speaker upgrade

It is time to upgrade my speakers. I am currently using Audio Physic Virgos. I am impressed with the speed and detail. They even have decent bass after I learned how to drive them properly. The current choice is an upgrade to Audio Physic Calderas, but before I spend that much money, I am looking for other suggestions. I have auditioned and rejected Hales Transcendance, Dunlavy Mark 4A, and Martin Logan Monoliths. The system is an upgraded McCormick DNA-1 amp, Placette full active preamp, Audio Research CDT-1 and DAC3 Mark II. Power cables and interconnects have been upgraded. Budget is $12k. Any suggestions, picks or pans?
Sell your amp, and get the any SET amp, and than audition the Edgarhorn "Virtuosy"(5k)! Or do that first, and try it with your amp. Either way, give it a "shot"!
Are you anti tubes?? I think they are a part of what you are missing.(not for sure,but---)
I'd buy a different amp before I'd go to another speaker. I really like the Virgo's although I wouldn't buy them myself. Try a VT100MKII or a SF Power 2, it'll add some life to your system - and it won't cost you 12k. :P
Tweak1, have you had a chance to compare the Mapleshade Double Golden Helix against any other cables?
Don't even think of buying a speaker without auditioning the SoundLab A1. It lists for $15.5K but you can probably get a good discount.Or just use your credit card. You need lots of space though.