switching from isolated ground receptacle

I'd like to understand the effort required to switch to a grounded receptacle from an isolated ground recepatacle before I call the electrician. It's on a dedicated circuit. To be more specific, do I need to pull a 14/2 wire to replace the 14/3 wire?
No, the isolated ground duplex receptacle is internally configured to isolate the ground. Just attach the white & black wires to the correct sides and put the bare or green wire to the ground post of the outlet.

14/3 wire.... NM-B cable, Romex example of? Not sure why you spent the extra money for an isolated grounding type receptacle in the first place.
In your case the isolated ground contact of the receptacle works the same as a regular grounding type receptacle. No isolation was needed.

It's on a dedicated circuit. To be more specific, do I need to pull a 14/2 wire to replace the 14/3 wire?

I assume, hope, the safety equipment grounding conductor was terminated on the ground bar in the electrical panel the branch circuit is fed from. If this is the case you need not do anything, just change out the receptacle.

I should point out though if an electrician installed the branch circuit wiring and the isolated grounding type receptacle and used a metal rough-in box for the recept he should of also connected the safety equipment grounding conductor, wire, to the metal box.....
If a plastic box was used everything is code compliant, but in this case by code you must use a non conductive recept cover plate.....

On an isolated grounding type recept the ground contact of the recept is not connected to the metal supporting back strap of the recept. By code the strap must also be connected to a safety equipment ground wire. (The strap of the recept is connected to the metal box by support screws which is connected to an additional safety equipment grounding conductor.)
Thanks for your answers. The outlet was installed in the early 90's and I wanted to be sure it was safe to switch to a grounded receptacle. I will have an electrician review.

No problem at all with changing out the recept.

If you are going to install a 20 amp recept I should point out that technically, per NEC code, a 20 amp recept cannot be installed on a 15 amp branch circuit....
If that is your intent the electrician may make you aware of the fact. Just change the 20 amp recept to a 15 amp in the event you sell and move from the house.