Suggestions on a home theater processor?

Any recommendations for a surround sound processor for strictly home theater use 5.1? I'm thinking of getting the new Rotel RSP-1570. Anyone have any positive or negative comments on this unit or suggestions towards a different company's product? I'm trying to stay under $3,000. Thanks
Don't get too hung up on internal component specs and perceptions of a matter of fact, don't get too hung up on specs at all. The rotel and high end Onkyo/Integras use good components as do the phantomware boxes (997 and Emotiva). There will be ongoing techie fights between trinnov and audyssey, or Reon vs ??? and the fact is that the only thing that should matter to YOU is the sound in YOUR home.

You would be well advised to compare functions and major differences (Audyssey or no Audyssey) or no THX if that's important to YOU.

It's too easy to raise questions like which AC cord should I use, what speaker cables should I use, what interconnects should I use....and unless you are listening to acoustic (e.g. classical) music in an absolutely quiet space, it's unlikely that you will notice a difference. If you are a concert violinist, perhaps....but let your ears make the judgement...not your eyes and please, not the internet or this forum.
I love my Marantz AV 8003 - You get a lot of bang for the buck and it's a great performer all trhe way around
What is a better unit for a sorround sound Processor?
The Arcam AV9 or
The Lexicon MV5
I was just reading through another audio/video forum on the net, where it appears that Emotiva has bee taking preorders on UMC-1 since at least APRIL OF 2008!!!
Is this right?! Are you kidding me?! Wow. I'm sorry but that's almost 2 full years of holding onto other peoples money. Boggles the immagination...
Now there's a business model for a budding business! You take peoples money on a pre-order basis, and string the rease date out for years...then you invest the hell out of all that free cash your holding. Then, if you invested all that "house money" you're riding for free on at the right time, even doubling or tripple up your envestments (hint: Q1 2009 to now) you made a REAL killing! Then, when the public outcry gets too hot, you simply return all their money, and come up with an excuse as to why it never shipped, shut the doors, whatever.
I'm just sayin. It could happen...
To be fair, yes the UMC-1 took a ridiculously long time to get to market. But those on the pre-order list did not have to fork over any $$ at sign-up. It was just a take-a-number system on who would be able to purchase first once they started shipping.