Sony XA-7es and the 777es

Does the Sony XA-7es soundbetter than the 777es playing regular CD's? If not why can you get a second hand 777 for almost the same price as a second hand XA-7es which is much older than the 777es as well?
Today, Sony introduced SACD/DVD/CD Player 9000ES MSRP of $1.5k you can get it new for about $1,1k. Its sonics are much superior to 777ES, particularly it has "magic" midrange. Its fantastic CD Player; plus you get SACD which sound is second to live event only (much better then DVD-Audio or vinil) plus you can play 24/96 CDsn(eg Chesky), plus if you like to watch, this DVD has progressive scan, I believe first in industry (I am not sure about the later. I don't like to watch...)
Someone was just selling Sony Model DVP-S9000 units on Ebay for $1600.00. They had a gold face that was claimed to only be available on the Japanese market. MSRP was claimed to be around $2300.00. Is this an older version, or the Japanese version of this player? It was quite striking with the champagne/gold front.
having owned a sacd777 and currently xa7es,back to back playing standard cd's there is no comparison.I sold the 777 after less then a month.the benefit of sacd's is not worth the price,with so few titles to choose from.
Dekay - I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that Sony tends to release some of their highest end ES stuff in Champagne. They also then charge a couple hundred dollars more for 'em. AFAIK, there is no difference in sonics, and the 'pretty' versions are easier to find in Japan and Europe.
Anybody else have any opinions/info on the Sony 9000 es? I have a 777es and actually like it considerably, both the standard cd and SACD. Thanx, mes