Sumo The Five amplifier setup question

Hi everyone. I just bought a Sumo The Five amplifier that does not come with a manual. After receiving it, I realized that there are 2 RCA inputs for each channel. They are labeled with a + and - signs. I don't quite know which of the RCA input to use. Does any one have an idea ? Thanks.
That seems very goofy .... running each phase of a balanced signal through its own single-ended RCA cable. Is this truly what is being done? ... or does the amp simply have labels for + and - inputs to support inverting and non-inverting preamp outputs. CJ preamps traditionally have been inverting output while the vast majority of other product lines have been non-inverting. Support for each sounds nice as long as there is no sonic degradation in the process.
I will send you an email later regarding the sound of this amp. I think John is right regarding the amp's RCA inputs, these + and - inputs are for non-inverting and inverting, respectively. I plugged my pre-out to the + (non-inverting) and it works great. The inverting inputs also works, though the gain is much lower. I had to crank up the volume knob a bit to get the same volume.

Thanks for the inputs.
The - jack are where you put the shorting plugs. The + jack connect the rca cable

Shorting plugs are RCA jack with the +and - soded together

Your the + and - neg twisted together