Sub- 700 New/used Integrated Amps-Recos?

In pursuit of good sound on a limited budget (and with a limited amount of space, too) what do you all recommend in the way of integrated amps? I currently have Adcom separates, and want to go to an integrated to save space. Reading reviews of some of the integrateds available today make me think I can probably upgrade my sound a little in the process. I am considering used or demo models like the Arcam 8R, Analogue Puccini SE, Musical Fidelity A3, Creek 5250, or a Denon PMA-2000R. I am using Spica TC50 speakers. I do play records, so phono stage is an issue. Opinions please?
The Bryston, Anthem Int 2 and Audio Refinement Complete all are a little outside my price range, more like $800-900, plus phono stage. However, reading the reviews (both pro and consumer) seem to indicate they are worth it. I guess I'll just have to wait a few months 'til I can scrape up the cash for the difference.

Amongst consumer reviewists at who actually listened to a large selection of amps in this price range, they seemed to split pretty evenly between the B-60 and the Complete. Since I would like to have a low-maintenence system (no tubes) that pretty much narrows my choices. Thanks for the input.
