Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000

This Sony player supplanted my Ayre C5-XE 3, which I still have, months ago. I paid $6000 for the Ayre after determining that it was the best-sounding unit for under $10,000. The Sony blows it away!!!
A unit costing $1500 besting all others under $10,000? That is exactly what it does!
For reference, I am using Audio Research electronics and Vandersteen speakers and subwoofers (about $30,000); a similar system has repeatedly been lauded as "best of show" at CES, so we are NOT talking second-rate stuff here.
This Sony is the only SACD/Cd player I have EVER heard that puts a classical piano live in my living room; nothing I ever had before even comes close.
This unit is a small miracle. I would have gladly paid $8000 for it, but if they want to give the thing away for $1500, who am I to argue?
This unit is going to send the engineers at Audio Research, Luxman, Esoteric, and Ayre back to the drawing board; their current units at 4 to 5 times the price are not even close. Some engineer at Sony is a freaking genius!!!
Clayx, YES this player has a long break in period. I'm at about 200 hours for each section and it is still improving. Others have reported 400-600 hours. How many hours do you have on yours?
Mcroth, I probably have less than 80 hours on each stage. What changes have you noticed???
Fishing716, I assume you've tried the headphone output and wasn't as impressed as with the rest of it, right?
Clayx, the player was all of the over the place the for 0-100 hours. It was bright, forward, not much bass, kind of grainy in the highs, imaging was not solid, didn't seem to be very powerful or have a lot of control. But I still found myself wantng to listen to music (could be the new toy factor). After the 100 hour mark it started to sound so much more relaxed and under control. The ease of presentation was starting to develop, highs were getting a lot smoother and more extended, image and air improved dramatically. Then it started to show me its true power when I noticed I was listening at lower levels and still hearing all the details shine through. I'm really enjoying the PRAT with this player. I find my toes tapping so much more with the 5400 as opposed to my CEC transport(RIP).

Hope this helps.