Speakers for Musical Fidelity M6i

I would appreciate suggestions to replace my recent sold PSB Synchrony 2 for better overall speakers.
I upgraded to Musical Fidelity 200w integreated & need speakers to complement.
My room is 12x20 w/Bryston CD player,Rega P5 TT & AQ cables.
Something in 3-4 k range
My current list includes:
Sonus Faber liuto(special price from dealer)/PSB Synchrony I/Legacy Classic/Totem Forest & Joseph Audio RM25XL(but it's 46 inches tall which is too high for my apt.).
Too bad you have a height restriction. Your amp would be a great match for a pair of martin logan ESLs, any model you can afford.
I do not have experience with the M6i integrated, however, a quick google search has revealed that its guts are very similar looking to those of the MF A5 integrated that I have owned some years ago. The MF A5 paired very well with Focal Micro Be and also with Dynaudio Contour speakers.
I have the M6 separates, they're driving Von Schweikert VR4 jr. k2's. Really tonally balanced.