SS integrated amp that has tube like qualities

I'm looking for someone who has real experience with several solid state integrated amplifiers that could provide me with a recommendation.

I'm looking for a solid state integrated, if one exists, with a tube like presentation. I mostly listen to male and female vocalists and are looking for an integrated that excells in midrange warmth/bloom, and richness/sweetness, while maintaining sonic clarity.

I believe that the Ayre may meet my expectations, but is a bit expensive even in the used market.

Are there any other less expensive choices? Thanks in advance...

Please do not recommend any class D amplification. I have had several, including the new Wyred and they are not my cup of tea.
Italy's Audio Analogue makes super sweet integrated amps that are very close to my Sony V-Fet amp (now the V-Fet does sound like a tube in harmonic richness; I have the low powered TA-4650 with only two VFET devices per channel and often prefer it even to my all tube Scott 222D it's that good).
Gryphon is a brand, while not that well known to the US, due to lack of distribution, which has an unmistakably 'musical' quality.
Your description:
"I'm looking for a solid state integrated, if one exists, with a tube like presentation. I mostly listen to male and female vocalists and are looking for an integrated that excells in midrange warmth/bloom, and richness/sweetness, while maintaining sonic clarity."
...makes it clear that the finer perceived aspects of tubes, low level resolution, micro and macro dynamics, which really flesh out the nuance of vocals, are your priorities.
The Gryphon is kind of enigmatic to me, in that it doesn't sound like tubes, per se, but has these qualities--AND never has an edge of transisitor harshness. Walking the fine line of musical, but without obvious coloration.
Its a shame the Mr. Rassmussen of Gryphon has had such woeful experiences in his attempted US Distribution, as this is ONE REALLY FINE PRODUCT LINE.
You should look at this...IMHO, as it may be just what the Doctor ordered.
Good Luck,

This amplifier has over performed almost all amplification I had and I did have some serious gear including Bel Canto Ref1000, McCormack DNA-250, Conrad Johnson Premier 12 and others. The CA200 is simply wonderful. I have never heard my Sonus Faber Amati Anniversarios sing better. The musicality, detail, soundstage are simply phenominal. Everything I throw at it comes out as beautifuly as I have ever heard it.
Unforetunately CJ stopped manufacturing them as they were not succesful enough in the market. I guess if they took the same amp and put it in a twice as large case things would be different. Read the numerous review on the net and you will get an idea.

highly recommended!