Sonus Faber and Haydn Grand

Has anyone heard both the Sonus Faber Concertinos and Haydn Grands? They are about the size I need for jazz and similar music, but I need some opinions.
You can also try something like the similar sounding and priced Opera Mezza. I have been using the Opera Plateas (small floorstanders) for about 6 months now with a Prima Luna tube amp and they sound quite good with most music.

Regards, Rich
IMO Haydn's image better and with the right power amp (250 Watts). The Haydn's were used in my previous two channel setup before I built my reference system.

It's really tough to beat this speaker with the right pre and power amp. Also, the veeners are flawless and has a quality that is above a lot of other mini monitors.

Sonus Faber are very good I just preferred the Haydns.
Second the Opera Loudspeaker suggestion above. They are very musical. EXCELLENT imaging and easy to drive.
I have owned Vienna Acoustics Mozart and Sonus Faber Sigma before but Opera Quita is my current one. IMHO, Vienna Acoustics are smoother and warmer than Sonus Faber, the Opera are between those two. All three make very musical speakers, you cannot go wrong with anyone of them. Just my two cents.