Sonus Extrema: Amplifier and room size

I am thinking about buying a pair of Extremas. I currently own a wonderful EAR 890 (70W per channel), and I wonder whether it is sufficiently powerful to drive them. Also, what is the minimum room size to enjoy the Extremas? Thanks
I owned a set of Extremas for about 6 years. I used them in a room that was approx 18 x 20 with 12 foot ceiling height with good but not great results. They like to be at least 2 to 3 feet from rear wall and 2 to 3 feet in from side walls and about 9 feet apart to sound best. they will reward you with the most holigraphic soundstage with layering that you could only dream of. however i used high current tube amps (CAT JL-1 mono)with very good results.