SonusFaber GP? Other recomendations?

I'm looking for a sweet, detailed, very refined, unfatiguing
speaker to play music like Don Henly and Journy. I'm looking
for some advice before I go for the Grand Pianos.. Another
peev, I *HATE* boomy bass and the boxy sound.

I have brought my equiptment into stores so
I could here all the speakers with my equiptment
and here's what I heard so far.. (I have a Sony XA7,
Classe CP30 and Classe CA100)

Martin Logan Aerius i TOO BRITE !!!
Viena Accoustic Beethoven Boxy sounding
B&W N804 Great stage but cold & mechanical
Revel (the model at 2k) Tiny in the highs
SonusFaber GP Seemed like the best sound so far

Please don't flame away at the above comments, they are
just what *I* heard on my Classe'.

I cant believe that no one has mentioned the Merlin speakers. The TSM-M (newest model, but most older models can be upgraded) is a bookshelf speaker that I really, really like. THe VSM-M is the floorstander, and is quite pricey new, but uses incredible parts, and can be had on the used market rather inexpensively, then upgraded. I own the Nautilus 805, which many people seem to prefer over the 804 as a more coherent and dynamic speaker (obviously a bit less bass, but the actual difference might just surprise you-the 805's give up about 9 hz to the larger 804). Not worth
the $1500 price increase, mostly because the 805 sounds more like real music than the 804. You mentioned that you didn't like 804, but I might suggest that you give the smaller Nautilus speaker a try. Matched with a REL subwoofer, it is said to be sonic heaven.
Agree with the previous comment re: Meadowlark Audio speakers, but they have specific distance from listener requirements that made them too much trouble for me. I think the Hales Revelation 2 or 3 would be perfect for you, but they aren't in business any more. Sad.
I liked the Sonus Faber "sound" too, but I thought the treble was a bit too zippy. Stereophile's review and measurements a few years back showed a tilted up high frequency response, too. THe EA2 might just be what you really need.
Tom: I'm sorry that you had to travel so far to listen to the ProAc's. In my area there are several dealers, so it was convenient for me to give them a few auditions before I made my choice. This is probably a matter of personal taste, and the tradeoffs that each of us makes in deciding what is a "good" sound to listen to. Also, I run mine with CJ electronics which warms and sweetens the sound a bit (as it does with just about everything). Hopefully you were able to listen to a few other interesting things while you were down there to at least make the trip worth the while.

Anyway, its hard to find much fault with the GP's, especially in their price range. They're certainly a quality speaker and should provide a great listening experience. Let us know what you ultimately end up with.



You liked the N805s over the N804s ???
I heard them both on my Classe and also with
Mark Levinson and I thought the N804s
were far and away better. The 804s presented
an incredibly wide and deep sound stage
with excellent and tight (almost taut)
bass. I really took a liking to the N804s
and if it were not for the hardness in the
high frequencies and tendency to sound cold
I would have went for them because I do so
many things right and they really grab your
attention right from the get-go. A real
thriller of a loudspeaker.. But I was
fatigued after a while. Just like a
rollercoaster.. A big thrill, but you can't
do it all day... For me it was a huge thrill..
Your desires from a speaker seem to be tailor made for the Newform R645 planar speakers. They are only available direct, but come with a return period.

Check the reviews at, or their web site

I had a pair a while back but thought they were too sweet and forgiving. However, I use and enjoy Wilson speakers, so if you are one of the many who find Wilsons bright and harsh, you should love the Newforms.