Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 49 responses by geoffkait

Possibly like removing the cover and installing magnets for directional enhacement.

It’s getting quite difficult to tell when folks are joking or not. Can you please place a smiley face after your posts, Tom? That would help a lot.

As fate would have it the arrows on HiFi fuses don’t indicate direction the fuse should go. In fact HiFi Tuning advises customers to try each fuse both ways to determine direction. It is an old wives’ tale that the arrow points in the direction of the signal flow or electricity flow. It’s also an old wives’ tale that the fuse should go in the opposite direction from the direction of writing on the fuse. The little diode logo or arrow is simply a way to help you remember which way the fuse went just before you flip it. This feature is especially useful if you accidentally drop the fuse with clumsy fingers whilst flipping it or forget which way you had it. This means HiFi Tuning doesn’t "pre-set" each fuse for direction. But HiFi Tuning IS AWARE fuses are directional, we know that for sure. All fuses. Even fuses in AC circuits. So the probability is 50% that a given fuse was inserted in the correct direction. Therefore the only way to procee when one has multiple fuses is to flip each fuse one at a time rather than all at once.

Happy 4th! Will there be fireworks here? 😀
"It addresses a major problem that has gone unaddressed before."

It couldn’t be a very major problem. 'Cause if it was a major problem it surely would have been addressed before. I suspect you’re just being a tease. 😄

Even standard stock fuses exhibit directionality. A clever fellow can address electrical contact, RFI/EMI, magnetic field and vibration concerns as well. Problem solved!

I’m getting a bad feeling. Can it be that pro audio will never be able to reconcile with high end audio? Or is just that some folks are following the wrong sheep?

🐑 🚶
Whoa! Hey! Guess what? Would you believe that was going to be my first product? Ortho Ears. I was going to use Mr. Spock ears that would fit over the ears. That was 25 years ago. But it turns out the cupping of hands around the ears only really works for average systems with limited dynamic range, such as ones without room treatment or whatever. And perhaps for older gents whose frequency response has fallen off. What were those things they used to advertise a hundred years ago for older dudes? Ear horns? The cupping of ears also subtly changes the frequency response, not for the better I’d opine. For systems with very good dynamic range it doesn’t do much of anything. No offense to anyone intended by that statement. 😀
Interesting. Could it just be a matter of engineering a different device? I see this as a fruitful area. You’re the right man for the job!

I’m thinking maybe LBJ ears. 👂🏻
Pop Quiz! Spot the discrepancies (errors) in the write up for the Blue Fuse on SR web site. Put to use what you’ve learned here on Audiogon this year. I give partial credit.

Today physicists understand electrons don’t flow at all but rather propagate in a wave of energy that moves along a conductor with a multitude of factors that alters this wave at the quantum level. To understand how electricity travels without electrons ever leaving their respective atoms it is helpful to consider the spectator ‘wave’ at a football match. Even though you can clearly see a wave pattern moving from spectator to spectator as fans raise and then lower their hands (without hands jumping from one person to the next), so too does electricity ‘move’ without electrons ever leaving their atoms. At Synergistic Research we’ve isolated key factors that affect how electricity propagates by changing the behavior of electrons through Inductive Quantum Coupling methods we collectively call UEF Tech. In fact, UEF Tech is so powerful even an electrical chain several miles long is fundimentally improved with nothing more than a single fuse engineered with our patented UEF Technology.
It’s never a perfect time to buy technology, it’s constantly changing/evolving. Don’t feel too blue for those millions who bough iPhone 7s recently or whatever. Don’t feel blue. Get it? 😰 Besides, it should have been a tip off when SR had a special sale on Black Fuses several months ago. Hel-loo!

Toddverrone wrote,

@geoffkait, not sure if this is what you caught, but the electrons in a metal involved in metallic bonding are nonlocalized and don't 'stay' with an individual atom, even if they aren't flowing to propogate the signal. 

Bingo! Yes, that's one! They are free electrons. They are not stationary. There are other errors in the paragraph. Any takers?

Fuses are the new components. If anyone wants to replace his Black Fuses with Blue Fuses, list the Black ones on Audiogon. Just like any audio component he would wish to upgrade. Problem solved. Well, except for the break in. Ha ha! 
Fuses are not like cars. Especially the Blacks. They don't lose their value overnight. Sell the Blacks and buy the new Blues. Think of it as a cheap rental. Faint heart neer won fair maiden. I bet a cup of coffee previously owned Blacks will sell like hot cakes. ☕️
Graphene is a two dimensional material one ( count em) molecule in thickness. If anyone is suspending Graphene in something it ain't really Graphene anymore, is it? For example, the super strength of Graphene is a characteristic of the sheet of Graphene not the individual molecules or groups of molecules of graphite or whatever. By the way, teeny tiny tweezers and scissors are needed to even handle and cut the stuff. ✂️

You dont know. Some things in your room do travel faster than the sound barrier. Just need to know their identity and how to deal with them..Tom

>>>>Uh, Tom, you forgot the smiley face.

"One thing I noticed though which differs from most users here is that I found the fuses to perform better with the writing against the current flow. I experienced that slight out of phase sensation with the fuses this way but then they transform bringing out a huge, wide and deep soundstage with imaging I’ve never heard so good in my system. Reversing the fuse direction, so the writing goes with the current flow causes the mids and highs to be recessed and detail and imaging lost."

>>>>>Makes sense to me. The bottom line is the fuse - any fuse, even stock off the shelf fuses - should be tried both ways. You cannot necessarily rely on the manufacturer to keep track of directionality of the wire. Even HiFi Tuning says, try it both ways, even though there’s an Arrow (diode) symbol on the fuse. For a long time if memory serves SR used to claim that their patented million volt treatment made their fuses non directional. Not sure if they’ve backed off that claim but they probably should if they haven’t. 😀

They've been using Graphene in tennis rackets for about 4 years. Both Murray and Djokovich use Graphene rackets. Graphene has been around for audio applications "only" two years. 

Laminar flow? Well, we obviously don’t want any turbulent flow in the listening room. Or anything breaking the sound barrier. 😛
There’s also the audiophile C37 violin lacquer from Germany for painting capacitors, speaker drivers, printed circuit boards, fuses, wires, etc. 🎻

The acoustic paint is being applied to panels and then the panels placed on walls. Ted Denney’s Facebook page has all of the info on it. In addition to audio applications Denney wants to use it for industrial applications to dampen noise.

>>>>>Whoa! Hey, that exactly what C37 lacquer was used for, in addition to the other things I mentioned. Spruce panels or whatever could be painted with C37 and mounted on the wall.

I’m pretty sure they already have sound absorbing panels for all those places. And for work spaces. I suspect it would be pretty weird if bars were suddenly very quiet and you could actually hear what people say. Oh, well.

Ceramics is an excellent natural resonator, I.e., energy dissipator; I use ceramics in at least two products. I use glass microbeads in another product ((iso stand) but the application is quite different from ceramics inasmuch as the glass microbeads are loose like sand, only more uh, slippery than sand. I’m also a big fan of the DH Diamond hardness ceramic cones. I won’t even mention The Ceramique speakers by Kharma. And we’ve all seen the advisability of ceramic body fuses on these very threads.
The perfect room would sound like the the open air spaces of a desert or the Bonneville salt flats when no one’s racing. With no boundary effects other than salt or sand below the resulting p- wave would have little or no interference. That is the key the removal of horizontal and vertical wave interference which will return to the source thru all the attached boundaries faster than the speed of sound thru air. That is the sound of a room with boundaries. Tom

I was wondering why I kept hearing sonic booms in my room. I shall be moving to the desert ASAP. 🦂

I got blue fuse for my ARC REF 5SE but don’t hear any difference in sound when compared to OEM fuse. Shall I run it for couple of days before comparing again ?

Could be a direction issue, who knows? Does the Blue come with any direction advice? 

I suspect it might be best to write failures like this off to, "that’s the way the cookie crumbles." 🍪 Failure to obtain expected results can occur - and have occurred - for just about every device ever conceived. And these failures to achieve expected results often generate a certain amount of angst and confusion, especially when they occur for something that's got a lot of buzz going for it. 🐝 Like the Black fuse or the new Blue fuse. There are many perfectly good reasons why these failures can occur; and those reasons have been thoroughly covered by your humble scribe ad infinitum.

Whoa! Hey, that’s exactly what they said about the Black fuse when a couple regulars reported hearing nothing on these very pages. (Say, whatever became of Mapman, anyway?) No matter how many audiophiles go bananas 🍌 over one thing or another you don’t have to look too far to find somebody who doesn’t hear a gol durn thing. It happens all the time. That’s why controversial audiophile thingamabobs abound. Maybe the dude got a dud. 😛

oregonpapa wrote,

"On rolling off the highs ... I know recording engineers roll off highs while transferring analog tapes to digital CD’s to get rid of the tape hiss. I don’t like recordings like that. I’ll take the hiss and keep the highs."

Please someone tell me that’s not true. Mainly because if they rolled off the highs above the frequency of tape hiss there wouldn’t be any highs at all. There would be no air. I’m in deep kim chi if that actually is true since oh, I don’t know, something like 98% of all my CDs are taken from analog tapes. Since tape hiss is primarily in the spectrum 4,000 to 5,000 Hz the engineers would have to start the roll off well below 4,000 Hz to be effective, no?

I don’t suppose it would further the discussion to say the Synergistic verbiage sounds like so much gobbledegook, would it? Not to mention their description of how electricity works on their new Blue Fuse page. As I opined earlier sometimes it's better for a manufacturer not (rpt not) to offer an explanation.
I am a little curious to know what ever happened to Synergistic’s terminology Quantum Tunneling? It was an excellent ploy. Has it been replaced by Quantum Coupling? Maybe someone informed them that quantum tunneling is a very specific quantum phenomenon that would almost certainly not (rpt not) occur, whether you pumped a million volts into a fuse or a kazillion. Unified Field Effects is also a very cool term, quite reminiscent of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory. 😛

Then there's this. Field effect (semiconductor) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Field_effect_(semico...
In physics, the field effect refers to the modulation of the electrical conductivity of a material by the application of an external electric field. In a metal the electron density that responds to applied fields is so large that an external electric field can penetrate only a very short distance into the material. 

Crystals react to energy. The energy could be acoustic waves, I.e., mechanical energy or vibration such as structureborne vibration. Both are application of my crystals. In other words crystals act as "resonators" and dissipate (unwanted) energy. Along the lines of those tiny little resonator bowls. If an entire wall was painted with a crystal bearing paint it seems to me the "wanted" frequencies would be dissipated along with the unwanted ones. Kind of like using too much Sonex or whatever. The room would become an anechoic chamber, which is probably not a good thing. But I’m just guessing how acoustic paint would actually be applied to room walls. If acoustic paint was used sparingly on walls, in specific locations such as first reflection points, then it would make more sense.  The crystals could also react to energy of RFI/EMI in the room, presumably reducing the level of same.

Wolfie, if you're going to carry on you could at least get your facts straight. SR doesn't fill their fuses with anything. Nice try, though, slugger.

Finally, the answer on fuse directionality from Synergistic! Rejoice, ye refuseniks!

from Synergistic web page for the new Blue fuse, 

Frequently asked questions.

Q: Are fuses directional?
A: Yes, fuses are directional. Electricity should flow from the left to the right when you view the fuse. If you do not know the direction of flow you should listen to the fuse inserted in both directions. One direction will sound more detailed. This is the correct way.

So, anyone who is not on board the SR train is a downer? A bold move. It sounds like you’re saying we need a little more enthusiasm. 😛 Meanwhile, I’ll look into setting up a Damage Assessment and Spin Control Office. 😀
Oh, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm sure the mods are quite adept at deep sixing anyone who steps over the line. 😬
It’s pretty obvious he inserted the fuse in the wrong direction. Case solved! Hurray! 😛

It appears ptss is taking the sage advice he dispensed earlier on this thread, "If you can’t attack the argument attack the person." Bravo, ptss!

13,572 posts
08-03-2016 1:15pm
GK you are the champ there for sure.

Mapman, You’re neither. You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.


"What is a logical fallacy about appealing to Authority?

If the authority is in fact experts, as it would seem in this case, then the deduction in fact has a greater chance of being true."

It might be true but it also might not be true. That’s the point. Pointing to one’s credentials doesn’t automatically win arguments. If two experts disagree how do you decide who is right? Do you really think all experts in a given field, say electronics design, agree with each other on every issue? That’s not logical, Captain. Not to mention it’s almost certainly true that many electronics designers are actually even not aware of the directionality of wire controversy or aftermarket fuses or arrows on (unshielded) interconnects.

"Gk you either have a lot of cohunes or are just oblivious."

Is this going to be like a multiple choice?

"You are the king of logical fallacies."

Really? How so, Stringbean? Not saying I don’t like being called king. But I am king of logical fallacies and king of logical truths.

"Its a logical fallacy for you to accuse that of some of the most credible folks around. Clearly the only authority in your world is you. And you appeal to yourself everyday."

Credibility is subjective, grasshopper. If you accept what some folks say without question I say, good for you!

as if on cue...

no, it’s your silly troll that’s right on cue.

GK how many fuses do you use again?

That’s another phoney troll argument. I don’t use or even own any satellites but I know all about them. Knowledge is power, troll. Have you given any consideration to going back to school?

The Argument from Ignorance (also, Argumentum ad Ignorantiam): The fallacy that since we don’t know (or can never know, or cannot prove) whether a claim is true or false, it must be false (or that it must be true). E.g., “Scientists are never going to be able to positively prove their theory that humans evolved from other creatures, because we weren't there to see it!

Bingo! We have a match! Mopman and Georgelobrow. Trolls extraordinaire, the Frick & Frack of Mid Fi. But seriously folks, isn't all this anger, name calling and angst simply a symptom of just how wide the gap is between the Mid Fi and High End communities?
Hey, Wolfie, are you losing it? All fuses have less than 100% reliability. Even the LITTELFUSE.

Einstein is lying in bed with a young lass smoking a cigarette. The young lass says, gee, that didn’t take long. To which Einstein replies, to me it did.
Oh, brother! If you’re trying to act dense you’re doing an excellent job, George. God helps those who help themselves.
Let us know when you finally figure out the difference between evidence and proof. Also let us know when your hearing improves. Sorry to learn of your disability.

And despite being a "waste of time," you are still in this thread. 🙄

To which georgehifi replied,

"He’s for the same reason as Al and others are, to give honest technical views to the gullible who may be sucked into this snake oil/voodoo."

Gosh, you mean like Catcher in the Rye? That’s no <sniff> touching. 😩 Let’s drink to the hard working gatekeepers. 🍻 Sniff sniff