Speaker suggestion for 600.

I need help on the best speakers for <$600 preferably new, but would consider used if not very old. I have a Acurus A-250 and L-10 preamp, bought recently.

I am considering the Magnepan MMG (with a sub which I already have) and would appreciate suggestions for speakers equal or better in performance ie., sound for this price to audition. Ideally I would like to spend no more than $500 for the pair.

Rayasa, I am using B&W CDM1SEs with great results in a room of identical volume. If you look around you should be able to score a pair of these in you budget. Other electronics in my system are an Adcom GFA-555 and a Conrad Johnson Premier 2.
PSB makes some speakers that could fit your req's, though I couldn't say how they would fare against the MMG's you mention. The stratus mini is a good one if you can't stretch for the floorstanding stratus bronze's @ $700 new on ebay. And I think maybe some in the image series could be had in the price range. See www.psbspeakers.com. They usually get good reviews. A guy in canada sells all or most for about 45% off list on ebay.

Thanks for your responses thus far. The Triangle Titus is another speaker that interests me as it is within my budget. It is around $495 retail and is a Stereophile recommended component to boot (guess where I found out about this speaker :)). There arent any reviews of this speaker anywhere, but I have seen other reviews of Triangle speakers but not actually read them. Does anybody have experience with this one? Any other recommendations are of course welcome.
