Sony ES deck eating tapes question..

Hello everyone,i have a Sony TCK-677ES 3Head 3Motor dual capstan cassette deck and it has developed a strange problem and what makes it strange is it only does this with TDK tapes.OK when ever you hit the play button the decks crinkles the tape right where the leader of the tape and the tape itself meets,when a Maxell is used it's fine it only does this with TDK.I don't understand why the deck singles out TDK to do this and only TDK?Does anyone know what can be causeing this and why it only happens with TDK?Thanks for any help anyone can give me..Peace Keith H.
Have you tried simply cleaning the pinch-rollers with Q-tips and Rubber Renew? Perhaps something on the rollers is sticking to the TDK formulation, like more TDK formulation.
I keep all my decks extremely clean,that's what makes it so strange that it only happens with TDK and not Maxell tapes..Keith H.
Come to think of it, I had a car deck that ate only TDK tapes. My advice is stick to Maxell...:)