Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature-Speakers??

Hi, new to this forum as well as to this hobby. Just got me a Sunfire CG signature. What are some decent speakers that go with this amp. Got the Sunfire GT III as preamp. Looking at PSB Goldi's. But do I need bigger speakers to handle the extra watts? Any advice would be helpful.
I run the Sunfire Cinema Grand Sig. w/ the TGII processor.
I have the two connected using balanced Audio Magic Excaliber II ic's and the DVD connected to the TGII via coax Apogee Wyde-Eye 75 ohm digital cable.

The front channel speakers are Magnepan MGIIIa and the rear surrounds are the Magnepan MMG.

During movies, I can run this setup in a large room to VERY loud levels without any evidence of strain or clipping. Both Maggies are 4 ohm loads to the amp, so it is working quite hard, probably pulling somewhere between 10 and 15 amps.

Sean is spot on when he speaks of getting the amp up off the shelf as the bottom plate is the heat source. Even at quite loud levels my CG Sig only gets warm, not hot. I use the glass base that came with it, sitting on an MDF shelf on a Michael Green Justarack.

You can use just about anything out there in the way of speakers as Maggies do present a complicated load to amps, and I am driving five channels into four ohm loads.

I also use an Audio Research SP 9 MKII pre to drive the front channels of the Cinema Grand Sig into the MGIIIA's for 2 channel vinyl, SACD and CD.

Happy hunting!
Sean and Slipknot, thank you for sharing your information and knowledge. It appears I should have paid more attention in those electrical engineering classes in college. This stuff just gets more complicated by the day.
I'll give the Toslink a try for connecting the TGIII. Also, the Magnepan MGIIIa was not on my radar, but I'll do a little more research and see if there's a local dealer for me to audition.

The learning continues...
It seems that everyone that owns one of the sunfire amps arrives at the same conclusions. I'm in total agreement with the two previous posts, so will add something else to the mix. I'm currently running the TGII with the CG signature, with balanced custom silver interconnects and an all Alon by Acarian speaker setup. My interpretation of the amp's character over the past six months is a few light shades to the warmer side of neutral. Having said that, it seems to cast the same amber glow on the sound that the level meter casts into the room (I happen to love it). The alons are notorious for being very neutral and, unfortunately in cases of poor sources, ruthlessly revealing. The Sunfire gear adds just the right amount of "glow" to the Alons to make even poor recordings bearable. It is the Sunfire gear that now allows me to hear the breath before the word or the fingers on the bass string. In short, I suggest leaning towards a speaker with more neutrality, perhaps even on the cooler or bluer side of the spectrum. This will allow the sunfire to light them up. I auditioned our gear with last year's Monitor Audio silver series, which mated wonderfully and are dirt cheap on this website. You might even look toward the Energy veritas series along with your current targets. Most of all, don't feel overwhelmed with the possibilities. Enjoy the courtship - the process can be as fulfilling as the result.
