Stylus repair help needed

I am looking for a gentleman from Germany that refurbishes cartridges. I think his name is Alex? I need a stylus replaced and would rather not replace the entire cartridge. It is a clear audio virtuoso wood mm. I heard sound smith does good work but it's a lengthy process. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the response! I apologize, I posted this in two different forums but I think I got what I needed. Tubed, have you tried this? I am intrigued as it does not seem to tough but I certainly would not want to do more damage! Let me know what you think. Thanks again.
Drewdown, no I have not attempted this upgrade yet. Mine sounds decent as it stands. Someday I will attempt a Shibata, yes. The transplant of the new stylus would take a steady hand. but it does not appear to be more difficult than replacing any other MM/MI stylus.

If your stylus is bent or MIA there is no additional damage to be done there. However, with a Clearaudio V Wood currently having a $1k list price you may be right in thinking chicken on it and leaving the details to Axel. Pressure fited nude line stylus in a tapered aluminum cantilever should result in a "better than stock" CA V-Wood.
Well, I gave it a shot and was successful! It sounds fantastic! The only question I have is if you can now remove the case around the stylus? I plays with it on obviously, just not sure if you can snap it out of now that it has been installed?! Thanks so much for the heads up!! Great fix! I did get the HE not the shibata.