Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

Charles ...

Good things will be coming your way soon.  I'm in the process of putting together a package for you. Included will be the Milt Jackson "Second Nature" album that I mentioned above. It's early Jackson when he was at his best in my opinion.  


Question for Wolf_Garcia ...

Doesn't a fuse prove its reliability when it blows? I mean, what are we relying upon when we put a fuse into a piece of electronics? Surely not that it will never blow no matter what.
^^^ Good point, Andy.  A more appropriate word to end his post would be "frown."  :-)
Dear Wolfie and Mr. Cheers ...

I had a long diatribe all written out in response to you two guys ... four paragraphs long. It kind of reminded me of the last conversation I had with my ex-wife. During that last conservation she said that If I brought home one more LP or purchased one more piece of stereo equipment she'd leave me for good. After 35 years of being married and 22 years of being divorced, I still miss that woman sometimes. 

I was wondering ... is there anything that I could do that would encourage you two guys leave this thread for good? I promise, I'll try to miss you from time to time. 

Nah .... :-)
^^^ Yes, I agree ... an ignore feature would be the best thing since sliced fuses.  
^^^  Charles ,...

I wasn't aware that you had a WWTT Charles. With certain modifications and proper setup they can be close to giant killers. 

I'm going to spend the day (Sunday) digging through the old record vault to see how many of the records I heard at my friend's home last night are lurking in there. I have a tendency to play my favorite 400-500 records and kind of let the others slip by the memory bank.  Plus the CD player is sounding so good these days, and is so convenient with the remote control in hand (bad knees, back, etc.) that I play CD's mostly and save the LP's for when the audiophile friends come over. 

Yep ... Andy gets it. 

And now that we're on the subject of turntables ....

Over the past few months I've had the pleasure of hearing three different systems where the owners have gotten into the classic rim drive turntables where they have changed out the plinth, tone arm, etc.  The systems have ranged from ultra high end (excess of 300k) using VERY expensive electronics and speakers to a much more modest system tonight using classic Marantz tube gear.

 After hearing the results, if I were to do it over again, I'd seriously consider going this route. What these tables do when properly modified is quite astounding. They are so much closer to producing the actual DRIVE of live music, especially on jazz recordings.

I've heard 100k+ analog setups that don't do what these table do. Oh, the expensive ones are truly great, but in the area of where the music is really at, they just don't seem to get the job done as well. A real toe tappin' ... head noddin' experience. 

During each of these sessions, the owners had more than one turntable to make comparisons with. In all three sessions, we kept going back to the rim drive tables as our preferred listening source.

For the listening session tonight, we compared a properly set up Goldmund Studio table to a modified rim drive table.  The Goldmund was smoother and quieter in its presentation and really good. The rim drive ... was alive. That's it ... alive. 

I don't know if any of you have gone this route, but if you have, I'd sure enjoy hearing about your experience.  

^^^ Here's a couple of albums my friend played tonight that I don't have myself, but that I would consider a part of any serious jazz collection:

There were a lot more ... but I couldn't find them on Ebay.  Rare stuff. 


^^^ I think it best that we keep in mind here that its really about the music. Does a tweak or an equipment upgrade get you closer to the actual event or does it not?

How many of us posting here have been so taken by a piece of music being played on our car's FM radio that we've pulled over to write the name of the artist/performance down, then headed directly to the record store to buy it?  

Either one's audio system is emotionally involving from a musical standpoint or it isn't. Cost doesn't seem to have that much to do with it as far as I'm concerned. 

GeorgeLoFi ...

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but this thread has evolved far beyond being just about fuses. You might consider starting your own thread for anti fuse folks like yourself. You know, kind of like the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers. 

I, for one, will promise not to rain on your parade. 

^^^  I was going to answer .... but what's the point? There's way too much music to listen to tonight to be the whipping boy for a couple of infantile egos. 

By the way ... I installed six of Herbies tube dampeners in the ARC-CD 7-se last night. The result? ... A completely new level of resolution and musicality. Zowie.

a25105 ...

I'm using Herbie's Ultra Sonic RX's.  So far, I've put these into the REF-3 preamp and the CD player. Next will be the phono stage and the amp.  I see no reason at this point ... or ever, to buy another CD player.  Red Book CD's can boggle the mind. If you haven't sent your CD-7 back to the factory for the "SE" power supply upgrade, I highly recommend it.  The CD player is using a full compliment of SR Black fuses, Herbie's tube dampeners, a Synergistic Research Level III power cord and a balanced Von Gaylord Legend IC.  Expensive, yes.  But I know what the CD-7 is capable of at this point ... and it goes WAY beyond reason. 

On Linda Ronstadt ... 

Glad you're appreciating it. She was a great singer, and when unleashed with Nelson Riddle on the Great American Songbook, she was a power to be reckoned with.  

If you truly like the music on the "Round Midnight" Ronstadt album, you'll like the other two as well ... the same level of artistry and the same quality of sound. Prior to Nelson's Riddle's passing, they had a fourth album planned. Untimely death, indeed.

The music you've been exposed to on these albums are really a trip into musical history. Here's some other artists to expose yourself to:

Jo Stafford ... "Ballad of The Blues."  I have the original six eye Columbia stereo. The sound is excellent and the sound stage goes on forever.

Here's another Jo Stafford album where she appears with the Art Van Damme Quintet.  Excellent sound. Van Damme plays the accordion with his group. Don't laugh, he really swings and along with Myron Florin, was on of the world's premier jazz accordion players.

Jo Stafford "Jo + Jazz.

Helen Merrill ... Another great artist to explore.

Chris Connor is a good one if you like the sultry jazz style:

Here's a Chris Connor "must have" reissue:

June Christy ... A teriffic jazz ballad singer. She was married to the great tenor sax player Bob Cooper. She's been one of my favorites since high school in the 50's. In fact, I bought this album when it first came out. Its a must have. Here's a sealed copy of Cisco's reissue of "Something Cool."  I have it as well as the original. The Cisco reissue is better. Buy it, you won't be sorry:

Doris Day ... I love Doris Day:

This one belongs in your collection ... demo quality all the way. Amaze yourself and your friends with the artistry and sound quality on this album.

All of the above recommendations have been in my collection for years. All are demo quality that will bring out the best from your system. Most are mono ... but the kind of mono that will have you asking: "Who needs stereo?" 

I truly hope you try these albums. Compared to what passes for pop music these days, they are a breath of fresh air. 

If you like, I can recommend some really great male ballad singers from the past as well. Have you ever heard Tony Martin?  :-)

Please keep me posted. One the things I enjoy most about this hobby is that it gives an opportunity to expose those two or three generations up the line from me to great music like we've been discussing here. Like they say ... "Eminem and Justin, eat your friggin' hearts out. :-)
^^^  Thank you, Charles ...

Billy Eckstine has always been one of my favorites. As a junior high kid, I was obsessed with trying to sound like him. I was always trying to sing "I Apologize" in that deep, wonderful crooner's voice. Never could pull it off of course, but I tried.  I saw him in concert back in the 70's as a side act with Sammy Davis Jr. He sang and played the trumpet ... and while an older voice at that time, he still had the juice. 

Joe Williams and the Brit, Al Hibbler, were two more favorites of mine back in the day. Oh, and I have the Johnny Hartman albums he did with John Coltrane. Man, those are a couple of demo vocal records if there ever were any. Soul, man ... soul. 

The Peggy Lee album you recommended is available on Ebay right now in both vinyl and CD format.  

For those of you who love soulful music from south of the border, Linda   Ronstadt made one album with great Mexico City musicians. I heard her perform the songs on this album live at the Universal Amphitheater in L.A. An amazing evening.

Personally, I love really good Mexican music, being exposed to it through living in Southern California all of my life and a 35 year marriage to a woman whose Mom was born in Mexico and a Dad who was born in Central America. There were marimbas, guitars and castanets at family get-togethers. The Dad was a fine marimba player ... even playing professionally at one time. 

Al ... 

Where I got the idea that Al Hibble was a Brit is a mystery to me. I've believed that since I was a kid.  Now I find out that he was born in Mississippi. Thanks for the correction. This is a little treat for you, Al:

By the way Al, you mentioned the Righteous Brothers ... A friend of mine (Bill Perry) played guitar on all of their albums. To this day, I cannot find his credits on the liner notes on any of the RB albums. 


^^^ ... Hi, Charles ...

I have the Jo+Jazz on both LP and CD. I have "Ballad of The Blues" on LP but not on CD.  If the CD is anything like the LP, you're in for a real treat. I'd be interested in what you think of the sound quality of the CD. If they made a good quality transfer from the tape, I'll buy it. Thanks ...

Charles ...

After digging though the CD vault this evening, I discovered that I do have Jo Stafford's "Ballad of The Blues." Its recorded in mono. The LP is in stereo. The CD sound is more "up front," but over all I prefer the LP. The "Jo+Jazz" CD is recorded in stereo. Sound is good but not spectacular. Really good musicians on the recording though ... Ben Webster for one.

Welcome to the discussion, butler. 

As you continue upgrading to the Black fuses, you'll get a similar improvement as you have already experienced. They'll be a nice improvement when you change out your one RED fuse for a Black one too. 

^^^ I hear you, butler.

Getting the most music out of our systems has been one of the topics of discussion in this thread. As you read through you'll find lots of music recommendations ... and what we've referred to as getting a more "organic" sound. The SR Black fuses really help in this regard. Most of those posting in this thread are music lovers first with the equipment/tweaks just allowing us to get closer to our music. Its what keeps me coming back to this thread actually. 

^^^^ ... It takes some experimentation.  Rotate one fuse at a time. If its in the wrong direction the system will sound out of phase. The sound stage may even appear larger but it will be diffused and vague. Installed in the proper direction and everything comes into focus. 
^^^ Excellent post, Jason ... thank you. 

The SR Black fuses seem to bring out the "humanness" in what is really no more than music reproduction in our homes. How they work is of no consequence to me at all ... only that they do. Do they work in all systems? Obviously not ... see Mapman's comments in this thread. But, for the vast majority who have tried the fuses, their assessment is most assuredly like yours, David's, Charles', mine and many others posting here. Most of the positive results being reported are by very seasoned audiophiles with decades of experience in the hobby. We are people who have been burned by certain tweaks over the years ... and when something works as well as the SR Black fuses do, well ... we want to shout it from the rooftops. 


Wolf ...

Please point out where anyone said that the fuse was out of phase. You're reading way too much into this.  What WAS said was the SYSTEM sounds out of phase with the fuse installed in the improper direction. 

Again ...  other than you and perhaps a couple of others, who cares how the fuse works? 

Continue beating dead horses, wolf ... 

 Wolfie ...

I'll say it again for the umpteenth time ... I am a salesman and not an engineer. I do not care how the fuses work, only that they do. Its a mystery to me why you continue doubting in the face of all of the positive comments in this thread ... all 74 pages of it at this point.  I suggest that you call Ted Denny at SR and ask him how they work. He's the designer and the engineer and most likely has all of the technical jargon to satisfy your curiosity. 

^^^ nyame ...

Thanks for the kind words. They are very much appreciated. 

Wolf and his very small gang of audio-sadists have in the past accused me of being on the payroll of SR. Also a "shill" for SR.  What they neglect to mention is all of the other tweaks and improvements that I've reported on in this thread and in others here in various A'gon threads.  I report on what works for me, hoping to help others along the way. For anyone who has followed this thread from the beginning, they know that it also includes many music/recording suggestions. 

I'd like Wolfie to answer the question that if he thinks I'm on the payroll of SR, does he also think I'm on the payroll of AudioTechnica, Gaylord Legend speaker and IC cables, Audio Research and Herbie's tube dampeners? All of these products, in combination with the SR power cords, fuses and room treatments have improved my existing system immensely without upgrading to more expensive electronics up the ARC line.  

This thread has become much more than just a "fuse" thread, something the naysayers seem to miss. Lots of friendships have been formed and music shared. Why anyone would want to destroy that is beyond me. Folks like Wolfie remind me of baking a delicious looking cake ... but when the batter was being mixed, a pinch of sand was added. No matter how good the cake looks, the pinch of sand ruins it.  Wolfie and his little gang of acid throwers are the pinch of sand in the batter.

Wolfie ... how about giving us some music suggestions? What are you listening to? What's your favorite? Any ballad singers you particularly like? Who are some of your favorite jazz performers? How about classical? In other words, how about becoming a positive member of the group and get in on the fun instead of tearing at the seams of of the dreams and positiveness of others???? 

plutos >>>

Why not give the SR Black fuses a try? They have a 30 day money back guarantee if you don't like them. In the event you don't like the fuses, or find them ineffective, you'll just be out a few bucks for shipping. After you do that, then I'd love to see an unbiased evaluation from you. 

Wolf >>>

So happy to see that you are "softening" on your viewpoint on my "employment" with SR.  Does this mean that your insults and personal attacks will finally end??

And again Wolfie ... most of us don't care HOW the fuses work, only that they do. Geeze, if I had to analyse everything to death like you do, I'd never get anything done. How do you ever arrive at a conclusion or make a logical decision? You remind me of the engineer I sold a home to years ago. He wanted to know how thick the drywall was. What???  I told him I'd try to get the owner's permission for him to drill a hole through the drywall so he could measure, but he would be responsible to return everything to its original state.  He never drilled the hole. Wolfie ... life is WAY too short, and you can take that to the bank. :-)

On posting your favorite music choices ... If you don't want to post them here just to further interest in this thread, then how about providing some links to threads where you have posted them? A lot can be revealed about "audiophiles" just by the music they listen to. Have you ever followed up on some of the suggested music reviews in Stereophile or TAS? I download them from Spotify just to see what the reviewers are listening to. Most of the time I just shake my head wondering how they can make an accurate assessment of any equipment they review by listening through electronic trash or recordings that are drenched in artificial digital reverb. This includes even some the most well thought of reviewers too. 

plutos ...

I changes the fuses one at a time just to be able to grade the improvement each one made. I started out with the amp thinking that it would affect the signal from everything that came before it. Second fuse went into the preamp ... third the phono stage. The CD player was last and took two rail fuses. Surprisingly, the Black fuses in the CD player was the biggest bang for the buck. After changing the fuses in the CD player, I remember commenting in this forum that I had no idea that red book CD
could sound so good. It continues to amaze. What was once a really good sounding CD player used mainly for convenience purposes has become my major listening source. Not that I don't like my vinyl rig better .... but digital in my system now is so close to sounding analog, its a joy to listen to. And then there's that remote control thingie ... :-)

Shadrone sez:

"If a mere fuse makes a huge difference in sound then that should tell you the condition of your equipment is piss poor."

What??!! Are you kidding? Yes, you must be. The higher the resolution afforded by the electronics to begin with, the more the improvement made by the upgraded fuses will be evident. Just the opposite of your claim. 

mribob ...

Thanks for the kind words, Bob. I'd love to have you over for another listening session. There's been some real significant improvements made since our last listening session. 

Now if only I had your Venture speakers ...!!!

knghifi sez:

" Good point!  I'm replacing my ARC REF250SE, VAC SigMKIIa SE ... with Jolida, Adcom and the best preamp ever, Lightspeed Attenuator. No need for fancy fuses, after market cables ...  everything sounds the same."  

The post of the day. *lol*

Georgehifi ...

Okay ... if in your opinion the improvement in resolution is caused by changing out an old deteriorated fuse for a new one, then how do you account for the fact that I replaced near new SR RED fuses for the SR Blacks and got a real significant further jump in resolution?  

Shadorne ...

Why would you want to hear differences in fuses? Well, because the higher the resolution you attain in the system the closer to the music you are and the more realistic your system sounds. Its a matter of removing electronic noise that you don't realize is there .... until its gone. Same thing with removing as many micro vibrations as possible. Same thing with room treatments, tube dampeners, resonance control material on the chassis of your electronics, proper equipment racks, etc.  According to your assessments, none of these things are necessary and if one needs them to improve the system then the electronics are faulty. That's just nothing but nonsense.

Wolfie and lofi remind me of a guy I got into a debate with on a Facebook audiophile forum regarding these fuses. He was about ten times as insulting as our two friends here. I kept asking him to post a picture of his system and just like Wolfie won't post anything about his music preferences, he wouldn't post a picture.  Finally, he did. He had an ancient Pioneer receiver, two cheap floor standing speakers jammed up against the wall between a big screen TV in an almost bare room. Yeppers ... no improvement from the fuses at all. *lol*

Georgelofi ...

The best system on A'gon? Hardly. However, I have heard some systems costing over 250k that were put together with very respectable and highly reviewed equipment. With the exception of scale, my system can hang pretty close with whatever I've heard especially in the area of correct tonal balance.

I mentioned Bob's Venture speakers. I've heard his system a few times and I'm always impressed ... especially when he has the sub woofer in the system. Zowie! Talk about a beautiful sound stage! Really good tonal balance too. We used the same builder for our equipment racks ... and that's a major tweak in itself. Every time I leave Bob's home the same thought occurs to me .... I WANT A PAIR OF VENTURE SPEAKERS...!!!

Also, I've heard fleschler's system. A dedicated room. A dedicated record/music collector. A dedicated audiophile. And a GREAT system with Legacy Focus speakers at its heart, driven by a pair of Altec theater amps modified by Grover Huffman (an A'gon contributer).  I thought I had an obsession with collecting records and CD's.  I'm just a beginner compared with fleschler.

And by the way, fleschler's living room system consists of a pair of Legacy Signature III's (same model I use) driven by a Dyna Stereo 70, also modified by Grover Huffman that is to die for. Man, would I love to own that amp. I'd say that most folks posting on this site would be perfectly happy and satisfied with fleschler's living room system ... and it only scratches the surface of what his dedicated room system does.

Don't know if you've noticed Georgelofi ... but both Bob and fleschler use SR Black fuses in their systems.

Also Georgelofi, I have noticed that you haven't posted any pictures of your system. Any particular reason why not??? You're not that guy with the ancient Pioneer receiver are you??  :-)

^^^ ... They don't bother me a twit ... not a twit. After spending over 50 years in commissioned sales my skin is about a foot thick. I eat rejection for breakfast and come back at lunch and dinner for more. 

By the way, if any of you are Mel Torme' fans, I listened to this CD all the way through tonight. Its Torme' in his prime and a really, really good recording:

Torme's is truly one of the great American song stylists. Its worth the entry fee to get to know his music.

Shadorne sez: ... 

"Have you not considered that a system that magnifies the impacts of a fuse is likely obscuring what is coming from the source? 
I regard audible effects from extraneous factors such as fuses to be distortion. I do not want equipment that magnifies distortion"

On the contrary Shadorne, there is nothing "magnified" by upgrading to a better fuse, especially "distortion."  What is/was being "obscured" is the purity of the incoming signal by using an inferior stock fuse. That "purity" is allowed to come through the upgraded fuse and we perceive it as less grain, a lower noise floor and more three dimensional realism. Its not a defect in the equipment, but a "defect," if you will, in the stock fuse. 

Are you one who also denies the efficacy of upgrading to better power cords, speaker wires and IC's?

How about upgrading tonearm wires? I upgraded my Well Tempered tonearm wires years ago, replacing it with the best copper wire that Cardas offered at the time. It was a significant improvement all around. Is it your belief that after changing the tonearm wire, the table was "magnifying distortion," and therefore revealed itself to be a defective turntable?? 

Another "tweak" I did was to change out the stock binding posts on my speakers for Cardas' best copper posts. Another significant improvement. What "distortions," in your opinion, were being "magnified" by the speakers after I changed the binding posts? And ... are the speakers defective because the Cardas binding posts allowed for a better signal to pass through, and as a result, offered a more realistic presentation?? 

How about spiking speakers to the floor? I remember when "Tip Toes" first came out back in the '70's. This was prior to anyone understanding the value of spiking speakers to the floor. The dealer at the audio store talked me into buying a set. I placed them under the speakers I had at the time and was truly amazed at the improvement those little aluminum cones/spikes made. What happened there ... did the Tip Toes simply "magnify distortions" in my "defective" speakers?  That's just silly.

If there was something in your post that I misunderstood, please lay it out. Thanks ...

knghifi ... 

Congrats on ordering the Mel Torme' CD. You're in for a treat.

On Dean Martin.  Yes! ... Yes! ... and Yes!

The very best of Dean's LP's is titled "Dream With Dean." We discovered this album years ago. The original LP is amazing. Dean is right there before you ...and you're looking down his throat. Its recently been reissued on 45 RPM 180 gram vinyl. I haven't heard the reissue, but my friends who have say its even better than the original. I also have a CD that's a compilation of Dean's recordings and it contains cuts from the Dream With Dean album.

Here's the CD that has the cuts from Dream With Dean:

Here's the original Dream With Dean album:

Here's the 45 RPM reissue of Dream With Dean:

And finally, here's another "must have" of Mel Torme' CD.

All of these recordings will tickle your eardrums. On the Dean Martin compilation, the only good sounding cuts are the ones from Dream With Dean. The other cuts are just so-so ... but the CD is worth the price of admission. 

After you submerse yourself in Dean Martin and Mel Torme', there's more to come. Like ... Tony Martin and Jack Jones.  God, I love this! I really do. :-)

^^^ Charles ...

Glad you like Jo Stafford. She was an important American song stylist who was very popular during the big band era of the 1940’s. My Mom loved Jo Stafford’s music. I used to listen to her very early in the mornings on my Mom’s 78 record player when I was a kid around seven years old.

I agree ... from a pure jazz point of view, JO + Jazz is the better album. I have both the CD and the LP.

Look for a "care package" in your mailbox on Saturday, Charles. I included "Ballad of The Blues" from the LP. Some surface noise, but the comparison with the CD should be interesting. Some surprises also included ... like Audrey Morris. :-)

^^^  And for anyone other than the casual observer it can be seen that "The Enlightened Ones" have just about ruined the entire country ... at least the free one we used to live in. 

Jond ...

You're right. My apologies. While audio is a major passion for me, so too is history and free market economics. Sometimes I lose myself and go off the deep end. Above was a case in point. Again .... sorry.

Charles ... 

Glad the CD's got there okay. There's some surprisingly amazing stuff in there. The Christmas jazz CD has highs that extend forever. 

Allan ...

Most of what I send to Charles is no longer obtainable ... and some of it never was. :-)  When it comes to music appreciation it seems that Charles and I are pretty much on the same page ... so it makes sharing fun. 

Charles ...

Those two albums have been in my collection for so many years I can't remember where I got them. I used to take them around to audio stores to use as my references while auditioning equipment. As the system improved over the years, the two albums just kept getting better and better. Still quiet and very playable at this point too. The AT ART-9 really brings out the tenor playing. Some of these old mono recordings can really sound great. Hard to beat good bebop. :-)

Allan ...

Yes, its just amazing the difference good wire makes in a system. All of these improvements and tweaks just seem to be accumulative in nature. Over the past two years I've changed out all of my wires. IC's, PC's and speaker wires. It made for a huge jump in sound quality like you just described.  I've read good things about the Cerious Technologies cables. 

^^^ ... toddverrone ...

There have been discussions in this thread regarding the beeswax fuses. I think at least one poster preferred the beeswax over the SR Black fuses. No one who tried the beeswax fuses felt that they got "stung." That may be a different case with a DIY project as you alluded to though. :-)

With a 30 day money back guarantee on the SR Blacks what do you have to lose? 

jond ...

There's no need for you to feel "criticized" regarding your stance at all. I'll go on record right here and say that if A'gon wanted to add a political forum to the site I'd be totally against it. Why? Because it would be a good way to lose half of one's friends. So, even though I interjected a political "thought" in a previous post, I'm on your side.

Wolf ... 

I have no issues with your opinions ... until those opinions become personal attacks and/or personal insults. Why? For the same reason I would be against a political forum on this site. 


Another good one is the amazing violinist Erica Morini playing Tchaikovsky's violin concerto. If you can find the Westminister budget reissue on CD it has both the Tchaikovsky concerto and the Brahms concerto on it. Great sound too. Here's the reel to reel tape:
Charles ...

Very happy that you are enjoying the music I sent. 

My friend Robert came over for a listening session tonight. He used to room with a guy who had thousands of 78's. Robert took the time to go through the collection and record onto CD the best of the best. That's what we listened to tonight. The best was a cut from a 78 recorded by Gerry Mulligan and Chet Baker. Super fine. 

^^^ John and Charles ...  I too opt for "B." 

In addition, for your consideration, I would like to add category "C."

C) These are the ones who carry negative feelings throughout their entire narrow darkened little lives toward anyone who is more successful, more intelligent or better looking than they are.

There is a high probability of domestic violence perpetrated by them upon family members and/or friends either verbally, physically, or both somewhere in their history.

This is a person who bears watching very closely as one of the ways in which their "disease" manifests itself is in sneaky, underhanded subversions as they attempt to undermine those who they secretly hate.

In the business world we know them as "back stabbers." 

geoffkait sez:

"I find amateur psychological analysis a welcome breath of fresh air."

Hey ... after 50+ years of making a living in 100% commissioned sales, I have the equivalent of a PHD in psychoanalysis. I usually keep this information carefully under my hat though and only share it with friends ... so please don't tell anyone. :-)


Nice find on Ebay ...

For those of you who still play vinyl and who love great jazz ... jump on this one. Its a two album set recorded in mono with sound and music to die for. Jackson’s vibes are in the room.

Wofie-Garcia sez:

" Oregonpapa…are you implying that people disagreeing with what they feel are ridiculous claims by audio mythologists are likely to be involved in domestic violence?"

Not at all, Wofie.  Disagree all you want. 

What I'm saying is, the constant referring to those here in this thread (the vast majority) who find that their after market fuses have afforded a significant improvement in their audio systems as "fools," "shills," and other such derogatory terms is nothing more than a form of verbal abuse and violence, unrecognized as such by the person doing the violence.

Its not unlike the alcoholic, deep into his/her disease, being unable to recognize the hurt and damage his/her domestic violence causes the family structure. They don't identify it with violence at all. After all ... they are just a happy drunk who blacks out and can't remember a thing about the family they just killed, the house they burned down, or the Thanksgiving turkey with all the trimmings they threw through the living room window. 

If one's verbal violence is on display here with such abandon in a public forum, what must it be like at home or with people at work? My consensus is ... a bully is a bully is a bully is a bully. Get it? 

Check your intentions, buddy. 


shadorne ...

Of course its over the top. Intentionally so. Call it poetic licence if you will.

Could it be that this " inadequate gear" you refer to is actually superior in refinement to gear where one cannot hear improvements brought about by certain tweaks?  There's a lot of very expensive, positively reviewed and well thought of gear being transformed in this thread because of the fuses and other tweaks mentioned here. 

Charles ...

The sax player on cut 16 of the Christmas jazz CD is indeed Dexter Gordon. :-)

Jetter ...

What a creative overview of this thread. Creativity +  a pinch of exaggeration + a pinch of sarcasm - all doing a dance around a lot of truth = great humor.

And speaking of "The Doctor," I miss David Pritchard. He added a lot to this site. A true gentleman all the way.

David ... if you're lurking, know that you're missed here. 
