Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
Charlie- What record cleaning fluid, if any, do you recommend? Is one better than another? George.
George, I usually use Disc Doctor that I highly respect & several home brews made from internet formula's are also recommended. The secret is steam. A final steam rinse removes all residues just leaving the LP , cleaner than ever before. It is my opinion, based on my personal steaming experience, all record cleaning fluids leave a sonic fingerprint that will eventually be wisked away with steam. Disc Doctor appears to have less of a sonic fingerprint, a tribute to its designer, & therefore is less hassel to steam rinse. George , that's my opinion. Cheers, Charlie
Walgreen's is now selling the "Living Solutions" steam cleaner, model #516414, for $29.98. It looks exactly like the late lamented "Perfection" steamer except that it's green instead of red. There is no lead warning on the box, so it looks like it avoids that hazard. Has anyone tried it yet?

I have been fascinated by the many posts discussing steam cleaning, but I haven't tried it yet. In fact, I've never even cleaned a record! I've used an old Discwasher brush and fluid, but, from what I've been reading, I don't think that really counts. Obviously, I don't own a RCM. I'm trying to figure out which steamer will be best for a rank beginner and building up my nerve to give it a try.

I would much appreciate knowing whether anyone has had any experience with the Living Solutions steamer.
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