Speakers with high WAF?

Friends, I have moved all my gear out of our family room and resituated it in my photostudio - all with my wife's unstated blessing. She hated the looks of those Newform Research 645's - mid/bass drivers in a rectangular black box, with a ribbon pole shooting out of the top to about 6'. But they sound so nice...So I am looking for a pair of replacements that may be a bit less "form following function." Showed her a pair of Adagios in the beautiful burl walnut - "but they don't look like furniture...." Thinking that a pair of Klipschorns tucked in the corners of our large family would be a bit more innocuous, she asked "Isn't there something that could be hung on the wall/" Guess that nixes the Klips. So I'd appreciate any of you guys who were ultimately able to satisfy your sonic needs and your wife's esthetic sensibilities. And ladies, your imput would be particularly appreciated.
The only speakers my wife ever said weren't "obtrusive" were speakers with a sloped baffle such as Thiels and Meadowlark Audio. First it was a small pair of Thiel 1.5s that she approved of and later a pair of Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods. It helped that they both had a finish that exactly matched the furniture.
I second the recommendation of the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grands. A few weeks ago, I heard these for the first time and was shocked at the soundstage/sonics put out by this small floorstander (with equally small footprint). Not only did they sound beautiful, but were eye-catching in the piano black finish.
I agree that there comes a time when audio gear must dress the part. Great sound? Sure, but not from ugly boxes anymore.

Have a look at the Opera line of italian speakers. I personnaly own the SP Callas in durmast wood (light european oak).

These speakers are beautifully finished, with soft arcs on the sides, leather on the front, slim and a small footprint.

Past speakers include the Verity Audio Parsifal years ago, the Sonus Faber Grand Pianos (not the new Domus but the Home model) and a few more.

The Parsifals are of course in a league (and a price level) of their own, but the Operas edge-out the Grand Pianos on sound, and smokes them on looks, with the boat-shaped cabinet. I had a demo of the Sonus Faber Domus line with those ''serious'' looking piano black and dark wood finish- for WAF, the Operas still win in my opinion on looks. Photos do NOT show how beautifull they are when you see the real thing.

Nothing like Italian beauties, they ALL have a high WAF, regadless of the manufacturer.
