Stuck at home? Make a speaker or something for goodness sake!

Yeah I know, it's something I say twice a year at least, but I say it because I think our community is made better with more builders than with just buyers.

Please, if you are stuck at home looking for ways to spend your money, or maybe want to interest the kids around you consider building a kit.  Speakers, amplifiers, cables.  Something to get your hands dirty and feel the pride of putting things together yourself. 


What exactly are we after ina  spaeker
Lets  forget bass and highs for the moment.
Midrange, 500hz-2khz/5khz whatever
But what are we REALLY after in a  speaker?

Lowest possible:::
Fatigue level
Accurate vocal presence
Instrumental separation/soundstage
 Is this asking too much?
You bet it is. 
Many world famous speakers fall short in 1,2,3 or even all 4 categories. 
This has been my  lengthy, costly , adventures in speaker selection.
I truly believe I have succeeded.
But I am looking for more.
The Speaker saga venture continues.............
I may already have IT,
But not sure
The W18's remain, The Kasun remains. Aint touching either.
Its the wide band 
Lets try another DavidLouis , this time the white wooden cone 8 incher.
vs his 6.5 yellow paper mix....
Til next time...............

I mean, if you wanta  commercialized speaker Buy
There are countless commercialized speakers.
But if you want 1/2 commercial amd 1/2 DIY, follow my lead.
Take what you have in your room now, and modify to something superior. 
Its not hard to do, Work with what you have, Dont go buy new speakers.
You will just be on a  merry go round.
You can always salvage what you have.
Keep your bass woofers. Tweak it down to say 800hz. and add a  wide band, Keep your tweeter, just tweak xover up to say 8khz. 
Its really easy and makes a  huge gains in midrange richness, soundstage.
Wide bands, will embellish what you have and you will begin to hear music as it was meant to be heard.

That's just what I did Mozart I took the Electrovoice Georgian and removed the bass cabinet covered it with Dynamat after painting it and then I time aligned the mid and Tweet. I had to take the mid range 848 out of the cabinet and put it on top because it needs to go back further than is possible inside the cabinet. With the face of the cabinet removed the mid range needs to be back 8 3/8 inches from the front of the outer cabinet and the tweeter goes where the mid range used to be and it needs to be back 9 7/8 inches. It sounds like music now making it hard for me to get off my duff and rewire it with some OCC.

1,271 posts
08-13-2021 1:25am
Its just that none, zero , of the commercial speakers interest me.
So that is why I had to design my own speaker, w/o any advice, suggestions, ideas from my tech geek nor anyone here on audiogon.
I had to make my own design, nilly willy, for the good or the bad.
Tried this, that, then swaped out that, for this, and so on.
Til finally i have pretty much my Final Speaker til death.
You could not even give me a speaker to replace my own design.
You may not like it, but thing is , its my music, my ears, and this speaker is as close to my perfect ideal of how a speaker should voice.
Again, you might say ***THAT!!**

And I will respond, Its as close to my hopes of speaker nirvana, more than I could ever expect.
Each person has to come to his own ideas/experiences of how he wishes his ideal speaker to voice.
I have plans to add a DL8, the white cone wide band
Will bea shootout twix the
DL 6.5 Neodymium
DL 8/Ferrite magnet weighing in at a blsitering 8 lbs!!!!!!!!!, Woden cone
One heck of a shootout.
One or the other will be champ of wide bands.
My guess is I'll like things about both and so keep both. Swap out, depends on the music selection.
Sort of adding spice and variety.

So like yeah, my speaker is all original, my ideas, no one elses.

I had to copy this post, from another topic, full range. 
I'll just leave it there and also post it here, So folks know exactly how i arrived at my contraption, how it morphed into what IT IS,, 
What shall we call it?
Best Bang Speaker. (as in Tang Bang)