Solid state amp ultimate stop...

I am wondering, when upgrading your power amplifier (solid state/hybrid/digital but not tube), which brand of amplifier do you think could be your last stop for your solid state amplifier investment? Put it in another way, which brand(s) of solid state power amp would be your ultimate dream machine that you believe you will be very happy to live with for a long time? In your answer, please consider a realistic top budget that you are willing to spend for that ultimate power amp. As for me, I will be very happy when I finally upgraded to a Pass or BAT product.

This question is just for the sake of discussion, please .. don't flame me. :)

Edge Reference monoblocks. 800 watts. High current. High voltage. High quality. High price. $75K.

FM Acoustics. Their big amps are reputedly quite excellent. They might also scratch that itch. Also high price. $50K on up.

- Mike (Edge dealer, amp addict - budget? what budget?)
Hey Y'all,

I believe I have the amp I'm going to spend a long time with, the Plinius SA-250MkIV. But, I would love to audition, in my system of course, the Clayton M-100, Edge ML-12, Boulder 2060 and the Tenor 300HP. The only problem is, if I take an irrepressible liking to one of them, how do I match up five channels for my home theater..........John
tenor hp300 versus the halcro dm58 which one is better ? in what sense ? more dynamic , tranparent,natural ? value for money ? powerful in practice ,reliable ? built quality ? nicer shape ?
To my ears, the Jeff Rowland Model 12s. Althought they're expensive, they're worth every penny. Exquiste workmanship, even more beautiful music. They have best out the usual Pass, Levinson, and Krell in my system.

p.s. I have audition the newer 2 and 3 series and they're NOT an improvement over the 12s. Brighter but not better.
Brown Electronics Lab (BEL) - Still the best SS amp I've ever heard. I prefer it to tubes so far as well. The problem is that tubes are very different in some ways. In any case, I've put these amps up agains serious competition and they've always been my preference. At only $3895 each they're a huge bargain.