Soundsmith Strain Gage Cartridge system

Has anyone compared the Soundsmith Strain Gage Cartridge system to a top-of-the-line cartridge / phono stage combo in the same system (including the same arm and linestage)?

Glad to hear that you are enjoying the new addition. The other Dr. K gave me the lowdown on his trip up to NY a couple weeks ago. I can only concur with your comments after hearing it in the same system as Crem1, (how is that Mapleknoll coming along- still waiting for pix;-)

Also recommended for the less deep pocketed is the SS 103 denuded cartridge with the ruby cantilever and line contact tip. Excellent sound, better dynamics and detail. Again, these have been compared using the same highly revealing system as well as my more modest rig and the improvements are consistent. I think a Denon 304 with the same treatment will be my choice.

East Coast Audio Society ;-)
"Provided everything is set-up to the nth degree"
Does this mean that one will want to use a standard cartridge when the physical quality of the record is less than perfect?
The strain gauge actually tracks better than "standard" cartridges and I have had no problems with less than perfect lps.

Interesting conversation. I have been following this for a few days since I am going to get a 410 and strain gauge cartridge. I have heard the system at RMAF twice now and honestly, based on what I heard in the Soundsmith room, I would not have bought the combination. The room was too long and narrow, and not set up to reveal it's capabilities. While the sound was above average for the show, it did not stand out as being particularly special.

After talking to people who heard the set up in Miami and then in Colorado, I have given a more serious thought to it. When a combination excels some of best cartridges ever made, and does it for less money, a person has to sit up and take notice. Especially when the people making these claims own or have access to the best existing equipment!

I hope to hear/see more comments from people about the Soundsmith gear as more of it makes its way to market. These are exciting times...


