starting equiment that ic cold from being shipped

Is it a real thing that you court problems if you turn on an ice cold amplifier or pre-amp without waiting 24 hours for temperature to rise.  I have long awaited Krell FPB and KCT shipping tomorrow,  It's single digits in the Midwet.  Should I wait a full 24 hours for the equipment to warm inside before introducing any electricity into the components?


If it were me? 24 hours. Keeping equipment wrapped would make evaporation take longer and increases risk 

Some water is going to condense inside the amp as it warms up

Water + amplifier = bad

Need time to everything to come to ambient temperature and for condensation to fully evaporate

It sucks, but better to wait than to fry the amp on your first turn-on

We have had a number of loudspeaker customers complain that the speakers don't work in extreme cold because the ferrofluid freezes.  Yes, this is a problem that can rip your drivers apart if you take a speaker that's been sitting at -30C and try to instantly get loud sound out of it.  When they are outdoor speakers, we recommend a small conditioning signal of low wattage, nothing that will make the coils move, for a few minutes, just to warm up the innards and get the fluid back to being fluid.  It may take a short while to get the sound up to normal, but these are the things we have to do with climate change.

I imagine the same holds true for the electronic components.  Nothing works as it should when it is as cold as a stone.  Give it some time to come to room temperature to avoid the possibility of damaging components.

I was told specifically by the Krell repair manager to NEVER blow a hair dryer into the amp, so that won't be happening. 

This logic is what made me think keeping it wrapped will prevent condensation from happening quickly. 

From Quora:


This isn't so much about warming up. This is to prevent condensation from forming inside the device. I wear glasses and when the temperatures outside are close to 0°C or below, and I walk into a crowded bar, condensation forms instantly on the glass. When the air outside is cold and dry, and you bring your equipment into a room where the air is warm and humid, condensation will very likely form. It's best to keep the device sealed and let it sit for a minimum of 2-3 hours. Some recommend as much as 24 hours. This way you can ensure that as the device gradually warms up to room temperature, condensation does not form, and even if it does it gives it time to evaporate.