Sonic differences between Conrad Johnson preamps

I'm considering three Conrad Johnson preamps for my second system, the PV-8, the PV 11 and the fet PV-2. I would appreciate anyone's experice with the sonic differences between these components. Thanks!
As for sonic differences I can't comment as I haven't heard the models you are interested. FWIW, I have owned a PV11 for about seven years and it has been absolutely trouble free. I enjoy the sound the PV11/premier 11a immensely. I can and do listen for hours on end. I have never looked back after buying the PV11 and I use the phono section of the pre also. It replaced a Apt/Holman solid state and to my ear the tube system brought "life" to my system. Other than hitting the lottery and buying an ART or 16 this is the preamp I am sticking with.

Have Fun
I upgraded recently from a PV-5 to a PF-R and I was astounded at the difference. Some would say that the difference in transients is probably due to SS vs tubes, but if so, so be it. The speed of this unit is startling. I bought my PF-R for $925 from Ebay, which I would think would be a good starting point (dollarwise) for a second system.

The PF-2 is a very nice warm-sounding ss preamp, and a steal at the used prices I have seen. If you don't need a remote in your second system, you could spend half what a PFR would cost and get a very similar sound that is very easy to live with. If you use your second system sporadically, the PF-2 may be a good hassle-free choice. It is "on" all the time and always instantly ready to provide great music.

I used a PF-2 for several years and recently upgraded to a new c-j tubed preamp (PV-14L) that cost twice as much. I'm not really sure I prefer the sound of the new one and may just switch back to the PF-2.
Sugarbrie said;

"The CJ PFR solid state preamp is a close clone of the Motif MC-10. The Motif line did have many higher spec parts than the cloned CJ models."

Perhaps, but the PF-R has soft recovery diodes, meaning low level detail will not be lost by a muddy DC bias. I strongly suspect that the PR-R would spank the MC-10, though it does need Black Gate caps to be all that it can be.
