Speaker break in time.

I don't really know how to break in new speakers, hours? what kind of music? etc.. Any advice would be great.
I agree with the previous response -- what kind of speakers are these?? My Avalon Acoustics took ~300 hours of LOUD break-in time before they sounded proper.. I used a combination of dynamic music, pink noise, white noise, and the warble tone CD. Hopefully your neighbors don't mind!!
The Purist Audio Design system enhancer CD contains all the sounds necessary to completely break in the speakers, wire, caps, and crossover parts. Months later, after you have forgotten about your break in problems, a "touch up" of 60 minutes with the Purist CD will amaze you. It is also possible to hook up a CD player to put the Purist CD through the clips where the phono cartridge hooks up. (Cartridge disconnected!) That way you can leave the CD on repeat and get massive hours on the tonearm wire, connectors and interconnect to the phono stage without "tending" your record playing machine and wearing out an expensive stylus. In other words, the disk is valuable beyond your current need.
A classic break-in practice would be to face the speakers towards each other, almost touching, and to connect one out-of-phase, then play music, anything, for a minimum of a 100 hours.