Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?


I'd like to hear anyone's experiences with replacing their speaker spikes with the Stillpoint Ultra SS isolation/vibration control devices. I did a search and found a few related threads, but I would like to hear more. I want to try them under my Merlin VSM-M's, and yes I know Bobby will strongly disapprove...
BTW, if it matters, my speakers are on a carpeted suspended wood floor.
Melbguy1, the Stillpoint ultra base add nothing to the performance of the Ultras other than height adjustment. One thing that I have learned is that there is no such thing as too much isolation with StillPoints products. I know a guy with 92 Ultra Fives. Having tried Ultra Fives under Ultra SSs with a big improvement and using Ultra Fives under amps and then used them mounted on StillPoints Component Stands, thus gaining additional four of the "technology" feet, etc. I have given up saying enough is enough. Try an Ultra Five on top a component.

I guess everything depends on what "balanced" means, but I doubt given any operationalization of balanced that I can think of, that is a true statement.

It is too bad that Magico does provide more anchor points. You could just put two in the corners in the back.
Tbg, thanks for the feedback re: the Ultra bases. I've read feedback to the contrary indicating they provide a slight lift in performance, so results obviously vary depending on the application. On a tiled floor, using the the bases is probably a good idea in any case to provide height adjustment.

I think you missed my point about keeping your system balanced. By that I meant, there is no point owning 92 Ultra 5's, and running a Yamaha integrated amp or $200 speaker cables if you know what I mean. I certainly don't have the cash for 92 stillpoints. The Ultra 5's make the most difference under your speakers, and as I mentioned they are far superior to the factory feet, so 2 sets of 3 is all I would need save unless I changed my speakers to Genesis 1.2's and upgraded to Gryphon Memphisto mono blocks. You can go silly on this hobby, and i'm not pre-disposed to such folly.
Pardon me Richards for not responding earlier.The Ultra SSs are coupled to the speakers which are on a carpet,vinyl tiles and concrete floor.Minimal tilt on the speakers as they are firing across the room. Since then have added four under DCS Puccini and Vitus SIA 025 with Minimus under other components.
They really do make a difference and deal effectively with mechanical noise. There is still the problem of electronic noise and the Entreq Silver Tellus together with their i/cs and speaker cable really lifts the transparency, reduces the noise. and complements the Stillpoints.
The Carmel is a superb speaker and none of the upgrades set out above have phased them. They just effortlessly step up to new levels of performance
I would suggest putting them under the line conditioner, after one has placed them under the speakers, although the mini risers do just fine under a line conditioner (assuming it's not over 50 pounds, per Bruce at Stillpoints. He says they are just "being careful" because the ceramic alls could crack with too heavy a weight on them). The PS Audio Power Plant under which I placed them took on a (new) life of its own, at least, what started coming thru the speakers. The delicacy of woodwinds was undeniable as was separation of instruments and a new transparency in the mid/upper bass/lower midrange areas.
You are just TOO rich for me, man! (Laughing). I would rather stick with the SS and be able to complement the whole system than have to buy one Ultra 5 at a time. I had to return the last set of Ultra Minis because of Bruce's "proclamation" that the Ultra Minis couldn't handle one of the speaker system I have (a pair of Hale 3 Revelations, 90 pounds per side). My wallet is much lighter than it was 3 hours ago.
On the other hand, the Twitter stock is rising, so, in about 2 years, I'm hoping that Twitter will have paid for the Ultra SS feet that will be arriving shortly.
I can't help you out with the Ultra 5 feet, but since I bought the SS models (Tbg, of course, has left me in the dust and is already onto the Ultras), I CAN tell you how good they sound at $2k for eight, vs. nearly $6k for the Ultras - which, I admit, I have no idea how they sound. I will know, however, how the SS sound vis a vis the Ultra Minis, because I can always put them under the line conditioner first, and that will tell me instantly how far ahead I jumped from the Minis. I expect, based on others' comments, it will be magnificent.
On the other hand, if you ONLY want to get the Ultras, they just put my comments into context and go directly to Tbg, pass "GO" (am I the only one who remember Monopoly?) and - if you've got the moola, dough, bucks, or any other word for money - jump on 'em!!!