Speaker for Yamaha AS2000

Hi all. I am requesting recommendations for speakers to go with my new Yamaha AS 2000 amplifier. My price point is under $7000.00.

Room size is 22ft Wide X 25ft Length. 13 Ft Ceiling. The room features wood floors and rather thick leather couches and chairs.

I enjoy rock, blues and Jazz and do not play my music at loud volume.

Thank You.
I've run both Castle Conway IIIs & Daedalus DA-1s w/hot rodded
crossovers. The AS-2000 is the best amp I've paired w/either.
My room is a bit larger @25x30x16, & I would recommend any of Lou's
Daedelus speakers. The Castles have a marvelous midranges clarity & presence,but don't reach quite as low. Biwiring via the A/B terminals paid big dividends. The Daedalus r single wire & really came on song w/the grunt of the Yammy.... Nice choice. I also run the matching CDS-2000, a
tube preamp, & a Modwright Transpoter all thru the same AS-2000. The Yamaha is a neutral, musical, & versitle piece of audio gear. I hope to introduce a Rega P-6 into the mix soon to try the mm/mc. It's a fun system to play & listen to all types of music thru, very even handed thru the frequency range, lots of detail retrieval, great separation of instruments, & doesn't add it's own colorations, so you really 'hear the speaker'.

The new Polks or even Yamahas own spkrs. r a couple of other options, & the Ohms would b on my short list to try. 2nite we r listening to Mickey Harts new release Mysterium Tremendum thru the Daedelus & it really fills the room nicely. Soundstage is really wide & deep w/the tube pre driving the Yamaha amp ins. A real ' rhythmic presence' & a cool recording that
the AS-2000 has no problem unraveling. Good luck....
Thank You - Thank You.

I am going to try the OHM 5000. I am loving the AS 2000 and I also have the CDS 2000 (matching in silver).
Hi I am glad I found you guys, yes I recently bought a Yamaha AS-2000, beautiful, but I have a little problem I don't understand, although I had Yamaha NS 1000, AS-1000 long time ago and never had problems with them, any way I am using Soavo-1 speakers, there is something wrong, and that is: after turning the volume just over 11:00 O'clock, tweeter burnt in short I've lost two tweeters so far that's why I like to change speakers and I need help if some one would please introduce good solid speaker that sounds as good as Soavo-1. Thank you.
04-16-12: Honeybee2012
Thank You - Thank You.

I am going to try the OHM 5000. I am loving the AS 2000 and I also have the CDS 2000 (matching in silver).

Good for you! It's tough to beat an omni when it comes to filling a large space uniformly.