Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors/Cremona - Integ Amp


Owners of Sonus Faber Cremona and Cremona Auditors....Can you please help me by letting me know the Integrated Amps (or) Preamp-Amp combo you use in your 2 channel set-up ?

213cobra>Do you mean as in sterile sounding? I am sorry but I am not really audiophile. I just like something which would partner well with the electronics I have
I've paired my cremonas with BAT VK-300X SE integrated. Plenty of muscle to drive the cremonas - musical and sweet sounding.

Did anyone try pairing up Plinius 9200, YBA Passion Integre , Musical Fidelity Trivista 300 Integrated, CARY SLI-80, CJ CAV 50 with SF Cremona (or) Cremona Audiotrs ? Can you provide some feedback please ?

Hi - Great question by the way. I too am interested in the responses here. Let me first say that I am not an expert by no means so I will share with you my experience and pass along what I was told and maybe someone else can confirm and or refute the following. I auditioned the cremonas at the local Magnolia store and they paired them up with all Primare stuff. They also told me that Sonus worked with Primare alot (strategic? I dont know), however I have never validated that. I will say though, the setup had the most impressive soundstage that I have ever experienced. They also ran mont blanc cables and attributed some of the detail to the cables. Anyway - my quest continues to determine whether I will go B&W, JM Labs or Sonus. I really liked the Cremonas.
Used a krell 400xi and an ASL hurricane driven directly with Wadia player both combo were very synergistic. It is not hard to find a amp that sounds good with Cremonas or Auditors. Both are way better than the Primare stuff IMHO