Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 50 responses by joeyboynj

Leica_man, what power conditioner do you use? Or do you have enough dedicated outlets to plug all your PC's into?

Since I'm unable to run a dedicated line, I use the PS Audio Power Plant Premier. This assures I get continuous 120 volts. Therefore, my system does not degrade at certain times of the day. Also, I dont find it fatiguing. The T3 just did not work well on it. But the Synergistic Precision AC was much better on the PPP. The lost of clarity, air and high frequency extension disappeared when I switched the cables.

I may look into the Synergistic Powercell when more information is available.
Rydenfan, yes the Acoustic Reference will add more warmth. All the cables in the Tesla line are different. Go back and read some the previous posts in this tread for more details.

I found going from Accelerator I/C to Acoustic Reference I/C between CDP and PREAMP will give you the warmth you need. The Acoustic Reference also slows down the pace of the music a bit. So I would not change all the cables to Acoustic Reference. I would combine it with an Accelerator elseware. That is just my opinion.
Fplanner2000, I would like to make a follow up comment from my 4/1 post. I recently added a Hologram D to my system in addition I put the T3 back on the power conditioner. Now I'm running all Synergistic power cords. The T3 is NOT too constricting and my system did not lose any clarity, air and high frequency extension and was TOO fast and fatiguing. Just the opposite happened It's the combo of having all Tesla PC's that it seems to all come together. These cables like to play together.
Rydenfan, I also suggest you try those cables with a T2 on your preamp as well. See if your dealer can send you one as well to demo. It worth a try.
I consistently recommend The Cable Company for the same reasons as Jmo. I never had a problem and always received top notch service. I know they have been very busy with lots of request lately. (Mainly due to the Synergistic’s new line, I assume) Seems like since they do such a great job, their client based increased so much that they can not offer immediate service and some wait time may occur. That alone speaks volumnes about how much their service is in demand by audiophiles that want to try many cables before they buy.
I agree with Rhirsch, the Synergistic cables need about 300 hours to break in when installed. The Quantum Tunneling only conditions the cables and Elliott is better to explain this than I am. The actual use in your system breaks them in. They sound great when first installed for about 50 hours and then the bass drops out and treble cuts a bit and then one day...BLAMO... it all returns with greater resolution and impact and gets even better after 500 hours. These are my findings in my system. Dont move them too much once installed or it's break in time again, but to a little lesser degree.
Glad to hear, Rydenfan, mix and match, there are many combo's.

Has anyone got an Enigma yet??? Have these shipped yet???
Ozzy, Synergistic recomments and I have also tried the Precision Reference I/C between preamp and amp. It was made to compliment the Apex when used between CDP and Pre.
Tedmbrady, how do you like the T3 on the DNA-500 vs the JPS? The T3 does take a long time to settle in to sound it's best. Mine took over 3 weeks to get its full potential.
Yo2tup, Yes, try the Precision Ref's between Pre and Amp and Accelerators on CDP. It will neutralize your system compared to the Acoustic Ref's. BUT if you are going this route I strongly recommend getting Apex for your CDP instead or at least demo them.
Yo2tup, I suggest you get the Apex and keep the Accelerators on Pre to amp. This is be a better upgrade for you since the I/C on CDP is so critical you need to get the best. I compared the Accel and Pre Ref on pre to amp with Apex and I could have easily lived with both combos.
Ozzy, you have to try both. Both cables are Synergistic's top of the line. If you want neutral get Precision Reference and if you want to all a little more warmer midbass get the Apex. It all depends on your taste and room acoustics.
Askat1988, I'm surprised you dont hear a difference with the active shields turned on or off. Let the active shield charge about 3 days and listen to some music you are very familiar. Turn off the shields and wait a few minutes and then listen again. Turn on the shields and wait a few minutes and compare to all three sessions. Make sure you have the MPC plugged in correctly. They all should have the same polarity. Dont plug them in upside down. Use a power strip to plug them all in. I found that a PS Audio Quintet works great of 5 MPC's in the bottom plugs and components pluged into the top plugs.

Also, Let us know when you get your Enigma and your impressions.
Askat1988 did you get the Quattro yet. Please give us a full report on your findings.

Istanbulu, copngrats on finding the Tesla cables. I hope others are as lucky as you to try them through out their systems so they can hear how revolutionary these new cables are.
Jazz_59, I have tried the Accelerator and Precision Reference I/C and also the Accelerator and Precision Reference speaker cables. I would agree with Jmo, the Precision Reference speaker cables will give you the best next upgrade from the Accelerator. I like both of them as I/C's and could have lived with either.
I have been waiting to hear from others before I try the Powercell and Enigma. Thanks for the reviews. Keep them coming.

I have a question: I have tried the T3 and the Precision AC power cords on my power regenerator. The best cord was the Precision AC. Has anyone compared these cables? And also the T3 UHO?

Ted_d, is the Precision AC recommended for power conditioners as well? It worked better over the T3 in my system. Also, is the T3 UHO an improvement over the regular T3 on power conditioners? I didnt really like the T3 on my power conditioner. It was fatiguing and was restrictive...especially in the highs. But I really like how the Precision AC sounds on my power conditioner it is much more extended and open. I assume it is a bigger AWG cable as well. Thanks.
Ted_D, If you can answer my questions above from (07-30-08), that would be great!

Anyone else that has any experience comparing the T3 to Precision AC to T3 UHC, please let me know what you found. Much appreciated!!!
WOW! Thanks Ted, exactly the information I was looking for.

Anyone that currenty have the Enigma and Powercell in their systems, please give us some more reviews...Thanks!
Has anyone tried a Synergistic Tesla T1 power cord on their LCD TV? I'm thinking of getting one in their slim line white color. Does anyone have one of these? Also, if you can send me a picture of what the slim line white looks like I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Synergistic needs to get more pictures and information on their website. ;-)
Have anyone installed and tried the Synergistic Teslaplex yet?

I did. Last night and right out of the box, the Teslaplex improved my soundstage, air, clarity and transparency over the Oyiade R1 outlet. Huge improvement! If you have Tesla power cords, I highly suggest you give this outlet a try.

Here is a Teslaplex review here on audiogon:
Does anyone have a picture of the QLS 6 and QLS 9 that they can send me? I need to see the plug orientation and size.

You are right Raydenfan and Solda!!! I mentioned this to Ted a year ago. Synergistic Research really needs to get more information up on their website about their new products. Sales would increase... Being too busy is not an excuse.
Hi Barcardi, take a look at my system link. I have upgraded all the way up the line to Precision Reference speaker cables, Apex interconnects and Hologram A, D and Precision A/C power cords. I also have the T3, T2 and Rel spec subwoofer cable. All hooked up to a Quattro. I tried most of their cables and settled on the best for my system. I'm thinking of getting the Powercell next. I'm looking at the QLS for my HT and computer systems.

Please send me that picture when you get it... I really appreciate it! Thanks!
There is new information on the Synergistic website about the Powercell.

Also, does anyone know if the QLS 6 or QLS 9 are mini power conditioners and also provide surge protection or are they just extra Teslaplex outlets that were Quantum Tunneled. Maybe Ted Denney can respond. THANKS!
Yep, the Acoustic R's are warmer and very organic. The Apex is not as warm, but more neutral and transparent. They can retrieve details in the music like no other cable I have ever tried. The treble is very natural and extended and the soundstage is larger and more enveloping.
The Apex is not analytical, its very organic and natural. It's very similar to the Acoustic Reference except retrieves more information so you can hear further into the recordings. If you have the extra cash... go for it. The Acoustic Reference is warmer and more tube like.
Jmo, here is an update for you. I have a Synergistic T3 on my LCD TV for about 2 months now. The colors are so vivid and the saturation is perfect. Thanks for the suggestion.
Ted, Will there be updates to Active Shielding Circuit on the current Galilieo Universal cells as well? I just bought them and have them for less than a month.
Bacardi, go back my post above from 1/08/09. I have a review on the Teslaplex and also a link to a review here on the outlet...
Bacardi, yes the Shunyata Dark Fields work. Not a huge tweak but a nice one enough for me to keep them. I would have sent them back if they didn't work. This is what I found... music sounds more clear and fluid and without haze. There is a little more background noise eliminated causing more separation of instruments. They also relieved some congestion.
My Powercell 10 SE arrives this Wednesday. I'm currently using a Precision AC 15 amp on my power conditioner and it provides plenty of power.
Tbg, I do have a hologram on my CDP. And a Hologram A on my integrated amp. I precision AC work best on a power conditioner or a large tube amp.
Hey guys and gals, I posted a review of my Powercell 10 SE over on Ozzy's review thread. Please check it out.
Has anyone tried any isolation from vibrations on their Powercell's with any improvements? For example, footers or platforms. Or does the unit not need any isolation because of its unique enclosure. THANKS!
Does anyone have any additional information about Synergistic’s QLS-9 and QLS-6 power strips? I know that they do not have any power surge protection, they ARE quantum tunneled and use similar outlets as the Teslaplex. Do they offer more than just power distribution and have any power conditioning benefits??? Maybe Ted can jump in on this??? I want to use one in my HT set up in front of an Audience Adept Response aR1p and ditch the PS audio stuff. THANKS!!!
Jylee, so you want to start with a pair of interconnects first? For what component? The Synergistic cables are all different and need to be placed in the correct spot. I would start with the cable from CDP to Preamp first. Then speakers cables and then pick up a interconnect for Preamp to amp. For CDP to Pre. Try the Acoustic Reference. It is nice cable that will compliment those Focal speakers. Synergistic used a pair of Focal speakers to voice his entire Tesla line. So you are in for a real treat!
Bacardi, The Hologram D is the best power cord in the Synergistic lineup. Ted designed the whole series around this cable on the digital source. I strongly recommend you try one. BTW, your results sound typical to what I tried as well. Your second setup sounds like the best.
If you are looking to further upgrade, here is an option:
demo a Powercell 6 for your system. Also, try a T2 on your preamp and save the other Precision AC for the Powercell and have it re-terminated with a 20-amp connector.
Hey guys and gals, has anyone compared the Apex Vs. Precision Reference speaker cables in their system? What were the differences you heard and which one did you prefer and why.
Hi Tbg, I have a pair of Apex speaker cables on route to me today. I will make the comparison myself. I'm still interested if anyone else has as well.
Autentic, Precision AC works best on tube gear or on power conditioners. So it may be a good audition for you. You may also want to compare it to a Hologram A on your preamp. The T2 and T3 are not always the best choice for preamp. The Cable Company will lend you all the PC's to try before you buy.

Last week, The Cable Company sent me Apex speaker cables to compare to my Precision Reference SC's. I agree with your comments. Also, I found the soundstage to be wider, rounder with more presence and weight. The P.R.'s are fast and dynamic but I found I preferred the Apex and placed an order today. Pounding on the piano keys was more realistic with lots of weight in the low registers.
Barcardi, did you get the Hologram D yet? Interested in hearing your experience. Thanks.
Bacardi, if you like the Precision AC on your pre. Also, try the Hologram A on both your Pre and Amp and Hologram D on CDP as well and go with the best choice.
Tbj, I know Synergistic provides a Precision AC with the Powercell 10SE. I have one… check out my system profile. I have found the Precision AC worked best on power conditioners. I did not like it on my integrated and CDP or anywhere else.

Splaskin, I also tried the T2 and T3 on my Quattro but not the Precision AC. I should have before I sold it. I preferred the T3 because its more extended, more 3D, warmer/lush presentation on the active shield than the T2. What were the huge improvements over the T3 you noticed? I’m also waiting for the “Transporter” before I make any new PC changes here. Then I may try a Precision AC again.
Also, so you are getting a pair of the new Galileo speaker cables that Ted is working on??? Is it true? Also, I have tried a T3 on a LCD TV. It works wonderful. Lots of rich deep accurate colors, no artifacts at all and the much improved sound. I’m currently using T1’s on all my LCD TV’s. Just a shade below the T2 and T3 on LCD.

Bacardi, try the T3 on your subs. You will have better synergy with your all Tesla cables. I think the Precision AC and above may be overkill here. Also, I have a T3 UHC on its way to me. I will try it in a few locations until it get settled on my QLS-9 to Teslaplex in my HT system. I have two systems (2-channel and Home Theater) both with Synergistic cables in them.
Bacardi, The T3 UHC works great on the QLS-9 to power my entire HT system. It is better than just a regular T3. The T3 UHC is heavier than the T3 but looks about the same in size. It is less congested and seems to have the juice for an entire system.

As for your sub, I was suggesting you try a T3 power cord for your subwoofer and also the Tesla reference interconnect cable to go with it. They take a long time to settle down but the results are stunning. The T2 sub cable is just like the Phase II X2 but without the Quantum Tunnel and upgraded Tesla active shield.

As for your upgrade from the S.R Alpha Sterling (quantum tunneled) X2 cables you currently have, choosing the Pre to Amp cables also depends on what you are currently usiung from your main source to your pre. What is currently in that position? Than I can make recommendations.

Bave_B and Shellie, I tried the Morrows and compared them to Synergistic. The Morrows are the second best cables I have tried. Synergistic being tops. So I continue being a minion. ;-)

Ozzy, I agree with you. I rather have the convenience of the Quattro than the QLS for the active shields. I have all my shields powered by the Quattro using a T3 power cord. I compared it to the T2 and I preferred the T3. Also, I have both the QLS and the Quattro and I prefer the Quattro. The QLS is too long in length for my 2-channel system and all those MPC's are too messy. I plug my Quattro into my Powercell 10 SE and it works great. I dont notice a difference really.

Hey Ted, how about a simple Galileo Quattro? Which I think would appear neater and organized than a QLS and 6 Galileo MPC’s.
I just found out the Galileo MPC retails for $400 each.

Ted, instead of plugging the Galileo MPC's into the QLS and then into the Powercell. Why not just use the bottom outlets on the Powercell that are not in use? I have all my components in the top outlets on my Powercell 10 SE and then I will use the bottom outlets for the new Galileo MPC's. Also, are these to be used on power cables as well or just on speaker cables and interconnects? Can I get them with 3 leads? Maybe you can offer a trade up program with the old ones. I look forward to getting more information on these new MPC's.

Ozzy, yes these are like the old MPC's but new and improved.
How did you guys get the Galileo MPC so quickly? I called The Cable Company and they do not even have demo's yet. I e-mailed Ted & Elliot with another request with no response. I assume they are busy with orders after RMAF. I will keep trying.

Solda, try some GIK panels to quiet your room. It works great in my room. I'm trying to get a demo of the Art system to compare.

What's so fun with the Synergistic products are all the combinations you can try. Everyone, keep trying new positions of your Synergistic products and report back. THANKS!
The MPC should not make any noise. Try it in an outlet all its own and see if it goes away while playing music. If not, it needs to be replaced and I would call Synergistic right away for a replacement.