Sony TTS 8000 w Sony PUA 1600L

Does anyone have experience with this table? Arm? Would it be in the same league as the Technics Sp10 Mk II? I know its fairly rare, but is it desireable?
Thanks for your responses.

and sorry i forgot my system release. Here is a picture of my TTS-8000. This plinth was only for testing, but it runs over 1 year. ;-)

Currently, I plan a new plinth.
Thanks much Analoghifi. Your system components speak volumes by themselves (but the TTS-8000 appears to be the only DD). Any info you had on the motor of the TTS-8000 would be welcome. I am specifically looking for a torque number...
I found this thread just today and don't know if you are still looking, but the inertia (which assume same as torque) is listed as 1.2kg/cm. I have just bought a TTS-8000 and a TTS-6000 and also have a Sony PUA-1600L. It will take a while to get them set up as I need to get or make a plinth first. I will report findings once done.
Please do report your findings.
I have seen the 1.2kg-cm number "inertia" number posted on The Vintage Knob spec page. I expect that is supposed to be the torque number because it is not an inertia number (it is a couple of hundred times too low I think to be the right inertia moment spec - which can't be very high on this table I don't think).
Just found this thread. I have just paid for and am awwaiting a Sony TTS8000. I have to say that I absolutely love the styling. I remember reading a review in Hi-Fi World and the author thought it was great - likewise Hi-Fi News recently tested one and gave it a great review. In addition to this JCarr commented elsewhere that he preferred this and other slotless designs in the thread 'stand out phono stages'. I could not resist. The thing that I am really looking forward to is plinth(ing) it and having a bake of with my other decks (EMT 950 still needs to be sorted out). I am curious about a few things:
1. Which modern arm will best go with the tts 8000
2. Which carrtridge would you use with the TTS
3. Wood, slate, panzerholz??? what's the ultimate plinth material?
I am convinced that one will need an arm cartridge that is perhaps a bit on the warm side of neutral with great imaging properties - what say you