Speaker suggestions for an unusual room

The above photo is a panoramic view of my listening room.  Floor to ceiling windows with shades, tile floor with some rugs, back of room (not in photo) has flat wall with recessed areas and lower ceiling.  Main room ceiling is about 13 feet.
Am interested to hear suggestions for types of speakers (or even more specific suggestions) for those that might work best in this environment.  Currently (pictured) speakers are modified "Cornscalas".
Thank you!
Apparently the photo did not load.  The front and right walls are circlular with floor to (13 foot) ceiling windows.  Back and left walls are straight.  Left wall with 4 foot opening adjacent to front wall opens to next room.  Cornscala variants are on front wall.
So far have had the best luck with large speakers with broad front baffles.  Since there are windows along front wall and furniture placement does not allow the speakers to be very far from the front wall, speakers which minimize backward dispersion have also worked best.