SubWoofer Help ASAP...

Hello, can anyone recommend a solution. Just moved into a condo with carpet all over. I am currently running 2 M&K subs... MX-350 THX and MPS 5210 THX... Both are dual 12" drivers.

My problem is that the bass notes on both music and home theater sound very boomy and almost hollow in a sense. I had the same exact setup at my previous place and sounded amazing. Concrete floors on previous place. Oh yeah and new place, set up is in the second floor.

Question is what can I do to get that tight accurate bass that I had. Any help or suggestion welcomed. Thanks in advance guys.
08-16-12: Nvp
When applying "METHOD 1", it is helpful to play a jazz walking bass line (make a loop with the cd player if possible) and look for the position in the room where all notes of the double bass sound equally loud and tight.
Hi Paul - I think this is a very good suggestion. It's exactly how I make fine-tuning adjustments after general placement has been determined through measurements.

One of my favorite tracks for double bass is "Use Me" from Patricia Barber's album Companion, especially the solo in the first 30 seconds. If you can make the bass on that track sound deep, even, and fast (the most difficult), you're in very good shape.

Thank you so much for your suggestions. Looks like I have some homework to do... Ok I'll keep you guys posted, I'm gonna get some work done to fix this this weekend. I appreciate all your insight and suggestions. Thanks a bunch... And yes Paul, I need to be patient. Ha ha
Great answers so far, so nothing to add. Bascially your new room has a bass node right on top of your listening position. So it's just a matter of tweaking to even out the in room response by the methods laid out above. It takes time, but pays off so be patient.
It takes some time till one starts to hear the frequencies that are reinforced
or weakened by the room. This is why it takes time to set up decently a

A pair of decent headphone, however, can solve this problem in no time. By
listening the selected walking bass (or bass solo) alternatively via the
headphones and via the speakers one can easily identify the artifacts
induced by the room, viz. what one hears in the headphones is not affected
by the room and consequently the bass is always tight and fast (no bloat).

To find a decent position for the subwoofer I play track 3 on Norah Jones'
"Come away with me" album, i.e. "Cold cold heart". I
make a look with my cd player and play only the first measure of the bass
line starting the song. The passage lasts 3-4 seconds and has only 6 notes
which are easy to follow but are sufficiently different frequency-wise.

To find tune the position of the sub I use a bass solo. Any will do. The one
suggested by Bryon is certainly good.