Sony TAE 1000 ESD - mute speakers for headphones?

Dumb question ...

I can't figure out how to listen to the headphone jack and mute the speakers. When I press the mute button, it mutes both the speakers and the headphone jack.

Any ideas?

p.s. I lost the manual years ago
Some members find it advantageous to leave their amps on all the time. Seems your only option is to turn yours off to use the headphones. I'm not familiar with the Adcom to know if it has a mute or soft start circuit in it. Obviously start at low preamp volumes and slowly increase and listen for speaker volume to hear if any signal is passing thru the (turned off) amp.

I just noticed that my Adcom has a switch on the front to cancel the speakers! I'm good to go.
I need a manual for my7 sonyTAE1000ESD a copy would be greatlly apprecated