Speakers for a desktop system

I want to set up a system on top of my desk. Speakers will be about 32 inches apart center to center. placed on each side of my apple monitor about a foot away from the back wall.. I will slide my chair back about 5 feet.

Would like to drive them with a intergrated tube amp. WIll be listening to vocal and jazz mostly.

I have a vincent audio hybrid tube cd player. What tube integrated and speakers would you choose. Does not need to play real loud. I am looking for a great soundstage and warm smooth sound.
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How about the Peachtree Nova?
80 watts, SS & high current with a tubed preamp AND a Scott Nixon designed Sabre DAC. Around $1200 from what I understand.
Mated with something like Devore Gibbons 3 or Merlin TSM-MX or perhaps Zu Tones/Druid Credenzas, oh my! I would say any of these would be a great desktop setup.
If I had the cash myself, I would go for Devores & Peachtree Nova.
The audioengine A5's came today. Out of the box they sounded just ok.. But then I remembered that my magnepan 1.6's sounded terrible out of the box so I let them play for a couple of hours while I went outside. When I came back I was just amazed. Playing straight out of the my Mac they are amazing. Huge stoundstage. Very musical. Found myself pulling out disc after disc and just listening to the music not the stereo. I hate to say this but I could live with this system alone... My main system is a Parasound a21 amp, Audio expressions tube preamp, Energy veritas speakers and Audioquest king cobra cables.
I found the Audioengines online for $325 shipped, no tax. So far I think this is the best money I have yet to spend on audio dollar for dollar.

Thanks Johnnyb53 for the suggestion on getting these.