Speakercables : cool cold and frantic drive.

Looking for sp cables w a cool sound and frantic drive.
but still w punch and definition of drumssounds.
" I have also learned that only 5 out of 50 answers are something to read." Maybe, but you have to read them all to know which five were worth it.

Try Speltz Anti-Cables if you haven't already. Ask if there is a trial period (I think there is) during which you can do some experimenting with elevating and spacing the wires.
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Hi Griss.

I'll shamelessly plug our cabling because...I am a percussionist and drummer. Here's a track by Dave Weckl I use as part of our evaluation arsenal...

HERE if you have QuickTime
HERE to download onto your PC.

Check our ad here on A'goN for Poiema!! cabling or contact us for other available cabling and sale pricing.

Regardless, ENJOY the file one and all!
