Sony SCD-1 vs SCD-777es?

It is getting tougher to find the 777es but the SCD-1 still seems to be available, even under $3k SCD-1 is much more expensive than 777es was more recently ($1500!) but the descriptions on the sony web site don't make them seem that much different. Can any of you comment on first hand experience comparing these two units?
I've owned both and the 777Es is best bang for the buck. Needless to say I sold the SCD1 and the 777 is a keeper.
My hand to god I have all 3 and will bet ANYONE 10 to 1 that they will not hear a difference between the 3.
I have a scd777ES replacing my YBA CD 1and it's a beauty both to behold and to listen to. It in incredibly clean, detail, smoothwithout being clinical. Most posting @ adudioayllum ntes that there is very little difference between the 2. Yes, the 777es is hard to come by these days. It wasn't easy for me getting one but there is from time to time ad posted for sale here. I posted a wnated ad and I was oferred one @ 1866 not too long aga. Try Sound professional in SanDiega. They say thay have a shipment of 5 units coming in. Although I don't know how since Sony has discontinued. As well there is ad for SCD1 at about 2800-2900 in AudioReview. I love my SACD, I hope you will too.