Speakers for a Classe CA-201

I am dying to get something new in my system and am thinking about new speakers. I have Totem Model One Signatures at the moment backed up by an NHT SubTwo. The amp is a Classe CA-201 with an Adcom GFP-750 preamp. My current source is a Rega Planet primarily but I am not going to replace it until I find an SACD player that I cannot live without. Cardas cross biwire wires connect the speakers, an RCA pair of crosses goes from CD to Preamp and I am putting in Red Rose's new premier interconnect with XLR between the amp and preamp as soon as they come. Thanks for your input everyone (P.S. Please avoid LP recommendations, I am looking into vinyl setups right now but want to familiarize myself a lot more with the options before I buy anything)
Cornfedboy has an excellent point with respect to losing the excellent imaging of the Totem's while gaining the "body" and low end extension of a full range floorstander. With this in mind, why don't you give a listen to Aerial 6 and 7B. I'm using two Classe 151s as monoblocks and Aerial 6s-soundstage is huge-they image like lasers,(only 71/4 inches wide). I've heard the 7Bs with Classe-don't quite image as well and a little fat in the upper bass region for me-but it is the best selling Aerial model. There is a known synergy between the products-John Russell of Classe highly recommends Aerial,and Michael Kelly feels the high current Classe amps are a wonderful match for his speakers. Depending on your room size the 10T would fit in your price range- it has a big footprint though. Good luck.
I run nht 2.9's with a Classe CA-200 with great results. Excellent imaging and good low end.
i may be mistaken, but i believe the Totems use Dynaudio drivers, which would account for the excellent imaging. Therefore, I suggest you check out some Dynaudio speakers, specifically the Contour 3.3 and Confidence 5. these may give you what you hope for.
I recently purchased Ariel 8's and have a Classe CA-150,CP-35 and Cd.3 with Kimber Kables for the speakers and have found the system very satisfying. I listen to mainly classical music and the piano is in the room. The violins are so real you are surprised by the decay of the notes in the solos.