Speakers for Odyssey Stratos Extreme monos

I am looking for speakers for a 14' x 20' room that would sound good with Odyssey Stratos Extreme mono amps (glass ceiling). I listen to a lot of different music styles (mostly acoustic and vocals) as well as use my two channel system for watching movies, so I would like the speakers to be somewhat dynamic. I prefer a softer presentation rather than analytical. Any suggestions?
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With your amps, you should consider the Odyssey Loreleis. I've been happy with mine (driven by a Stratos stereo amp) in a room smaller than yours. Not analytical, yet plenty of detail. Never harsh. Deep, tight bass -- no subwoofer needed for music or movies. Big sound stage. I too listen to a wide variety of music, and the Loreleis get it right, no matter what's playing.
I think this is the backwards way to build a system. Settle on the speakers you like and match an amp to them. The speakers are going to have a bigger impact on the sound than ANY amplifier.
