Suggested speakers to take the place of Dunlavy


Much as I hate to do this, it is time to give up on the dream of getting into some Dunlavy speakers. I've tried buyi8ng a couple pairs now, and the shippers have wrecked both. I have decided that I need to get a speaker from a manufacturer that's still in business.

I am looking for something with a similar sound to the dunlavy line--my big interests for a speaker are as follows--very detailed above all else, but with good tonal balance. I like a very quick bass and smooth highs. The best speaker I ever heard to my taiste was the Dunlavy SC-V driven with a Pass labs x350. Suggestions?

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You might want to try VMPS speakers.I own a pair,and enjoy listening to them.VMPS has expanded their speaker line quite a bit now,and are utilizing a number of Ribbon drivers .They have re-issued a model Tower II,Special Edition,Anniversary Edition with quite a bit of upgrades for a price less than 2k purchased and shipped directly from VMPS.You could go to their website at to look at this and other models,or even call the factory in California and speak to Brian the owner.
I have replaced my much modifed Dunlavy SC4's in my main system recently with the new Caravelle speakers and dedicated Sistrum stands..These are remarkable speakers in everyway..The Dunlavys are for sale..I am a Caravelle dealer..Tom
You could try the Duntechs, John Dunlavy's former company. I just don't know if they will ship to the USA or if they have a dealer here. But at least they are still in business should you blow a driver, or whatever.

You might also like the Meadowlark Audio line, rather similar in execution to the Dunlavy. I have owned products from both manufacturers, and I was highly impressed. I really never should have got rid of a product from either company. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies in this hobby. We keep looking for better when we already have a great set up.
The VMPS RM-40 is a WMTMW design like the Dunlavys, but the drivers are better -- true ribbon for the tweeter and planar magnetics for the midrange. Above the RM-40 in the VMPS lineup is the RM/X which functions as a line array from about 200hz - 6khz with point source ribbon tweeter above that and dynamic bass below.
You might check out Green Mountain Audio. Both GMA & Dunlavy) from Colorado Springs. Both 1st order designs. Roy at GMA has certianly done his homework with his designs. You can find reviews of two of his speakers at A google search will provide you with others. Amazing speakers.