Sonus faber Cremona Auditor and Jeff Rowland??

Dear audiophiles,,,
Does any one can give me a piece of advice??
Well, my system is consist of Jeff Rowland Concentra 1 and a custom made cd player using Pro-2 module. And all cables are Virtual Dynamics Nite 2 series (power, inter and speaker..) Cables are really good, and I like my Concentra.
However, I think my entire system is not really best matched with SF's Cremona Auditor..
Mid and High is OK, but Bass,,, is kind of booming sound..
Does it because my Auditor hasn't burnned yet? It only has almost 120hours played.
However, I suspect that my amp may not have enough power to drive Auditors..
Will it be better to change my amp?
I recently consider to change my concentra to Jeff's synergy pre plus jeff's 501, or Concentra2.
I do love Jeff Roland, but any one can give me an advice for me?
By the way, my CD player sounds similar to Oracle's cdp 2500 but little bit more sharp...
I second Raul, above. I have enjoyed auditioning Mahler & blues on SF (Amati, Cremona & Strad) -- using hi-current design amps.
Unfortunately, I only listened to these speakers paired with European amps (i.e. expensive), and therefore can only recommend YBA Passion, Goldmund (the mid-level stereo, can't remember the number), and Symphonic Line RG4. The latter made the nicest music to my taste (I auditioned with Mahler & blues, cd source).
Again, this isn;t to say the Rowland is bad in any way...
I have been using the SF Auditors with the JRDG new Concerto int. amp. with great results. Placement is tricky however. I find even after months of use I still cannot find the optimal placement.
i have heard the Pass Labs X250.5 with great results too. No Bass Boom. just music!
Minimum Auditors impendance is around 3.1ohms( they were measured by german Stereoplay mag ) and any good amp should be able to drive it. I second Scottsman and Pingpong, both new Jeff Rowland Concerto Int. and Pass X250.5 are very good choices. Pass X150.5 also, specially with X2.5 preamp. If you like tubes ARC VT100MkIII/LS25MkII combo will also work nicelly. Interesting thing is that the most emotional sound I heard from Auditor was with Pathos Logos. Original stands for Auditor are very important to get the best sound out of them. They sounded horrible to me on non-original, too tall stands.