Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 20 responses by dlcockrum

"Relatively civil in the end at least which is how things should be."

Absolutely right. The difference here is provocation. Did the multiple bouts of ugliness on this thread start with the advocates of the fuses attacking the character, motives, intent, judgement, mental competency, etc of those that choose not to use the fuses or vice versa?


George, I appreciate that you can always be counted on to add a constructive and insightful tidbit too.  Thank you.

Actually Geoff, George said ,"I am a not a lawer". Accuracy is important when discussing fuses.

Lawers are a new form of pseudo-lawyers that that have no legal training nor other qualifications but exist to warn us that there is a potential lawsuit. Like the LifeLock commercials where the guy in uniform in the bank says, "There’s a robbery". George was just being modest as he has demonstrated every attribute of a full-blown lawer, so please give him the respect that he so rightfully deserves. I think we should all chip in and get him that uniform. It’s the least we can do in my opinion.

Lawers, whether admittedly so or not, are very valuable and should be thanked for their selflessness and service to protect the common good.

Shadorne is of course correct. Hearing sonic differences, especially improvement, from aftermarket fuses and power cords is the best way to identify inferior equipment. I had it backwards all this time, thinking that the best equipment would be revealing of improvements in the quality of power they are fed. Wrong thinking!

Based on his superbly-vetted advice, I have decided to finally accept reality and sell off my Ayre, Krell, Classe’, and ModWright equipment as soon as possible. I am still testing my VPI turntable to see if it sounds different or better with an aftermarket power cord attached to the SDS controller. If so, it’s outta here too.

I plan to keep my aftermarket power cords and fuses temporarily for use when carefully auditioning the replacement equipment to ensure that I can hear no differences between the perfectly good cords and fuses that come with the new equipment and these aftermarket voodoo products.

I could use some help from those following this thread and elsewhere identifying equipment to avoid as I move forward. Please post the makes of your equipment if you hear any differences when using aftermarket cords and fuses in order to help me avoid these products. For this assistance I will be forever grateful, but not nearly as much so as to shadorne for making me see the light.

I also plan to test my car to see if it performs better with expensive non-OEM tires. If so, it’s outta here too. The factory knows what works best. Cost is never a consideration. The nonsense saying that better constructed tires make a car handle better is also marketing hype to deceive the weak minded into giving the fraudulent high-performance tire makers money. Don’t believe it!

"The use of the word "Troll" 4 x in one post, must be a record, and it’s directed at the more tech savvy members on the forums who only try to keep things honest and technically informative."

barbappa was not talking about Al there, Georgie. He was clearly talking about you and the three other riders of the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse, thus the use of the word Troll four times.


almarg: "So my basic intention is to provide food for thought, rather than advocacy. Although per my various posts on the subject I would not consider it to be an unreasonable course of action for someone who wants to try SR fuses to choose values that are one or even two increments higher than stock, and in the end perhaps avoid wasting several hundred dollars as a result."

Reads quite differently when not taken out of context, eh, Mighty Mouse?

Ain’t it a pisser when real technical experts like Al refuse to take your bait?

Great news Frank. Best wishes for a continued rapid and successful recovery.

Hi Al,

Would one need to solder a 75 ohm resistor between the live and neutral on this BNC connector to produce a shunt? Or simply plug one of the shunt connectors tommylion refers to into this BNC plug? Looks to me like those  shunt caps above could be replicated using an inexpensive RCA connector and a 75 ohm resistor...


Found similar 75 ohm BNC terminators on Amazon 4 for $10 with 2-day delivery and 75 ohm RCA terminators on eBay 10 for $10. I am going to give them both a try. Will report back.

Back to tommylion’s posts re: the use of digital 75ohm terminator caps, I tried a BNC 75ohm terminator on the unused BNC input of my Exogal DAC and could hear no audible improvement. Tried a RCA 75ohm terminator cap ($1) on my Modwright5400ES player’s unused s/pdif digital output and heard a reduction in the noise floor. I think that Al (almarg) said that the improvement from 75ohm terminators would be greatest on digital outputs vs inputs and I found that to be true.

Also tried RCA shorting caps on the unused analog inputs on my Ayre preamp and heard no effect, but using same on the unused analog inputs of my Onkyo digital processor (HT system) I did hear a reduction in glare. Likely due to the difference between the quality of input isolation of the Ayre vs the Onkyo.

I was surprised to see that the contact area of both the Black and the Blue fuses is plated with brass/nickel. 

Everything I have read and my own experience re: receptacles makes this a puzzling choice to me.

Hopefully you guys who bought the Black fuse recently did so during the 3 for 2 sale like I did.  We got 33% off. Be happy and enjoy your Black fuses!
