particular attention to your posts.  


 In an earlier post of even date I asked you to post opinions you have posted in this thread that is substantive or insightful. Here is your response:
"I have been an "audiophile" for 40 years myself and have found little value in genral in very expensive tweaks marketed specifically to audiophiles compared to other comparable high quality products."

You are unable to refer to any of your earlier posts that meets this basic requirement.I am now obliged to ask "why do you post on this thread?

Thanks. Now this is an example of an insightful post. Got it Mapman?

The greatest audiophile I know of, is Peter Moncrief and he reviewed the Chinchilla a long time ago in his quarterly magazine IAR. I learned so much from this great man. In fact he is why I purchased my McCormack preamp and my Odyssey khartao extreme power amp. He taught me about the value of passive components (caps, resisters, diodes, wire and so on. My son now builds his own tube traps from information made available by Peter Moncrief.  Sometime around 1985 I was among a group of  audiophiles who decided to build a preamp designed by Professor Marshall Leak of the Georgea Institute of technology. Although each of us was building the same circuit as published in Audio magazine we used different parts from a range of manufactures. Because I subscribed to IAR, then called an "under ground" mag I was aware of the best sounding film capacitors ("wonder caps" ), the best sounding resistors ("resista" resistors from Germany] and Signal transformers from the USA.  preamps.

He was a great fan of McCormack products and described the Mccormack preamp as a solid state preamp that even tube lovers could love. He also said similar good things about the Odyssey power amp of the day.  He
loved the Von Gaylord Chinchilla interconnect so much that he rated it above all other interconnects regardless of price. I will not purchase any cable without a prior audition, but if this option is available I will certainly give it an audition. Have you been able to audition the current Chinchilla? If so perhaps you could write a few words on what you heard.
To whom it may concern

Because I am a contributor to this thread dealing with a product marketed by Synergistic Research, I have decided to list some of my equipment so that readers can see the extent of my involvement with Synergistic Research. I am doing this because I believe (I might be wrong) there a lot of the skepticism attached to many products marketed by Synergistic Research.

Power Cables:              Home made (4)
                                      Audience     (2)
                                     High Diamond    (1)

Interconnect Cables:       Audioquest "Chetah"  
                                        High Diamond "Platinum"

Loudspeaker:                 Synergistic Research  "Element Copper"

Grounding Block:           Synergistic Research

Fuses:                            Synergistic Research - "RED" 4
                                        Synergistic Research - "BLACK" 3    

It is not my policy to use cable looms from any single manufacturer. I will      audition cables from three credible manufacturers and Purchase the one that gives the best results at that particular location. For example, I am will probably purchase an interconnect later this year to replace the 10 year Audioquest Cheetah between my Sony SACD Player and my McCormack LD 2 preamp. My budget is to not exceed $2000.  I will audition Audioquest 'Wind", Synergistic Research "Atmosphere level 3" and also another Wywires "Platinum" interconnect. 

wolf_garcia    7.26.16

" Damn…where’s my Dremmel tool... "

Wolf, I am just as frustrated with Synergistic Research as you and many audiophiles are. The language used to describe cables made with a few strands of wire is really difficult to deal with. At least twice in the last 5 years I decided not to ever deal with them again.

However, since I am a member of the cable company, which provides their products on loan for a small fee, I continue to deal with them if their products prove to be good value when auditioned.

I have been trying to figure out why the overblown language and here is my current thoughts. The products that synergistic research manufacture are basically simple and relatively easy to make, if you know how. I believe SR is reluctant to fully explain exactly what basic materials are used and how the cables and other products are made. Why? Because SR spend a lot of money, using basic trial and error, to develop their products. They probably believe if they let everyone know exactly how to make their products they would be unable to make the same amount of profit as they now do. This of course is just conjecture on my part.

I used to be employed in a company who refused to provide what they regarded as Company secrets to any of their customers. Requests by customers who requested information not in the instrument manuals were simply told That their manufacturing process is "Proprietary" and this was standard in the industry.

It is precisely because you have your dremmel tool ready and waiting to copy their products that I suspect SR behaves as it does.   I really can't blame them. The other aspect of the SR quandry is that they are always
looking for new materials and technologies to maintain market share. Many  of their new technologies are not understood by most audiophiles. How can a few dots placed on walls affect bass frequencies? There are people whose opinions I trust have tried these little dots and have been impressed by them. I will eventually audition them

I remember whenBowers and Wilkenson (The well known English loudspeaker manufacturer B&W ) marketed their DM 4 loudspeaker decades ago. It was built under license owned by the BBC. This bookshelf loudspeaker had not only a bass/midrange driver but also a "Super Tweeter" that handled the range from above 13 Khz. There was an outcry from members of the audio community who maintained that since human hearing goes up to only about 19Khz, there was no need for a super tweeter. But keen listeners welcomed the super tweeter and claimed that its benefits extended not only to the mid-range, and horror of horrors "THE BASS". Today this is a well known phenomenon and super tweeters are now routinely used with tremendous success.
Hi Charles,

I am not familiar with the Well Tempered table but I am very familiar with the Linn Sondek  LP 12. I used it with a Grace 707 tonearm and a Fidelity Research low output moving coil cartridge. I have forgotten the name of the FR cartridge. The Grace tonearm was very popular with reviewers in HIFi News and other English publications. I eventually found out that the main reason they liked it (apart from the fact that is was awesome) was that it was available with several heads so that reviewers could conveniently
change heads for cartridge performance comparisons. I epoxied mine to prevent vibrations at the point of connection to the arm. My Linn Sondek was one of the early ones. The bearings were so precise it would cause problems in the summer when the temperature rose. To prevent this I used a very fine oil to keep things running smoothly. I really loved the LINN Sondek. and was a bit of an expert on setting it up. However at a later date I made a policy to throw away any- thing I owned that was not used in the previous 2 years. I made no exception with the Linn and put it in the garbage. In retrospect it was an unwise decision.


Thanks for information on the legend VI. I am very interested and  impressed that Peter rated it 1A. This is his highest rating.

I will look into this when I am ready, probably in October.

Thanks again

Last night I was playing ""The Persuasions sing the Beatles" chesky 244. It is a hybrid SACD. The music was so pure and beautiful it was like listening to a group of angels singing. I thought of my mother who died at 90 about 3 years ago.

I don't know why but my mind wandered and I remembered your mother who enjoys music. If you do not have access to this music I would strongly recommend you make it available to her.. She will love it.
geoffkait    8.1.16

"Just to point out there's a difference between turning the power off and disconnecting the AC power plug."

Thanks geoffkait for making this important point. Glad you caught it. 

I am warming to the idea of owning the Von Gaylord interconnect you made reference to in an earlier post. The fact that you purchased a pair (or two)
is the highest possible recommendation.

When I make the purchase will probably depend on the cost of my wife's up coming dental expenses. I went on the internet and was surprised to learn  Von Gaylord manufactures complete systems including amplifiers and loudspeakers. Why do they hide their lights under a bushel?

I lived in London for 5 years in the late 1960s and was convinced I was aware of the most important audio manufacturers. But I had never heard of RADFORD. I had always believed QUAD (The acoustical manufacturing Company) was the cat's pajamas. And then I heard a RADFORD system.
RADFORD was a relatively small company not prone to advertising but maintained  very high design and manufacturing standards. Their products were the best I ever heard in England.  It now appears Von Gaylord is similar to RADFORD in many ways. Thanks again for letting me know about them.
Oregonpapa   &   Charles1dad

We briefly discussed the LINN turntable a few days ago.

I will never forget the first time I heard the LINN. A friend of mine invited me to his house to listen to his system which consisted of the LINN turntable and Magnapan loudspeakers. He played a direct to disc LP named "FOR DUKE "  by BILL BERRY & THE ALL STARS. I have never been the same
since that night.

The sound Stage was not just wide and deep but there was realistic height
like I had never heard before. There were musicians blowing horns so I knew they were standing, and the pianist was sitting, Ray Brown's bass was also emanating from a lower level like it should. It was all there.  And the Dynamics were unbelievable.

At that time I had a THORENS TD-160 turntable. It had to go. That was  when I decided to get the LINN. 

Have either of you ever heard this "FOR DUKE" record?

charles dad 7.30.16

" What you say about the LINN is true and it was a standard bearer for generations,  yet I still found the Well Tempered table better in my system." 

Charles, my post was intended to be about the direct to disc record.  I mentioned the LINN because I thought you might be interested in knowing why I liked it so much. I already accept the fact the the Well Tempered table outperforms the LINN. Remember, I was enamored by the LINN in 1982. It is not surprising for it to be surpassed by many tables that came into existence in the 3 decades since then. 

Since I am not really seeking to build a state of the art system, I do not have  strong motivation to travel long distances to hear equipment I have no intention of purchasing.

Take care.

It was in the very early 1980s that I heard the LINN. I was not involved in our lovely hobby during the years 1986 through 2000 due to work and going back to school.I did not return to the hobby until 2001 when I began assembling  a modest multi channel  receiver based system. I was not able to enjoy listening to music on this system so in 2003 I decided to build a modest, but musical, two channel system, which morphed into the system I now have.

During this long period of inactivity I gave away all my LPs (about 300) and equipment (Quad Electrostatic loudspeakers, home built mono-block  power amps, home built pre-amp etc). It was a fantastic system.Each  mono-block consisted of 4 items : Left power amp, right power amp, left power supply and right power supply. The amp was rated at 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms, 100 watts per channel into 4 ohms, 200 watts per channel into 2 ohms AND 400 watts per channel into 1 ohm. It was in fact a 400 watt per channel amplifier that produced its maximum power into one ohm. It was developed to power the Quads which could not handle high voltage. The electrostatics panels would arc if exposed to more that about 45 volts. For best fidelity no protection of any kind was used. I used a thin wire to short its outputs and it simply burnt the wire. Each amp used eight 
250 watt bipolar transistors per channel in the output stage. It outperformed every amplifier it was compared to, including the Krell.

The pre-amp was built the same way. Left preamp, left power supply, right preamp, right power supply. It used FETs in the input stage and each power supply was what one would expect to find in a small power amp.

I gave away all my equipment to friends. I could not bear to sell them. They were too precious to sell.


I will purchase the Von Gaylord IC you recommend. My initial reluctance to purchase an IC without an audition is because of my experience with the Audioquest Cheetah.  It performs excellently only when connected between the CD player and the Pre-amp. It simply does not work between the pre and power amps. Earlier this year I made the decision to upgrade both interconnects and so I began the search by auditioning The Wywires Platinum IC and the High Fidelity CT-1. The Wywires defeated the CT-1 by a wide margin. The connection between Pre and power amps is secure.

The designer of the Wywires cable ( I have forgotten his name ) was adamant that best results would be obtained if I connected his IC between source and  preamp, so I know it will work well there. When I get the Von Gaylord IC I will first try it between Source and preamp. It is my belief that the best IC should go there.

A quick word about the Wywires Platinum. It is truly awesome. Every now and then, I hear a component that is so perfect, in every possible way, that it
is a joy to own. The Wywires platinum IC is such a product. Enough said.

Just knowing you are using and enjoying the Von Gaylord IC is very reassuring.

good luck

I wrote: "The pre-amp was built the same way. Left preamp, left power supply, right preamp, right power supply."

This statement is incorrect. The preamp consisted of 2 parts. The preamp and  a single outboard power supply.

I decided to make this correction before someone called 911 to report that there is a crazy man running around naked in the Audiogon fuse thread.

The chance of getting a bad fuse is so unlikely that there is no need to be concerned about it. If the fuse is defective it it is likely open and unable to conduct. If this is the case no current will flow through it and you hear no sound at all. The chances of getting a shorted fuse that would endanger   your component component s about as great as being hit by lightning.

Of greater concern is the direction of the fuse. The fuse will work as intended only if it inserted in the correct direction. Unfortunately the correct direction is not specified by the manufacturer. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the manufacturer recommends inserting the fuse, turn the equipment on, and play. If the sound is obviously compromised, take out the fuse and insert it in the opposite direction.

Here is what I usually do. I look at the writing on the fuse where the value of the fuse is shown. ( eg.800 ma). Install the fuse in the direction that allows me to read the fuse value. Turn on the instrument and listen to music you are very familiar with. The music should sound at least as good as it did with the standard fuse. If this is the case, leave the instrument on overnight and play the same music again. Your ears will let you  know if the fuse is bad. If it is bad take it out  the fuse, reverse its direction, and reinstall.  

Good luck.
Aniwoffe     7.31. 16

" Is anyone testing these fuses before installation. Is it necessary ?
Any advice would be appreciated "

Wolf_garcia    reply  7.31. 16:

"Simply buy several and remain near your gear with a fire extinguisher for a day or two just to be safe" 

There is absolutely no Statistical or technical reason to justify this advice. Let's be clear. This is a patently malicious statement published in a public forum with intent to do maximum harm to the reputation of Synergistic research. This is actionable behavior in a court of law. It is DEFAMATION.

Does anyone here know whether Audiogon has a policy designed to protect its members from this type of menace?  Does Audiogon have resources
to review his posts on this forums and make a decision on how to protect us from this deranged individual?

Surely there must be minimum standards of decorum.

I have ordered the CD version. Should arrive next week

Thanks for sharring
DEFAMATION : "The act of making untrue statements about another which damages his/her reputation. If the defamatory statement is printed or broadcast over the media it is libel and, if only oral, it is slander"

It was probably unwise of me to categorize Wolfe's statement as actionable. It is certainly not against the law to express one's opinions, no matter how unfounded and irrational they may be. 

Perhaps I should said that he was merely a nuisance and left it at that.


There are now reports that an elderly man in Outer Mongolia was electrocuted while changing a synergistic research fuse in his donkey. The Governor of the province has declared a state of emergency.

So please be careful.
georgelofi     8.1.2016

" until one time they forget to disconnect the plug from the mains, BANG!!! say goodbye to your short and curlies?"

This is a very important point. When providing instructions on how to install a fuse the first thing to say is "TURN OFF THE POWER"  for a  few minutes minutes prior to installation. 

Thanks georgelofi for mentioning this. My post dated 7.31.16 in response to
aniwolfe should definitely have mentioned this.  Most people know this should be done, but often forget. .

I did not believe that Extra Terrestrials routinely visited our planet. UNTIL NOW. Today I saw a photograph of one in the the pages of THE ABSOLUTE SOUND.

It is called the "Acoustic Signature Invictus" turntable. At three feet wide, 2.5 feet deep, it is a monster weighing over 300 lbs. Cost: $130,000 with tonearm. It  requires a stand for an additional $17, 500. 

As I have previously mentioned, I have not even looked at a turntable since the mid 1980s. When you mentioned the Well Tempered TT I had no idea what it was like. Now I am scared to even google it. Perhaps in a couple of weeks when I recover from shock I might summon up the courage to take a peek.

For those who cannot afford, or are unwilling to pay,  the asking price of the "signature" there is a budget version " The Acoustic Raven Black Knight" for a mere $45,000.
sherod     8.7.16 

" I have an extra 1M pair of Chinchilla that I would be glad to send you to evaluate in your system. If you like them and want to keep them, I'll work out a great deal for you. If you don't like them, just return them to me"

Very interesting!

My email address is

Tommylion       9/20/16

" There's a line where what you're listening to stops being a recording, and becomes a musical event. That line is not always clearly marked or defined, but you know when you've crossed it. For me, that's what this hobby is all about; turning recordings into musical events"

This is what this tread is all about.  This is  what our hobby is about. What a beautiful .way to say it. 

The UEF black power cord is not in the same league as the Level 1 atmosphere power cord when used in a high resolution system.

I agree with OP. Have the cable company send you both and make your decision after listening to both.  Only then will you know how to proceed.

Good day to you, my friend.

Earlier this morning I was cleaning out an area under my staircase when I found an unopened package marked "QUAD". It is a brand new Treble panel (complete with dust cover) for the the Quad 57 electrostatic loudspeaker. .

This part might be unavailable. I would hate to throw it in the garbage. I am sure there is somebody out there who would love to have this.

I am not selling it but would gladly donate it someone who needs it.


Hardcover Book: "A life in Jazz" by Danny Barker  (purchased used)

CD:  "Fabulous banjo of Danny Barker" (Essential media group)

I am going crazy (in the best possible way)
I would would also like to convey my best wishes to David Pritchard and his dear mother. David, along with Charles 1dad,  were two of the foundation stones on which this thread was built.

I always found David's recommendations to be 100% accurate and because of two of these recommendations I was able to make worthwhile improvements to my system in 2016.

 His first recommendation was the SR grounding block which worked wonders in my system. His second recommendation was the SR black A/C receptacle which I installed about 6 weeks ago.
Grannyring                                      12-24-2016

" Want to hear an improvement on the order of what these high end fuses deliver? Ok, get rid of the binding posts! "

Agreed. But your sentence is not yet complete.

How about " Want to hear an improvement on the order of what these high end fuses deliver? OK get rid of the binding posts AND the RCA input connectors. Replace with higher quality connectors."


This fuse thread has singlehandedly raised the level of expectations as to what can be achieved on these audiogon forums.  Who would have thought that the humble fuse could attract and hold the attention of so many for so many moons.  I certainly didn’t. However, in spite of the large variety and volume of posts, there is an area which in my opinion has not been adequately addressed.  

It is the concept of seeing the various components in the chain as a system. The practice of replacing a fuse in the source component only currently appear to be very popular. Some argue that best results are obtained by upgrading the power amp. Even members who have many years of experience in our hobby are guilty of this insular view.

I remember when I purchased my first car. As the tyres started  to wear  (due to high mileage) I would change the worst one and wait until one of the othersfailed before replacing it. After about 5 years I realized it was much better to replace tyres in pairs. I would put the 2 new ones on the front and leave the remaining 2 partially worn tires on the rear axle. It took me another 5 years to finally realize that the way to go was to change all 4 tyres with 30,000 miles on them. This way provided better performance, was safer and was more economical. It is what I regard as the system approach.

When I decided on a fuse upgrade (before this fuse thread began), I upgraded my CD player, Preamp and power amp all at the same time. 2 in the CD player, 1 one in the preamp and 4 in the power amp. I turned on the system (no warm up) and was surprised at the level of improvement. There was a massive increase in fidelity, similar to a major component upgrade. This is what happens when one treats the entire system.

Upgrading a fuse is effective because it improves the power supply of the component. It is important to realized that the electrons in the power supply are the very same electrons flowing through your speaker cable to your loudspeakers. We do not know why fuses have this effect on a power supply,  but we know it does. We also know that power flows through the entire system and optimum results will be achieved only when every fuse in the chain has been replaced and the power is cleaned up. To replace the fuse in one component is like having 4 defective tyres and replacing only the one that is punctured.

I have read reports by individuals who tried a red or black fuse in a single component and report that they did not hear any improvement, or even any change. If you hear no difference your system lacks resolution. It is as simple as that. I am fairly certain they would hear a significant difference had they changed all the fuses in their system. On hearing this change they will be forced to accept the fact that the fuses are an upgrade. Once they get to this first hurdle (the realization that fuses can improve fidelity), they can proceed to find the reasons for the lack of resolution.  


 I apologize. I posted without reading your post in full.

All the best for the new year. And keep posting. We need to hear from people like you

Individuals in the Synergistic fuse thread are under no obligation to educate ignorant individuals who are crude, rude and not worth the investment in time such a project would require.

Almarg                                               12-292016

" That continues to be a mystery as far as I am concerned "

What remains a mystery to me is that you have not evaluated Synergistic's black fuses in your system and published the results in this forum. This could easily be accomplished in three weeks, thereby allowing you to return them within the 30 day return period ( if you so desire ).
charles 1dad                                                        12/30/2016

" Audio truly is a mixture of science and engineering principles but art as well."

Well said Sir Charles.

The art you mention can only be gained from experience ( hard work, trial and error and a fanatical desire to succeed ). I would estimate that 35% of success in audio is based on book learning, while 65% is attributable to experience. Book learning is essential and provides the foundation for development but it is the additional specialized knowledge gained from experience (blood, sweat and tears)  in the field that elevates the winners.
geoffkait                    12-3-016                          8.21 AM

Nice little nugget geoffkait. 

A similar post like this from Synergistic Research would be timely and very helpful.

But, knowing Synergistic Research,  I am not holding my breath.
almarg                      12/2916                8.10pm

" However, as I’ve previously said in this thread what seems unexplainable is that upgrading to a specific fuse would be found to be sonically beneficial with the high degree of consistency that has been reported, among components that are completely different in design, that perform completely different functions, that are used in very different systems, that are powered by AC having very different voltage and noise characteristics, and in DC as well as AC applications. That continues to be a mystery as far as I am concerned."

I am making this post in good faith, because your tone and reasoned approach deserves a corresponding response. I do not have all the   answers but I believe there is an approach that may be helpful on a macro level.

Forget the fuse for a moment. A fuse cannot do the things you attribute to it. BUT A POWER SUPPLY CAN. All electronic devices, regardless of what they do , or whether AC or DC  powered, require and do have one or more power supplies. The Power Supply is the single most important component of all electronic devices. IT IS THE HEART OF THE DEVICE. It does not matter what the function of the device is. It does not matter whether the device is a preamp, power amp, CD player, DAC, Tuner, or a device used in commercial or industrial instrumentation.  It does not matter whether the AC has different voltage and noise characteristics. The Power Supply in an electronic device is like the heart in all animals. It does not matter whether the animal is a lion a mouse or an elephant. It does not matter if the animal lives in the North Pole or in the SAHARA desert. Optimum performance of all animals is dependent on a healthy and properly functioning heart.

The vast majority of power supplies contain one or more fuses. We know from experience that the performance of a Power Supply used in an audio product can be influenced by a fuse. How do we know this? We use the most accurate devices available. The human ears working in concert with the brain and nervous system to decode cognitive and emotional content (music)

But how can a fuse have such a salubrious effect on the music we hear? I do not know. I do not know anyone who does. Neither do I know what goes on at the sub subatomic level. Nor did Einstein. Yet what happens at the subatomic level is the basis of our stereo systems.

Bill berry & his Ellington Allstars - "FOR Duke " Vinyl Album

The storage area continues to give up its secrets. I gave ALL my LPs to a music lover in New York many, many years ago. So you can imagine my surprise ( and delight ") to find about 8 LPs Including " FOR DUKE ".

I would like you to have it if you do do not own a copy. If you do have a copy I would offer it to Sir Charles 1 dad. This was my " GO TO ") disc for sound quality evaluation. I also regarded the performance as excellent.

This disc deserves a place in every fine collection if only because the engineer was Steve McCormach.  

Charles 1 dad

I always assumed you were into vinyl. I was of the belief you were still using your turntable. I know you use a low powered amp and I subconsciously concluded you were most likely still spinning vinyl.

A very long time ago while studying in London I purchased a used 5 watt mono tube amp with a single EL34 tube. I built a large speaker enclosure  and mounted a 8" full range concentric Wharfedale loudspeaker speaker in it. Unbelievable sound levels !!!.

I decided to upgrade to stereo so I built a Heathkit 9 watts per channel tube amp. I also build a pair of very efficient loudspeakers. I did not have skills (nor the space) to make folded horns horns so I built something very close to a horn, but using the principle of pipes. Not as good as a folding horn but a very similar method of moving air. Drivers were ELACS. I was in audio heaven.

Charles 1 dad

I really do not know what a SET amplifier is and was never really sufficiently interested in finding out. Until now. Your description of what it did for you "conveyed the emotion and essence of music as convincingly as my TT" has got my attention. I will do some research to learn more about this fascinating technology.

Almarg    1/20/17

It now appears that Wolf_Garcia, Mapman and Almarg have emerged as the leading spokesmen for the flat earth society. I have taken it upon myself to respond to to the 5 points raised by almarg.

Points 1 & 2. " I don't doubt that fuses can make a difference in many applications even though measured data that has been presented to support the existence of those differences is not supportive of their existence"

It is very difficult to respond rationally to to this type of convoluted nonsense. The only way to determine whether a fuse make a difference is to listen to it. No "measured data" can make this determination. This is why final evaluation of high quality audio products has to pass a listening test before approved for sale. The truth is that all fuses make a difference. The only question is whether the resolution of the playback system is is good enough to allow the difference to be heard. Not all playback systems have the benefits of tuned acoustics, absence from vibrations, optimized loudspeaker placement, good grounding etc

Point 3. " I have expressed bafflement at how any particular fuse, such as the synergistic black, can provide the benefits it has reported to provide with the high degree of consistency that has been reported, among components that are completely different in design, that perform completely different functions, that are used in very different systems, that are powered by AC having very different voltage and noise characteristics, and in DC as well as AC applications"

Almarg's bafflement is based on a false premise. It is not the use that is doing all the things he is baffled by. It is THE POWER SUPPLY that is reponsible for the improvements. The fuse allow the power supply to perform more effectively and this, not the fuse, is responsible for the improved performance.

Point 4. " I have contended that it is impossible for a fuse to have inherent directional characteristics. And I have said that even if a fuse did have inherent directional characteristics, the vastly longer associated wiring would, as well and the directional effects of that wiring would swamp those of the fuse."

As Bill Clinton has pointed out " It depends on what "directional is." I replaced 10 fuses in my system and after replacing the final fuse noted a fall-off in performance. I reversed the physical direction of the fuse and and optimum performance was restored. I DID NOT CONCLUDE THAT THE FUSE ITSELF IS INHERENTLY DIRECTIONAL. It is my belief that when a genuine audiophile say a fuse is "directional" this is what they are referring to. They are not saying that the fuse is inherently  directional.

Point 5: " I have pointed out in this and other threads  that in audio it is often easy to attribute a perceived sonic effect to the wrong variable. And that the methodology with which an evaluation is performed needs to be especially thorough in the case of tweaks that are unexplainable and/or seemingly implausible, to rule out the possibility that  unrecognized variables are responsible.

This of course is a " Hail Mary " pass by a desperate Quarter Back in the closing stages of a losing battle. Does any one on this forum really believe that Oregonpapa (The OP of this thread ) is delusional. Can all the many positive reviews of the Synergistic Research fuses on this thread, and in other forums, explained away by saying they are being misled by "perceived effects of the wrong variable?

I have said it before and I will say it again. Please review the synergistic black fuse and post your review on this thread. And if you do a review you should equip your system with a full complement of fuses. Don't do what Mapman did. He put in a single fuse. This is like like replacing one tyre on a car and reporting that you observed no change. One tyre is only part of the system of tyres.
geoffkait                                       1/23/17

  " Uh, come again. What are you attributing the restoration of the sound to if not the inherent directionality of the fuse itself? "

I was merely responding to Almarg who stated " I have contended that it is impossible for a fuse to have inherent directional characteristics. "

I wanted to state the only experience I had on this topic. I had originally replaced (7) standard fuses [ (4) in my power amp, (2) in my CD player and (1) in my preamp ] with Synergistic red fuses. I later replaced the single fuse in the preamp with a Synergistic black. There was a significant improvement in sound quality so I decided to upgrade the Cd player with blacks. However when I replaced the fuses in my CD player ( with SR black fuses ) the system sounded like it was out of phase. I took out both fuses and turned them around 180 degrees. This solved the problem and the system made another leap forward.

I did not form an opinion as to why the change in orientation was so dramatic. To this day I have not come to any firm conclusions. Was it a mechanical connection problem ? I really do not know. I refuse to say that the fuses are directional. I also refuse to say they are not directional. I don't really care either way.



I need more information before boarding the train:

 I do not know the manufacturing process used in fuse manufacture.
I do not understand the properties of graphene as it relates to SR fuses.
I do not know the full effects of Quantum tunneling.
I have no information on the fuse holders.
I do not know if the labels on the fuses are oriented in the same direction.

grannyring   01-29-17

Thank you for publishing a link to the Audio Horizon's website, which
provides an insight into the reasoning involved in the manufacture of their     "platinum reference more than a fuse."

I found it very interesting. Moreover what a manufacturer say about its  products is always worthy reading.