Survey-What is your most used source?

Just curious, what is your most used source: CD, tuner, cassette, LP, dish...?

I purchased a tuner about six months ago, I hadn't used one in my system in well over 10 years. It is easily now my most used source.

Model: Fanfare FT-1A
I used to mostly listen to my old Dynalab tuner. Recently I upgraded to their best offerng & I still mostly listen to my tuner!
well,my most used source has change again!
I bought a MINT Mcintosh MR-74 tuner and can't listen to it enough!
I sold my Rega P-25 and Grado Platinum.The LP's are in storage.I decided to dump the analog front end while I could still get a decent price.I bought both new and sold for $50 less than I paid.A good deal if you ask me.
now I want to build an analog front end again but Im raising the bar a bit and going used.Maybe a Sota Sapphire/rega rb-250 highly modified.still undecided about a new cartridge.
Compact Disc Player (which is a Pioneer Elite DV-37) -- 75%.
FM Tuner (which is a Magnum Dynalab FT-101) -- 25%.

And I am putting together an analog/vinyl playback system right now. When I finally get me a phono stage in about a month-and-a-half or so, then that's going to get some significant use as well. I see that being about 50% at the very least. Which after that, CD will drop significantly (to about 25% to 30%), and the tuner will remain the same (approximately 25% to 30% as well).

In my home theater, the TV itself is used 70% of the time, and then after that, my DVD Player is used the other 30%.

And finally in my car (in which I have a stock Honda AM/FM Stereo/CD Player front-end, but is combined with three Precision Fidelity Power Amplifiers (one is bridged for a subwoofer), as well as an upgraded aftermarket Speaker System/Subwoofer setup)), I listen to CD 85% of the time, and to FM Stereo the other 15%.

CD's about 95%. Occasionally use tuner - we have a great PBS jazz/blues station, KPLU. I like exposure to new music on other stations, but can't take the commercials. Still, mostly listen to CD's.