Sub woofer cable help please...

Sub cable

I recently purchased a single sub woofer cable, but I have two outputs out of my preamplifier. I am ok going into my subs single input but coming out of the preamp is an issue. I have two female RCA outs of my pre amp and I need a y adapter with two male and one female. Do you know where I might find one or any suggestions? As it stands now I can plug it in but only to the left or right output from preamplifier. And then into the one input on the sub. Thank you...
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You can get either this one:

or this one:
You might check with your preamp manufacterer first. I did the same thing and once I plugged in the "Y"-adapter to my extra set of outputs, it bridged both channels, (and both sets of outputs) to mono.

If the extra set of outputs are just paralled off the first set, this will happen.

I had to go with an outboard subwoofer crossover that took the stereo signal from the preamp, then converted it mono out to the sub.