Solid state amp ultimate stop...

I am wondering, when upgrading your power amplifier (solid state/hybrid/digital but not tube), which brand of amplifier do you think could be your last stop for your solid state amplifier investment? Put it in another way, which brand(s) of solid state power amp would be your ultimate dream machine that you believe you will be very happy to live with for a long time? In your answer, please consider a realistic top budget that you are willing to spend for that ultimate power amp. As for me, I will be very happy when I finally upgraded to a Pass or BAT product.

This question is just for the sake of discussion, please .. don't flame me. :)

Please don't consider it a "flame" if I ask you: Why do you care what others think might be their "ultimate" amp? I never understand the motivation for questions like this one...What can possibly be learned by reading these (inevitably various) answers?
Hey, Nrchy! Try Clayton's, and you will forget those Krell's. Unless you are related to D'Agostino's family!
Zaikesman, in some way this question is very similar to "What would you do if you have a million dollars?". And I believe almost everyone have asked or been asked this question before. Why? First and foremost, I am curious. I am curious to learn which solid state power amp audiophiles here would consider their dream power amp that they believe they will be happy with for a while.

The reason for framing the question with a budget constraint so that we can get a more "down to earth" answer (instead of Halcro in every response). Plus, it might help a few of us who have never thought about this question to at least think about it. Do I learn anything from this thread? Yes, I have learned a few solid state amp that people would enjoy their music with for a long time when they have finally saved up their hard earned money. And I am very grateful of all the responses that I have gotten. Thanks!
Halcro DM58, oh darn you did say within my budget I have a Mcintosh mc 352 I do beleive for what you pay retail $4500. Does it only sound 1/2 as good as a Pass x350 at $9000? which is a beautiful sound amp.David