Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 49 responses by oregonpapa

Thanks for the friendship guys.  Believe me, It's very important in these times. Open heart surgery isn't for the faint of heart.  Oh, wait ... 

I've been experimenting with a new product as a "tester."  I'm not allowed to discuss it because it's not on the market yet. Its so good that I can't tear myself away from the system. As soon as I get the  go-ahead, I'll do a complete review and I'll be encouraging everyone here to jump on it. It's the best tweak ever.



Al  ...

Sometimes those primitive sonics can be refreshing.  I still love the way old movie tracks sound, especially those from the '40s and '50s. They had a magical way with massed strings. 

Allan ...

Thanks for the heads up on the Bybee product. I’m a little confused by your post though. I read through the Bybee article and they cite the price at $150. In your post you say that "you got the device today and its the best $300 bucks you ever spent. Did the price go up to $300 each, or did you buy two of them? Thanks ...

^^^ Thanks, Allan.

I've read the reviews and the devise seems to improve the tonal balance of instruments even further. Accurate tonal balance is one of the most important things to attain in an audio system in my opinion. I'll start trying them one at t time ... one per month. Thanks again ...

Hi, guys.  

I'm one who doesn't care how something works,  only that it does.  With that said,  earlier on in this thread I  mentioned that I'm a "tester" for a  product that in my opinion will be a real game changer in the Audio industry.   I can't say much at this point other than we can forget all of the usual catch words like  clarity, focus, tonal balance and replace them all with one word  .... REAL. It addresses a previously unthought of detriment to sound reproduction.  That's about all I can say at this point, other than when you hear what it does you're going to have to have it. Even the naysayers will be left in awe. No joke..

Allen ... 

No price has been determined at this point, but it will be relatively inexpensive, especially considering the results attained. There is nothing else like it. As I said, it addresses a previously unthought of detriment to sound reproduction.

 And no, I haven't tried the iQSE's in the system. I've been concentrating on recovering from complications surrounding the recent 
heart surgery.  I've been to Hell  and back due to a complete shut-down of the urinary system and then a total lack of any desire for food. 6 feet tall tipping the scale at a whopping 130 pounds. Not good. I look like a kid's stick person.

As soon as I feel better I'll order a couple of the iQSE's.  I'm especially interested to see what effect they have by putting them inside the fuse box. 

The fuse box is an often overlooked source of improvements.  I'm thinking about having an electrician replacing the one I have  .... built in 1975 .... with one of higher quality and more modern trip switches.  Can you imagine over 50 years of corrosion and how that affects the sound?
^^^ Thanks Allan. I'm drinking 3 chocolate Ensures a day as a supplement to put on weight.  That's 660 extra calories per day. Tastes great too ... as long as its cold.  
Hi, Guys ...

After many years of enjoyment, and tons of hours on the unit, the optical pickup lens in my ARC CD-7 -SE is finally giving up the ghost. I found a brand new replacement part here:

A fair price at $29.00 including shipping.

With the advent of digital downloads, and red book CD's falling out of favor, if you have a CD player that fills your musical needs, it may be prudent to buy a new lens now and just keep it for that inevitable day.


Thank you tommylion ... 

Since starting this thread, my system has improved by leaps and bounds. And to think, it all started with taking a chance on just one of SR's RED Fuses. I'm indebted to the guys at SR Their tweaks truly work and are transformative. This has led me into other area of tweaks, many of which, came at the suggestion of members here. I'm indebted to those members as well.   

On the "mystery tweak,"  It looks like the reveal date may be sometime toward the end of August. At least that's the latest info I have from the genius, who now has become a personal friend, that came up with the idea. I hope so anyway ... its just too good not to share it with all of you. As I said before, it addresses a major problem that has gone unaddressed before. It brings audio systems into the realm of true realism.  I think even the mid-fi guys will benefit. Those with high resolution systems will be completely bowled over. 

Nuff for now ... 

Back on 6-30-17 I posted info re: this site:

I don’t recommend these people. They are selling cheap Chinese knock offs. The part I ordered was dead out of the box. Beware.

^^^ Allan ...

Thank you for asking. Its been a rough row to hoe.  I've finally turned the corner on the loss of appetite. Gained seven pounds over the past week. I look into the mirror and see a death camp survivor looking back at me. 130 lbs on a six foot frame. Not good. Its truly been a battle between the body and the mind. Thanks to many skilled specialists I feel as though I've finally turned the corner and entering back into the land of the living. 

In the meantime, two components of my system are at the tech. The CD player and the line stage. What an obsession this  hobby is. Without the system in operation its like missing two ribs. Before the laser pickup went out in the CD player and the line stage developed noise the system was WAY beyond what I ever thought attainable in a home system. Its something that really must be heard. It doesn't play huge like a big Wilson system, but more like a Harbeth 40.2 system with better bass. Tonal correctness is the end- all as far as I'm concerned ...and those of you who are enjoying your Harbeth 40.2's know exactly what I mean. 

Finally got the line stage and the CD player back from the tech. All is fine and sounding better than ever.What a joy to have music playing from the big system again. Spotify with headphones and a small dac feeding into the PC is okay .... but, well you know. :-)

For all of the Chet Baker fans out there, I highly recommend this CD:

Its all ballads with a "you are there" presence, The music is so beautiful, its hard to tear yourself away from it. 



On Chet Baker and Miles Davis ...

I read an article recently about Miles Davis. The author claims that Miles chased Chet Baker's tone his entire career and never was able to get it right.  Any comments??
Charles ...

I tend to agree with you. Both had very unique styles. I can listen to either one for hours on end. Never cared for Miles’ psychedelic phase though. One of my favorite Miles albums is his "Round Midnight" album. So soulful and beautiful. I found a mint copy back in the early 70’s in a used record store in Santa Monica for 50 cents. Still have it and it still plays like new (almost). I have an original "Kind of Blue" along with several reissues, including a Japanese reissue. Of all the reissues I’ve heard of this album, the original has the most defined bass lines. In my opinion, Cannonball Adderley makes the album what it is. His playing is very inspired. I’ve often said that Miles and Coltrane showed up for a studio session and Adderley showed up to have a lot of fun.


PS: On the new tweak that I’m beta testing .... still going at it. Hopefully the release date will be very soon. I’m just waiting for the mfg to give me the word so I can write a review here. It IS a game changer. Its gotten me closer to a real event than any other tweak I’ve tried so far. Eight week break-in period ... and then it just hits you between the eyes .... and ears. Its the most amazing thing. 
Well, Friday Night Lights are burning once again. Yep, I'm talkin' high school football. Our local team is the real deal this year. Two games down and we have outscored our opponents 98 - 28 ... and their scores have come in the fourth quarter when we have the second string guys in there. Our quarterback, in his senior year, is playing at the college level. The guy throws rockets and his long ball is dead on the money.  The stands are jammed with standing room only if you don't get there early. If you haven't been to a high school game for years, try to go. These kids are playing at the college level of 20 years ago. I think I've only missed about five games over the past 20 years or so. Such fun.  We have a group of old codgers like myself who meet up at the games. We carpool to the "away" games as well. Hey ... Seniors get in free too. Cheapest show in town. :-)

Hi, David ...

Nice to see you posting here again. Hopefully it will be on a regular basis now. Your input is way to valuable to be lost to us.Hope all is well with your Mom. 

^^^ jafreeman ...

The auditioning is finished and its fantastic. Still can't reveal anything though. Not until its released. Its coming with an instructional DVD and that's in the works now.  

^^^ Thank you Bob. Its always a pleasure having you over. Last night Robert and I finished off the Scotch you brought ... yummy!

Robert brought over a CD of Arthur Lyman’s "Taboo" for our listening pleasure. Wowie! I’ll bring it over to your place to "test" your subs. The CD is amazing. I have the LP but it never sounded like this CD.

Did you order the Carol Kidd CD? Unfortunately, it looks like its become a collector item. Either that or this seller suffers from delusion of grandeur.

I'll bring mine over the next time we get together at your place so you can download it. 


^^^ If one is a "brand new owner" of the Black fuses, one could take advantage of the 30 day return policy and get credit for the money spent on the Black fuses. This is exactly what I did with two of my "new" RED fuses when the Blacks first came out. I was well within the 30 day policy. No questions asked at Highend Electronics. Alfred and Betty are great to do business with. 

For "seasoned" owners of the Black fuses, use them as spares or sell them on Ebay or A’gon. Same thing one would do with any component being replaced because of an equipment upgrade.

Just a thought.

New Kid on The Block

Synergistic Research Quantum BLUE fuses.

Thanks to Alfred, owner of Highend Electronics, I had the good fortune to have the chance to try a set of the new BLUE fuses prior to their release date (lucky me). I’ve been auditioning them for a couple of weeks now. Here are my conclusions so far:

First, lets cover the negatives:

Okay, now that the negatives have been covered, lets talk about what these new fuse offerings from SR can do for our systems.

First, instead of doing one component at a time like I did with the SR BLACK fuses, I put the five BLUE fuses in the system all at once. Two in the CD player and one each in the amp, preamp and phono stage. Right off the bat they sounded great. So good in fact that the brand new set, cold out of the boxes and not broken in, sounded better than the set of fully broken in SR BLACK fuses they replaced. A lot better.

The Blue fuses allow for improvements that are much more significant than that of going from the SR RED fuses to the SR BLACKS. There is a break -in period with the new BLUE fuses, but quite unlike the break-in period of the BLACK fuses. The BLACKS seemed to take forever to completely break in with "jumps" of improvement in between ... and even a few backward moves. With the BLUES its a smooth transition. It seems the sound gets better each time I turn the system on even after extensive listening sessions over the period that the BLUES have been in the system. How good they are going to get when fully broken in is anyone’s guess. So far, fantastic.

1. Noise floor.

I didn’t think it possible after living with the BLACK fuses all these months, but sure enough there’s even less grain and a more pure presentation. This allows for hearing so much more into the music and harvesting that minute detail that adds so much to the realism of a music play-back system. Can you hear in which direction a drummer’s brush work is moving across the snare drum; left to right or right to left? These BLUE fuses will allow you to do that providing you have a highly resolving system in the first place.

2. Better bass extension.

I use the now discontinued Legacy Signature III speakers. The next speaker up the Legacy line is the larger Legacy "Focus" speakers. I love the Focus’ ... they play BIG. Well, the SR BLUE fuses have turned the Signature III’s into a pair of Focus.’ I have never gotten such low and undistorted bass in any system I’ve put together over the 40 some years in the hobby. With my raised wood floor this is a real blessing. From top to bottom the speakers are totally seamless now.

Articulation of vocals.

The new fuses have provided a more "see through" presentation allowing one to hear not only the voice of a singer but allows the listener to get a handle on the singer’s personality. Carole Kidd never sounded so good before. With each vocal recording I throw on, the performer is in the room.

Sound stage.

With the new BLUE fuses installed, the system reminds me of the huge sound I used to get when I had the Accoustat 4’s in the system. The Legacy Signature III’s sound enormous at this point .... without losing any inner detail or any of the natural and organic tones I was getting with the SR BLACKS. In fact, gaining improvements in both areas.

At this point the system totally disappears. What’s left is a musical performance in Three-D relief behind the speakers and from considerably beyond the outside edges of the speakers. For the first time, with certain recordings, the performer, or soloist, seems to image a few feet in front of the speakers out into the room toward the listening position. As either Gordon Holt or HP used to say (I can’t remember which) "No cardboard cutouts here." Nope, just real performers dancing in the room.

Improved Dynamics.

Swap out your fuses for these new SR BLUE fuses and play Arthur Lyman’s "Taboo," both volume I and volume II. Prepare to be shocked. The drums and jungle noises are amazing. I’ve listened to these recordings a zillion times and really only heard them for the very first time after the SR BLUE fuses were installed in the system. Zowie ... fun stuff!

Getting the tones right

This is the most important area that I want to get right in my system. I want a piano to sound like a piano, a cello to sound like a cello, a tenor sax to sound like a tenor sax and a soprano sax to sound like a soprano sax. Everything else in a home system comes in at second place to proper tonality of the instruments in my opinion. Its what we love about the Harbeth speakers, especially their new 40.2’s.
Here’s another speaker that gets the tones right:

The tonality of instruments with the SR BLUE fuses is at least as good as it was with the SR BLACKS .... and that’s saying something. Instruments just sound right. So I now have a larger, more articulate and more 3-D presentation with the correct tonality still intact. Nice!

Bottom Line

My understanding is that the SR BLUE fuses will be selling for $149.95 each. Based upon what they’ve done for my system, I highly recommend them and wouldn’t want to live without them. I just don’t know how to get this kind of improvement for such a small investment. I don’t mean to sound like an audio snob here, but we are talking about high end audio where the price of entry could choke a horse.

If you’ve just bought some SR Blacks and are still within the 30 day return policy, return them for credit toward the new Blue fuses. You’ll be glad you did. This is exactly what I did with my last two RED fuses that went into the CD Player. Alfred gave me credit for the RED fuses toward two new BLACK fuses. I came up with the remaining cash. I was well within the 30 day return offer though. Alfred and Betty are wonderful people to do business with ... and a credit to Synergistic Research as one of their dealers. 

A resounding Thank You to Ted Denny and to all of the folks at Synergistic Research for developing these new BLUE fuses. Its a winning product for sure! My system is sounding better than ever. Way better than I thought it ever would.

A bargain at $149.95.


^^^ Excellent post. Your humor shows through.  I can hardly wait to hear the results of the BLUES in your system. 

In the meantime things are sounding incredible at my place. Someone mentioned the good results could be because of a reduction in high frequencies. Nope. The highs are more extended than ever .... as is the bass extension. Seamless.

Years back I used an ARC CLASSIC 60 in the system. Very nice amp by the way. For about a year I used a copper plug in place of the fuse. It made me too nervous so I eventually pulled it out and put the stock fuses back in. It just wasn't worth the risk. 

Allan ...

My "honest opinion" was expressed on the previous page in my review of the new SR BLUE fuses.  Every word is true. Its another amazing advancement. Well worth replacing the Black fuses with the Blues.

I was listening to a few Kingston Trio CD's tonight ... and those guys were in the room. 

David ...

Thanks for the kind words. Your Mom is going to love the Blue fuse ... and so are you. :-)

Allan ...

The SR BLUE fuses are transformative. I’ve only heard the results in my system, but I’m left shaking my head. The system truly disappears leaving only the performers in the room.

I mentioned the Kingston Trio CD’s in an above post. At one point the solo singer stands about two to three feet in front of the speakers with the rest of the group remaining back in the sound stage. Uncanny.

Is the "secret tweak" better than the BLUE fuses? I’d say they complement each other in a big way. Each is different from the other.

There is an eight week break-in for the "secret tweak," but what happens at eight weeks is amazing. At eight weeks, almost to the day, the system goes from what is left of HiFi and transforms itself into realism. Oh, and there is another breakthrough at four weeks too. Not as great as the eight week breakthrough though.

Stay tuned ... the mfg is a perfectionist and wants things totally right before its released. I don’t blame him .... he has a real winner on his hands here.

theaudiotweak ...

Acoustic paints already exist. Check this out ...

Its called AVA or Anti Vibration Magic.

I know someone who swears by this stuff. He’s painted the entire interior of his electronics, tubes, caps ... the whole nine yards ...  and even the speaker "baskets."


The acoustic paint is being applied to panels and then the panels placed on walls. Ted Denney's Facebook page has all of the info on it.  In addition to audio applications Denney wants to use it for industrial applications to dampen noise. 

Jay ...

What is the difference between transporting the recording venue into your listening room, or you being transported into the recording venue?

I'm getting sound out of percussion instruments that are unbelievable. 

geofkait ...

Denney's goal is to go way beyond audio applications. Think of noisy bars and restaurants. Or how about small factories or hospital applications?  No limit really. Check out his Facebook page. Interesting stuff. 

In other words, the best we can ever hope to hear is what entered the microphone?  :-)

Jay ...

Notice that I said "Hope for."

And just as a point of interest, if you could see everything that’s been done in my system to eliminate unwanted vibration, noise, arcing, etc, you’d be surprised. Not perfect yet, nor will it ever be .... but damned good as it sits.


Same here raul ... Its amazing how many gremlins lurk in our listening rooms, electronics and equipment racks. Their goal is to smear the sound. Over the past two years I’ve made a concentrated effort to kill as many of the gremlins as possible. The SR fuses have been a big help. So have the Herbie’s tube dampeners and the SR room treatments.

The new BLUE fuses have brought everything up to a new, and unexpected level. I was just listening to Charlie Mingus’ "Tijuana Moods." I don’t care what others are saying ... they were in the room. *lol*

Wow ... look at the prices for some of these out of print CD's. Are they really selling for these prices or do the "sellers" suffer from delusions of grandeur? 


PS ... Has anyone else posting here ordered any BLUE fuses? It would be nice to compare notes.
lilitk ...

I have the gold CD. I bought it at the original price years ago at the CES show in Las Vegas. I also have the LP. At this moment in time, I’ll take the gold CD over the LP.

Tonight’s listening session was amazing. After listening to Charlie Mingus, I kicked back to an evening of Cal Tjader. What a great jazz group it was too. I was fortunate to hear Tjader live in a jazz club in Hollywood as a senior in high school. A rockin’ good time.

For those of you who are getting into the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Thanks ... 


Something isn't right. There should be a huge improvement over a stock fuse. Direction is a trial and error thing just like the RED and BLACK fuses. 

The term "expectation bias" has been used many times in this thread. Its total bunk.

I know what I hear and I hear what I know. The BLUE fuses are a major step up from the BLACK fuses .... as the BLACKS were from the RED fuses ... and the RED fuses were from the stock fuses.

Once again, without hearing for themselves, the naysayers are coming out of the woodwork in an attempt to throw ice water on a perfectly good thing. Gets a bit old, doesn’t it??

geoffkait ...

The new BLUE fuses are so good in my system that its hard to believe that someone can install one and not hear the difference over a stock fuse. Perhaps the fuse is defective? Try another fuse? Hidden agenda? What??

Jay23 ...

With respect, I'm not trying to lump you into any group. Here in my place, the performers sound like they are in the room ... at least to my ears. I've used the phraseology "in the room" for many years to describe what I hear. Are they actually in the room?  No. Have I actually been transported into the recording venue? No. But then there are the times when I kick back and close my eyes ... :-)

It behooves us all to remember that this hobby is supposed to be about fun. 

As far as my writing being "transparent," what exactly does it "indicate" to you? 

When you get the new BLUE fuse, please post your results here. Thanks ...

Jay23 ....

Thank you for clarifying ... much appreciated. :=)

Actually, there seems to be more transparency and the highs are extended further than with the BLACK fuses. Not as much as with the bass though. I think I’ve gained an octave or so in the bass.

I’ve had two audiophile friends over on separate occasions to hear the difference the BLUE fuses have made in the system and both had the same comment ... "your system has become seamless."

On rolling off the highs ... I know recording engineers roll off highs while transferring analog tapes to digital CD’s to get rid of the tape hiss. I don’t like recordings like that. I’ll take the hiss and keep the highs.

verapsaneni ....

If it were me and I didn’t hear any difference, I’d return the fuse for a replacement and try again. You may have gotten a dud if such a thing exists. These are just too good for you to not hear the improvement.

Again Wolfie ... there are those of us who really don't give a damn how these things work, only that they do. Instead of going through life doubting everything, I prefer to just kick back and enjoy. Pull out your moth infested wallet and pay for one of the new fuses. If you don't like it, get yer money back and yer only out the cost of shipping. 


PS: I don't care about patents either. And ... I believe you're the only one talking about them. Did Ted Denney mention patents?
New thread regarding the new SR BLUE fuses has been started in "misc-audio" forum. No Debbie Downers PLEASE.

Hey guys ...

Positive disagreement and constructive criticism is always welcome. This is how we learn

Go back and read this entire thread. You'll see why I opted to start the new Blue fuse thread in a different forum. I'm pretty much done here. 

Bring your positive selves over to the Misc. Audio forum for a good discussion on the new SR Blue fuses. They are quite remarkable.  
